Background: Dementia is a worldwide health concern of epidemic proportions, Research in the field of subjective experience of dementia suffers from a lack of diversity of their participants including immigrants. Different portraits od life with dementia could help us understand how people with dementia conceptualise their experiences of dementia and how they live. Our study aimed to explore the subjective experiences of living with dementia among Iranian immigrants in Sweden.
Methods: Qualitative content analysis of interviews with fifteen people with dementia from Iranian immigrant backgrounds were conducted (8 females and 7 males).
Results: Three themes and seven associated subthemes were revealed. The themes included: Being a person with dementia means living with forgetfullness (personal sphere), living with forgetfullness in private sphere means feeling incompetent but still loved, living with forgetfullness iin the public sphere means feeling confident and secure but also isolated.
Conclusions: Living with dementia for the participants meant living with forgetfullness, They experienced feeling incompetent but still loved within their families and feeling confident and secure but also isolated in the society. Educating people with dementia and their families about the course and process of dementia may help them understand the changes better and adjust their expectations. Our study can provide a basis for health care workers to understand the experiences of living with dementia from this specific perspective.