Behavioral analysis of middleware-based applications typically requires the analysis of the middleware and the application, in a monolithic way. In terms of model-checking, this is a complex task and may result in the well known “state-explosion” problem. These considerations led us to investigate a compositional verification approach which decomposes the system in accordance with its Software Architecture. The architectural decomposability theorem we defined in previous work decomposes the system into three logical layer: (i) application components, (ii) proxies and, (iii)middleware. This logical separation allows for reducing the global system validation to the verification of local behaviors.
In this paper, we engineer the architectural decomposability theorem to the analysis of middleware-based applications by automatically generating the proxies needed by the components in order to properly interact with each other via the middleware. In particular, following the Model Driven Architecture approach and by making use of the Abstract State Machine formalism, we describe a set of transformation rules that allow for deriving correct proxies for using CORBA. By means of the proposed transformations, the correctness of the proxy behavioral models is guaranteed without the need to validate them with respect to the assumptions posed by the theorem.