This article discusses the globalization of English and suggests that the changingrole and nature of English in the expanding circle requires new methodologicalapproaches and new empirical materials which better represent non-nativeglobal English(es), that is, when English is used as an additional linguisticresource alongside L1s. Our case study investigates how ongoing grammaticalchanges are adapted in global use, and focuses on a specific use of the progressive:the subjective sense with an intervening adverbial. Our findings corroboratethose of Hundt & Vogel (2011) on the progressive in general, but also showthat stretched, special uses of progressives are fully established in non-nativeglobal usage. We conclude that as the globalization of English continues toblur the neat division of the English varieties, better data is needed to take intoaccount the diversity of texts emerging in the expanding circle and to representa variety of text types from natural, non-instructional settings.