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An assessment of health risks associated with arsenic exposure via consumption of homegrown vegetables near contaminated glassworks sites
Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Biology and Environmental Science.ORCID iD: 0009-0007-5381-2773
Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Biology and Environmental Science.
Univ Gothenburg.
Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
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2015 (English)In: Science of the Total Environment, ISSN 0048-9697, E-ISSN 1879-1026, Vol. 536, p. 189-197Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The health risk posed by arsenic in vegetables grown in private gardens near 22 contaminated glassworks sites was investigated in this study. Firstly, vegetable (lettuce and potato) and soil samples were collected and arsenic concentrations measured to characterize the arsenic uptake in the selected crops. Secondly, a probabilistic exposure assessment was conducted to estimate the average daily intake (ADI(veg)), which was then evaluated against toxicological reference values by the calculation of hazard quotients (HQs) and cancer risks (CRs). The results show that elevated arsenic concentrations in residential garden soils are mirrored by elevated concentrations in vegetables, and that consumption of these vegetables alone may result in an unacceptable cancer risk; the calculated reasonable maximum exposure, for example, corresponded to a cancer incidence 20 times higher than the stated tolerance limit. However, the characterization of risk depends to a great extent on which toxicological reference value is used for comparison, as well as how the exposure is determined. Based on the assumptions made in the present study, the threshold levels for chronic non-carcinogenic or acute effects were not exceeded, but the cancer risks indicated highlight the need for further exposure studies, as dietary intake involves more than just homegrown vegetables and total exposure is a function of more than just one exposure pathway. In addition, glassworks sites - and contaminated sites in general - contain multiple contaminants, affecting the final and total risk.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2015. Vol. 536, p. 189-197
National Category
Environmental Sciences Occupational Health and Environmental Health
Research subject
Natural Science, Environmental Science
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-45580DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.018ISI: 000361189800022PubMedID: 26204055Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-84937439603OAI: oai:DiVA.org:lnu-45580DiVA, id: diva2:843895
Available from: 2015-07-31 Created: 2015-07-31 Last updated: 2024-06-04Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Leachability and transport of metal(loid)s from contaminated land: Geochemical processes and health risks
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Leachability and transport of metal(loid)s from contaminated land: Geochemical processes and health risks
2024 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Lakbarhet och transport av metal(loid)er från förorenad mark : Geokemiska processer och hälsorisker
Abstract [en]

Heavy metal contamination of land poses severe risks to human health and the environment on a global scale. This thesis aims, firstly, to fill knowledge gaps regarding the general risk of metals spreading from contaminated soil into local groundwater across Sweden. Secondly, it addresses the conditions affecting metal solubility and migration into groundwater specifically around Swedish glassworks sites. To understand the spread of metal from contaminated soil, detailed geochemical studies of the main study object (Pukeberg glasswork) were conducted. These studies complemented analyses of metal solubility in the waste zone with analyses of the underlying soil.

We found that high metal concentrations in soil alone are generally not reliable indicators of the risk of groundwater contamination. For instance, the investigated glassworks sites are examples where generic risk assessment models would predict a significant deterioration in groundwater quality, but this is not actually the case. Despite high concentrations and a high leachability of the waste zone material at Pukeberg, metal cations are efficiently immobilized in the natural soil underneath the source. Anions have a higher leachability, but are also retained close to the source area. The geochemical model used, however, had clear difficulties in predicting the observed solubility of most metal(loid)s, and was thus unable to fully uncover the processes behind the observed retention/solubility of metals. Our results underscore the necessity of developing methods and understanding which adsorbent phases are most influential under different scenarios.

The thesis also assesses the risks associated with consumption of vegetables grown near glassworks sites, or drinking water from private wells. The results showed that concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in vegetables were moderately elevated in glassworks villages, but still high enough to result in a daily intake of As and Cd above toxicological values for high-exposure individuals. Regarding drinking water exposure, As was the only metal out of five (As, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb) that resulted in an intake above tolerable levels for high-exposure individuals, but this was not because of As concentrations in drinking water being elevated relative regional background concentrations, but rather because of the low doses that are tolerated for this element.

Abstract [sv]

Metallförorenad mark utgör globalt sett stora risker för människors hälsa och miljön. I denna avhandling kartläggs hur stor den generella risken är för att metaller sprider sig från förorenad mark i Sverige till lokala grundvattenmagasin i sådan grad så att grundvattnets tjänlighet äventyras. Avhandlingen undersöker vidare de förhållanden som påverkar metallers löslighet och spridning till grundvatten specifikt runt glasbruk i Glasriket i Småland. Eftersom spridning av metaller från förorenad mark inte bara påverkas av förutsättningarna i den förorenade källzonen, så utfördes de geokemiska analyserna för ett av studieobjekten (Pukebergs glasbruk) både på provmaterial från källzonen och från den underliggande jorden.

Resultaten visar att enbart metallkoncentrationer i jord generellt ger en dålig uppfattning om risken för kontaminering av grundvatten. De undersökta glasbruken är ett exempel på områden där generella riskbedömningsmodeller förutsäger en betydande förorening av lokalt grundvatten, men så är inte fallet i realiteten. Trots höga metallkoncentrationer och en hög lakbarhet av materialet på deponin i Pukeberg, så immobiliseras metallkatjoner effektivt i den naturliga jorden. Anjoner har en högre lakbarhet, men även deras spridning bort från källområdet är begränsad. Den geokemiska modell som tillämpades på datan från Pukeberg hade dock tydliga svårigheter att prediktera den observerade lösligheten hos de flesta metall(oid)er, och kunde således inte helt avslöja processerna bakom den observerade retentionen/lösligheten av metaller. Våra resultat understryker nödvändigheten av att fortsatt utveckla metoder och förstå vilka mekanismer som är mest inflytelserika för föroreningars fastläggning/frisättning från förorenad jord och dess omgivning.

Avhandlingen bedömer också riskerna med att konsumera grönsaker som odlats nära glasbruksområden, samt att dricka vatten från privata brunnar. Resultaten visade att koncentrationerna av As, Cd och Pb i grönsaker var måttligt förhöjda, men tillräckligt höga för att kunna resultera i ett dagligt intag av As och Cd över toxikologiska gränsvärden för individer med hög exponering. När det gäller exponeringen via dricksvatten var As den enda metall av fem (As, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb) med potential att resultera i ett intag över tolerabla nivåer för individer med hög vattenkonsumtion. Detta berodde dock inte på att As-koncentrationerna i dricksvatten från privata brunnar var förhöjda relativt regionala bakgrundsnivåer, utan snarare på de låga doser som tolereras för detta element.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, 2024. p. 48
Linnaeus University Dissertations ; 530
Heavy metals, Metalloids, Solubility, Mobility, Geochemical modelling, Contaminated soil and groundwater, Metal uptake by homegrown vegetables, Exposure assessment, Health risk assessment, Tungmetaller, Metalloider, Löslighet, Mobilitet, Geokemisk modellering, Förorenad mark och grundvatten, Metallupptag av hemodlade grönsaker, Exponeringsbedömning, Hälsoriskbedömning
National Category
Environmental Sciences
Research subject
Natural Science, Environmental Science
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-129660 (URN)10.15626/LUD.530.2024 (DOI)9789180821681 (ISBN)9789180821698 (ISBN)
Public defence
2024-08-20, Lapis (Vi1158), Hus Vita, Norra Kajplan 6, Kalmar, 09:00 (English)
The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), 36- 1778/2014Linnaeus UniversitySwedish Research Council Formas, 2012-790Medical Research Council of Southeast Sweden (FORSS)The Kamprad Family FoundationSwedish Geotechnical Institute
Available from: 2024-06-03 Created: 2024-05-29 Last updated: 2024-06-25Bibliographically approved

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Uddh Söderberg, TereseGunnarsson, SaraLindegård, BoelAugustsson, Anna

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Uddh Söderberg, TereseGunnarsson, SaraLindegård, BoelAugustsson, Anna
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Department of Biology and Environmental ScienceDepartment of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences
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Science of the Total Environment
Environmental SciencesOccupational Health and Environmental Health

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