Results in mathematics on international knowledge surveys like Programme forInternational Student Assessment and Trends in International Mathematics andScience Study have become one of the most important factors for the perceivedsuccess or failure of schools and even entire education systems in the policyarena. In this article, we explore the complex recontextualising processes thatoccur when translating educational policy into actual programmes for teachers’education. First, the transnational education policy discourse(s) of teachers’in-service training with a focus on mathematics will be explored. Second, weexamine how this transnational discourse is recontextualised in a national policydiscourse resulting in a national reform programme for in-service training ofmathematics teachers in Sweden. In a third step, concrete teacher trainingcourses in mathematics are examined. The result shows a convergence betweenthe official policy discourse and the pedagogic recontextualising field in terms ofa broad teaching repertoire and peer discussions about reflections on certaincommon objects of learning.