This thesis and report has addressed and focused on identifying the interaction effect that occurs when an information system's interface is scaled off and is minimalistic. This case study is based on a web-based writing tool called Writer. The purpose of the research has been to clarify the personal interaction effect in an interactive usage situation and how it in turn affects the user experience. The theoretical field and framework of the study is Actability , focusing on the interactive action level in connection with The Elementary InterAction Loop . The Elementary InterAction Loop consists of four steps where the user asks, does, gets an answer and then evaluates. In conjunction with the theory, five interaction criteria have been incorporated, which are; Clear Action Repertoire , Intelligible Vocabulary , Action Transparency , Clear Feedback , and Amendability . These five criteria have been the thematization of the empirical work.
Through both targeted selection and snowball sampling, six journalists/writers have been involved in collecting data. In the method work, user test was performed on the writing tool with tasks formulated in accordance to the five interaction criteria. In the method work, user tests was performed on the writing tool. Thereafter the tasks was formed according to the five interaction criteria from the theoretical framework. All informants evaluated their experience and made thirteen statements based on a user experience questionnaire where concepts such as easy to learn/not easy to learn and effective/ineffective were asked for. Following these two steps in the empirical study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen questions based on the five interaction qualities. In order to analyze the collected data, the content analysis method was applied which resulted in 25 categories with descriptions and quotes. Based on a content analysis and its results, the categories were then analyzed using the D.EU.PS model and its 18 classes. The analysis resulted in ten interaction effects placed in seven different classes. The result and the ten interaction effects are: Security, Previous references, Terminology, Recognition, Understanding of sequence/action, Perception, Simplicity, Efficiency Availability and Grouping (proximity). Based on personal behavior as a perspective, these effects are the result of a minimalistic writing tool that contributes to a good user experience.