Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 15 credits / 22,5 HE credits
There are increasingly studies on women’ leadership but there still few studies on the
double jeopardy that black women may face on workplaces. In addition to all the
obstacles that women face when trying to reach top leadership positions, black women
face one more obstacle: racism.
Here are the research questions:
1. What are the barriers do black women face?
2. Do they differ from those faced by white women?
3. Do they differ from those faced by black men?
This issue merits attention for several reasons. Everyone can feel concerned by my issue
whether you are a simple employee, a male or female manager with fifteen years of
career or a young woman freshly graduated. For instance, by reading this thesis, males
can realize that unconsciously, they may have sexist behaviour at work. Young females
can benefit from reading women leaders experiences. They can be aware of the
struggles that they may face in their future careers. Moreover, they can have some
advises on how to overcome all these struggles and obstacles. Nowadays, organizations
face numerous challenges (global markets, quick evolution of technologies, customers
from different countries…) and having diversity among employees increases creativity
and brings various perspectives. This study highlights the complexity of integration of
immigrants in western countries in this case in Belgium.
Leadership and Management in International Context, Master Programme, 60 credits