For a long time, document security features, in particular inks and paper fibres, have been composed of materials with specific spectral characteristics. Consequently, spectral cues are playing an important role in forensic authentication methods. Document sorting machines, on the other hand, are characterized by a transport speed of often more than one meter per second. Furthermore, such systems are constrained with respect to size and cost. As a consequence, generic spectroscopic detection methods have rarely been used in that area. However, with recent technological advances in light-sources and in fast, low-cost spectrometers, generic spectroscopic analysis may become affordable for wider use in a not too distant future.
The goal of this thesis project is evaluating the suitability of generic spectroscopic methods for the authentication of secure documents. To this end, the hardware and software for a spectroscopic sensor prototype was developed and integrated into an automated document sorting machine. This prototype consists of a grating spectrometer, covering the near UV and visible spectral range, combined with light guides and illumination sources for UV and IR wavelengths.
Data sets for genuine and counterfeit value documents were captured using this prototype system and its authentication performance was tested based on host-side classification of this data. The algorithms employed for feature authentication rely on model-based vector correlation and the extraction of average intensity values from pre-defined wavelength ranges.
The test results show that the authentication of value documents with such a system is feasible in principle, but also that there are limitations regarding component costs, the availability of light sources for farther UV wavelengths and the stability of spectral features on value documents in circulation.
This work was performed in the context of Linnæus University’s Master Programme in Signal Processing and Wave Propagation. The sensor development took place at the research facility of Talaris Limited, Berne Branch in cooperation with the Laboratory for Optics and Photonics, University of Applied Sciences Berne, Switzerland.