In both the fields of education and the field of sport, an individual’s possession of capital and his or her habitus influence lifestyle and choices that in turn affect the selection of pupils on a collective level. In this article, we will study school sports and the crossing of these two fields. From a cultural sociological perspective, the main purpose of this article is to identify and analyse how organisational conditions and pupils’ social characteristics interact with the different selection processes that underlie upper secondary pupils’ participation in school sports in Sweden. The results show that the selection of pupils to school sports is ultimately a question of how school sports is organised and the pupils’ social characteristics. Upper secondary schools generally organise school sports through academic programmes, and with team sports, this seems to be better adapted to the interests and sports habits of middle-class boys. Furthermore, on the basis of 677 pupils’ questionnaire responses, the results of this study show that choice between different types of school sports programmes depends on the possession of educational capital and sporting capital.
Ingår i avhandling: Ferry, M. 2014. Idrottsprofilerad utbildning - i spåren av en avreglerad skola. Gothenburg studies in educational sciences 335.