In taking heed of the so-called ‘spatial turn’ in social theory this paper explores how the spatialintersects with boys’ performances of gender and (dis)pleasures in school physical education (PE).In particular, the paper aims to contribute to our understanding of how the organisation andimplementation of physical and social spaces in PE can be seen as enabling or restricting boys’participation and enjoyment in this subject. The research setting was a multicultural single-sexboys’ secondary school in Auckland, New Zealand which is widely known for its strong focuson sports and especially rugby. The data was generated through a participatory visual researchapproach involving video recordings, focus groups and individual interviews. In order to interpretthe data I draw on Foucault’s theorising of the disciplinary use of space, what he calls ‘the art ofdistributions’, to examine the co-construction of gender, space and (dis)pleasures within boys’ PE. Idemonstrate how through their performances of gender, as shaped by discourses and relations ofpower associated with sport and masculinity, the boys capitalise on the spaces of PE to highlightthem as productive and pleasurable spaces.