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  • 1.
    Abdal Hadi, Jehan
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Hur skiljer sig traditionella från nyare generationer antipsykotika åt vad gäller biverkningen viktökning?2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Antipsykotiska läkemedel är basen för behandling av schizofreni, en psykisk sjukdom som uppträder redan hos unga människor. Symtomen vid schizofreni brukar delas in i positiva symtom (hallucinationer, vanföreställningar, paranoida tankar), negativa symtom (koncentrationssvårigheter, nedsatt språk- och tankeförmåga, minskat intresse för omgivningen, och initiativlöshet), samt kognitiva symtom (minnesproblem, problem med uppmärksamhet och koncentration).

    Antipsykotiska läkemedel delas in i typiska (den äldre generationen) och atypiska (den nyare generationen) antipsykotika. För båda grupperna antipsykotiska läkemedel finns det risk för biverkningar. De vanligaste biverkningarna vid behandling med den äldre generationen antipsykotika är extrapyramidala biverkningar. En biverkning som förefaller mer specifik för de nya atypiska preparaten är viktökning, vilken även kan orsaka utveckling av många allvarliga sjukdomstillstånd.

    Syftet med detta arbete var att jämföra typiska och atypiska antipsykotiska läkemedel med avseende på utveckling av viktökning.

    För att få svar på min frågeställning har en litteraturstudie av fem vetenskapliga artiklar genomförts. De vetenskapliga artiklarna har hittats genom databassökningar i PubMed, medan övriga fakta har hämtats från andra källor.

    Resultatet av de vetenskapliga artiklarna visar att det finns skillnader mellan traditionella och nyare generationer antipsykotika vad gäller tendens att orsaka viktökning. Med några undantag, är flera antipsykotiska läkemedel, som tillhör den nyare generationen, associerade med högre risk för utveckling av viktökning jämfört med den äldre generationen antipsykotika. Viktökning orsakas mest av klozapin, följt av olanzapin och risperidon. Quetiapin orsakar, i likhet med haloperidol, mindre viktökning.

    På grund av detta faktum, forskar man numera kring orsakerna till denna skillnad för att förbättra biverkningsprofilen hos framtida antipsykotika.


  • 2.
    Angviken, Åsa
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    SSRIs effekt och säkerhet hos barn och ungdomar2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Depression är den näst mest kostsamma sjukdomen för samhället efter hjärt-kärlsjukdom, främst på grund av långa sjukskrivningsperioder. Sjukdomen kan uppstå när som helst från sex månaders ålder, men prevalensen ökar med åldern. Det finns ett antal stressrelaterade faktorer som skulle kunna leda till depression, så som stor sorg, verbala eller fysiska övergrepp samt en svår barndom. Vad som orsakar sjukdomen är ännu inte helt känt, men det finns teorier att halterna av serotonin och noradrenalin är lägre hos deprimerade personer. Behandling som används är olika former av samtalsterapi, men även läkemedel så som selektiva serotoninåterupptagshämmare (SSRI). Det finns teorier som sammankopplar användandet av SSRI med självmord, framförallt hos personer ≤19 år. Syftet med detta litteraturarbete var att undersöka om SSRI preparat har någon effekt på depression hos barn och ungdomar och om de är säkra eller kan få allvarliga konsekvenser så som självmord. Sökningar i PubMed gjordes för att hitta relevanta artiklar. Fem av de åtta inkluderade studierna rapporterade olika effekter och säkerhet hos olika SSRI preparat bland barn och ungdomar, jämfört med placebo. Två andra studier undersökte förekomsten av suicidalitet till följd av läkemedlen. Den sista studien jämförde toxikologiska data från Rättsmedicinalverket med receptregistret på antidepressiva läkemedel från  Socialstyrelsen. Endast två av de fem studerade preparaten (fluoxetin och citalopram) hade en bättre effekt än placebo i hela populationen och ytterligare ett (sertralin) hade bättre effekt hos ungdomar. Det begicks inga självmord i studierna.    De studier som har granskats i detta arbete tyder på att olika SSRI preparat har olika bra effekt samt olika säkerhetsprofiler. Det sågs inget tydligt samband mellan behandlingen och självmord, men en något förhöjd risk för suicidalitet.     

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  • 3.
    Arponen, Felicia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Mifepristonbehandling vid myom: Effekt- och säkerhetsaspekter2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Bakgrund: Myom är den vanligaste gynekologiska benigna tumören hos kvinnor i fertil ålder. Det finns idag läkemedelsbehandlingar, invasiva ingrepp och icke-invasiva ingrepp vid behandling av myom. Utvecklingen av läkemedel mot myom är lågprioriterat, eftersom de främst är benigna och snarare leder till sjuklighet än dödlighet. De läkemedel som idag används vid behandling av myom är ulipristal, GnRH-agonister, NSAID, tranexamsyra, p-piller eller hormonspiral. Ulipristal och GnRH-agonister har utöver förbättring av symtom som alla de senast nämnda, en effekt på reducering av myomstorlek. Icke-invasiva ingrepp innefattar idag myolys, embolisering av arteria uterina och fokuserad ultraljudskirurgi under MRI-vägledning, framtagna för att slippa operativa ingrepp. Myomektomi och hysterektomi är två operativa ingrepp som genomförs om inga andra behandlingar fungerar, eftersom de medför en längre återhämtningstid och en större risk för komplikationer. Mifepriston är en antiprogesteron, vilket innebär att den hämmar progesterons effekt. Progesteron i sin tur spelar en stor roll i utvecklingen av ett myom. Behandling med läkemedlet har i många olika studier visat goda resultat både i avseende på myomstorlek, symtom, livskvalité och biverkningar. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka om mifepriston är ett säkert och effektivt läkemedel vid behandling av myom hos kvinnor. Metod: Examensarbetet är en litteraturstudie och baseras på 6 olika randomiserade kontrollerade vetenskapliga studier som undersökte mifepristons effekt och säkerhet vid behandling av myom. Studierna hämtades från PubMed. Resultat: Samtliga studier visade en reducering i myomvolym, en förbättring av symtom och milda biverkningar med olika doseringar av mifepriston vid behandling av myom. I 2 av studierna undersöktes livskvalitén vilket ökade hos de personer som behandlades med mifepriston. Slutsats: Det är svårt att dra generella slutsatser vilken dos och behandlingstid som är optimala på grund av de olika behandlingstiderna, doseringarna och studieuppläggen som användes i samtliga studier. Dock har mifepriston en god effekt avseende på reducering i myomstorlek, symtom, biverkningar och livskvalité. Det krävs dock fler studier för att säkerställa dosering och behandlingstid samt fler jämförelser med andra behandlingsalternativ som idag finns för behandling av myom.

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  • 4.
    Augustsson, Anna
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Biology and Environmental Science. Linnaeus University, Linnaeus Knowledge Environments, Sustainable Health.
    Qvarforth, Anna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Biology and Environmental Science.
    Engström, E.
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden;ALS Laboratory Group, Sweden.
    Paulukat, C.
    ALS Laboratory Group, Sweden.
    Rodushkin, I.
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden;ALS Laboratory Group, Sweden.
    Trace and major elements in food supplements of different origin: Implications for daily intake levels and health risks2021In: Toxicology reports, E-ISSN 2214-7500, Vol. 8, p. 1067-1080Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    As the use of food supplements increases, voices are being raised questioning the safety of these products. As acontribution to understanding the trace and major elemental composition of food supplements and their potential health risks, this study presents concentrations of 71 elements in 138 supplements, categorised intosynthetic products and three groups of products with natural ingredients. Concentrations were converted intoaverage daily doses (ADDs) and compared to tolerable daily intakes (TDIs). For elements where we found significant ADDs relative to the TDI a comparison was also made to the normal dietary intake. Our main findings arethat: 1) Most elements display highly variable concentrations in food supplements; more so than in normalfoodstuff; 2) For ten of the analysed elements some products rendered ADDs > 50 % of the TDI. Half of theelements were essential (Fe, Mn, Se, Mo, Zn), and as such motivated in food supplements. The other half (As, Pb,Cd, Al, Ni) represent non-essential and highly toxic elements, where the occurrence in food supplements ought tobe viewed as contamination. Although none of these toxic metals were declared on any product’s table ofcontent, several products gave high ADDs - in several cases even exceeding the TDIs; 3) The risk of reaching highADDs for the toxic elements is strongly associated with products that contain marine ingredients (e.g. algae,mussels etc), and to some degree products of terrestrial plant-based origin. The health of consumers wouldbenefit if food regulatory frameworks were updated to better address the risks of food supplements occasionallybeing contaminated with different toxic metals, for example by setting maximum permissible concentrations fora longer list of elements. 

  • 5.
    Bob, Fredrik
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Hur borde biologiska läkemedel användas för optimal behandling av Crohns sjukdom2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease characterized by chronic histological inflammation, an autoimmune disorder that is not medically curable but there are various medical therapies able to control the symptoms. It has periods of exacerbation and calmness, with surgery needed sometimes, the use of medication is constant and all these factors lead to an impaired quality of life. Crohn's disease often damages the ileum but it can affect any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to perianal area, the lesions may take the form of patches, with some sections affected while others remain perfectly normal. The incidence of Crohn's disease in Sweden is between 5 and 10 per 100,000 and the prevalence is around 200 per 100,000. While the fatal burden is declining, the non-fatal burden is increasing. In order to keep the disease under control, patients require pharmacological induction treatment at the beginning and maintenance treatment for the rest of their life. Because the treatment is needed long-term, finding the best treatment strategy has become imperative. The goal with the therapy is to make the patient symptom-free with the help of medication.

    Objective: The purpose of this degree project is to find out how biological drugs should be used in order to have optimal effect, more specifically, if the biological medicines should be used as monotherapy or in combination with other medicines in the treatment of Crohn's disease.

    Method: PubMed database has been used to search, select and analyze five relevant randomized controlled clinical trials about Crohn’s disease. The keyword used to find all these five relevant articles were ''Crohn's combination therapy''.

    Results: The results in the first article point out that Infliximab + Azathioprine combination therapy had better results compared to infliximab monotherapy and infliximab monotherapy had better results compared with Azathioprine monotherapy in achieving clinical remission and mucosal healing. The second article contradicts the first study and states that if adequate drug concentrations are achieved and maintained through therapeutic drug monitoring with infliximab, combination therapy with thiopurines may not be required to achieve desired clinical results. The third article concluded that adalimumab was superior to thiopurines in preventing endoscopic recurrence of Crohn's disease in patients with high risk of recurrence after surgery. The fourth article identified no efficacy benefit of adalimumab + immunomodulators combination therapy compared to adalimumab monotherapy. The fifth article concluded that vedolizumab in combination with stable doses of corticosteroids induced more efficient clinical remission than either placebo plus corticosteroids or vedolizumab alone.

    Conclusions: A universal conclusion cannot be drawn regarding the superiority of combination treatment consisting of biological and immunosuppressive medicines compared to biological monotherapy. Different approaches are necessary for every individual patient because the medication can be different for induction and maintenance therapies, the duration of the disease affects how the patient will respond to medication, and the medication that the Crohn’s disease patient took in the past may also affect how the patient will respond to medication. 

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  • 6.
    Davidsson, Mattias
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Är olika statiner ekvipotenta: en analys av kontemporär evidens inklusive farmakologi och läkemedelskemi2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Statins are among the most used drugs in Sweden. There are currently four statins available on the Swedish market; atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin and rosuvastatin. Statins act by inhibiting 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme-A reductase, also known as HMG-CoA-reductase. HMG-CoA-reductase is the rate-limiting enzyme of the cholesterol synthesis. Decreased hepatic cholesterol leads to increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) clearance from plasma to liver cells. Having a high level of LDL cholesterol is potentially dangerous as it can lead to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Statins significantly reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with and without coronary heart disease.

    Purpose: The aim of this work was to investigate if there are any differences between the different statins according to contemporary evidence.

    Method: This is a literary analysis. Studies included were searched from PubMed. A total of five studies were included.

    Results: The result of this study indicates rosuvastatin to be most efficacious in lowering LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides and total cholesterol. It also improved the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) better than atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Study 1 showed rosuvastatin to lower LDL-C with statistical significance (P<0.001) across dose ranges (10-40 mg) after 12 weeks. Study 2 compared a dose ratio of 1:2 between rosuvastatin and simvastatin in lowering LDL-C with a 3.24% (95% CI 4.10 to 2.38) favor of rosuvastatin. Study 4 compared effects of atorvastatin 80 mg and rosuvastatin 20 mg in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction in a 4-week therapy. Rosuvastatin 20 resulted in a 35% compared with atorvastatin 80 mg 34% (P=0.59) reduction in LDL-C levels. Study 1 demonstrated rosuvastatin to improve HDL-C levels in daily doses of 40 mg with statistical significance compared with atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Study 1 demonstrated rosuvastatin to lower total cholesterol with statistical significance (P<0.002) across doses compared with atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Study 1 also demonstrated rosuvastatin to lower triglycerides more. In daily doses of 40 mg rosuvastatin had a statistical significance (P<0.002) versus simvastatin and pravastatin, but not atorvastatin. The P value between rosuvastatin and atorvastatin was not mentioned, neither the P-value between atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin.

    Conclusion: Statins are not equipotent. Rosuvastatin showed greater results in reducing LDL-C, triglycerides and total cholesterol with no increased risk of adverse events compared with atorvastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. Rosuvastatin still lacks in clinical experience which makes needs for further studies on this topic.

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  • 7.
    Eltayb, Amani
    et al.
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Wadenberg, Marie-Louise
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Schilström, Björn
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Svensson, Torgny
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Antipsychotic-like effect by combined treatment with citalopram and WAY 100635: involvement ofthe 5-HT2C receptor.2007In: The Int J neuropsychopharmacol, ISSN 1461-1457, Vol. 10, no 3, p. 405-410Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Catalepsy occurs following high dopamine (DA) D2 blockade by typical antipsychotic drugs (APDs). We showed that a combination of a high dose of citalopram, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY 100635 produces significant catalepsy in rats, similar to APDs. Here, we investigated the potential antipsychotic activity of lower doses of citalopram+WAY 100635, using the conditioned avoidance response (CAR) test. Cataleptogenic liability of the combination was evaluated with the catalepsy test. Citalopram and WAY 100635 in combination, but not when givenalone, prod uced a significant antipsychotic action in CAR without significant catalepsy, similar to the effect selective 5-HT2C receptor antagonist, SB , completely prevent 242084ed the citalopram/WAY 100635-induced suppression of CAR indicating an involvement of the 5-HT2C receptor. In summary, treatment with an SSRI/5-HT1A antagonist combination might prove beneficial in psychiatric disorders withpsychotic/depressive symptoms. 

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  • 8.
    Fernando, Cathrine
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Mipomersen, an apolipoprotein B synthesis inhibitor: A literature study analyzing efficacy and safety when used for treating patients with familial hypercholesterolemia2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disease affecting about 10 million people around the world. Those who carry the disease have a very high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and commonly encounter myocardial infarction at the early age of 40. Therefore, a diagnosis and immediate treatment are very important for these patients. Despite many combinations of available drugs, there are many patients who still cannot reach the desired cholesterol levels.

    Mipomersen is a new lipid-lowering drug which inhibits the synthesis of apolipoprotein B, a common component of lipoproteins such as low-density lipoprotein. Inhibition of this protein leads to reduced production of these lipoproteins and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The drug is currently only indicated for treating patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.  Unfortunately, there have been many reports of adverse events in patients using mipomersen which has proven problematic.        

    The aim of this thesis is to analyze the efficacy and safety of mipomersen when treating patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. This has been done by searching for five clinical trials in the database Web of Science. The studies were required to include patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, use mipomersen as the study drug and analyze its effect and safety.  

    The studies showed that mipomersen has a very good effect in decreasing low-density lipoproteins as well as other lipoproteins in comparison to placebo. Many of the patients who were treated with mipomersen displayed several adverse events and the most common were injection-site reaction and influenza-like symptoms. Elevated levels of aminotransaminase and increased fat deposit in the liver were also common.

    Based on the five clinical trials analyzed in this thesis, mipomersen is an effective lipid-lowering drug which reduces low density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein B and lipoprotein (a) in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. Elevations in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase are common in patients treated with mipomersen. This could indicate a negative impact on the liver. To be more certain of its safety profile, more research could be needed. There are however, new treatments that combines statins and a proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 inhibitor, which could be the future of lipid-lowering treatments and mipomersen would then likely be substituted. 

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  • 9.
    Forsberg, Nellie
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Kan adhd-läkemedlet lisdexamfetamin bota ätstörningar?2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Binge eating disorder is a chronic, psychiatric eating disorder that is characterized by recurrent binge eating in the absence of weight compensatory behaviors (for example, self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diuretics, fasting or excessive exercise). Recurrent episodes of binge eating must occur at least once a week for three months to motivate the diagnosis of binge eating disorder.

    Between 1 and 4% of the population in Sweden suffer from binge eating disorder and the disease is more common than previously thought. Binge eating disorder occurs in approximately 1,4% of the global population with an average age of onset of about 23 years. Binge eating disorder is a serious public health problem because it is strongly associated with obesity, poor mental health, and other diseases such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome. There are many patients with binge eating disorder who are undertreated, and this can lead to a poor quality of life. Studies have shown that overeating in binge eating disorder may be related to dysfunction of the dopamine and norepinephrine systems in the central nervous system. Lisdexamphetamine increases dopamine and norepinephrine by inhibiting their reuptake and may therefore be useful in the treatment of binge eating disorder.

    The aim of this study was to investigate if lisdexamphetamine can be used as a treatment for binge eating disorder and further, clarify its effect, tolerability and safety.

    This study is a literature review of six studies that analyzed the effect of lisdexamphetamine in patients with binge eating disorder. Four studies evaluated the effect of lisdexamphetamine compared to placebo. The fifth study evaluated the effect of only lisdexamphetamine for 52 weeks on participants from two of the other studies. All studies were found in the database PubMed.

    The results of the studies show that lisdexamphetamine reduced binge eating frequency compared with placebo. In lisdexamphetamine treatment, more people achieve remission from binge eating disorder and reduces weight when using lisdexamphetamine. The side effect profile was good in all studies where  mostly mild to moderate side effects were observed and where most of the side effects were not considered to be caused by the treatment. However, lisdexamphetamine should be used with caution and under control. Lisdexamphetamine treatment with 50 mg/day and 70 mg/day (but not 30 mg/day) significantly reduced the number of binge eating days per week compared with placebo. In one of the studies, the results of lisdexamphetamine treatment were not statistically significant from the effects of placebo. This may be because the study only included 50 patients.

    In summary, lisdexamphetamine as a treatment for binge eating disorder appears promising, but the evidence is currently limited by a few studies. Further studies are needed to determine if lisdexamphetamine should be used as a treatment for binge eating disorder. Although lisdexamphetamine seems to have an effect on patients with binge eating disorder, there is still limited knowledge of the efficacy and safety of long-term use.

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  • 10.
    Fromell, Karin
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Johansson, Ulrika
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences. Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Abadgar, Sophia
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Bourzeix, Pauline
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Lundholm, Lovisa
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Elihn, Karine
    Stockholm University, Sweden.
    The effect of airborne Palladium nanoparticles on human lung cells, endothelium and blood-A combinatory approach using three in vitro models2023In: Toxicology in Vitro, ISSN 0887-2333, E-ISSN 1879-3177, Vol. 89, article id 105586Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A better understanding of the mechanisms behind adverse health effects caused by airborne fine particles and nanoparticles (NP) is essential to improve risk assessment and identification the most critical particle exposures. While the use of automobile catalytic converters is decreasing the exhausts of harmful gases, concentrations of fine airborne particles and nanoparticles (NPs) from catalytic metals such as Palladium (Pd) are reaching their upper safe level. Here we used a combinatory approach with three in vitro model systems to study the toxicity of Pd particles, to infer their potential effects on human health upon inhalation. The three model systems are 1) a lung system with human lung cells (ALI), 2) an endothelial cell system and 3) a human whole blood loop system. All three model systems were exposed to the exact same type of Pd NPs. The ALI lung cell exposure system showed a clear reduction in cell growth from 24 h onwards and the effect persisted over a longer period of time. In the endothelial cell model, Pd NPs induced apoptosis, but not to the same extent as the most aggressive types of NPs such as TiO2. Similarly, Pd triggered clear coagulation and contact system activation but not as forcefully as the highly thrombogenic TiO2 NPs. In summary, we show that our 3-step in vitro model of the human lung and surrounding vessels can be a useful tool for studying pathological events triggered by airborne fine particles and NPs.

  • 11. Garcia-Pascual, A
    et al.
    Persson, Katarina
    Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital of Lund .
    Holmquist, F
    Andersson, K-E
    Endothelin-1-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis and contraction in isolated rabbit detrusor and urethral smooth muscle1993In: General Pharmacology, ISSN 0306-3623, E-ISSN 1879-0011, Vol. 24, no 1, p. 131-138Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    1. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) caused a concentration-dependent increase in the formation of inositol phosphates (IPs) in isolated rabbit detrusor and urethral smooth muscle preparations prelabelled with myo-[H-3]inositol. 2. The increase in accumulation of IPs was slow in onset in both detrusor and urethra, with no significant accumulation demonstrable during the first 30 min. The increase in IPs accumulation found after exposure of detrusor tissue to ET-1 (10(-7) M) for 2 hr (250 +/- 38%, n = 7) was not significantly different from that found in the urethra (279 +/- 40%, n = 6), when expressed as per cent of corresponding control values. 3. Pretreatment with nifedipine (10(-6) M) did not reduce IPs formation. In contrast, no increase in IPs formation was demonstrated in Ca2+-free medium. 4. ET-1 (10(-11) - 10(-7) M) produced concentration-dependent, slowly developing contractions in both detrusor and urethral preparations. Pretreatment with H-7 (3 x 10(-5) M) for 30 min before ET-1 application resulted in a non-parallel shift of the ET-1 concentration-response curve with significant reductions in maximal responses in both tissues. 5. ET-1-induced contractions in urethral preparations were markedly inhibited by Ni2+ (3 x 10(-4) M), whereas the effect of Ni2+ in the detrusor was less pronounced. 6. The results suggest that ET-1 stimulates phosphoinositide hydrolysis in the rabbit detrusor and urethra. Both IPs formation and contractile activation evoked by ET-1 are dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Ca2+-entry pathways seem to be differently activated in the detrusor and urethra, since Ca2+-influx through dihydropyridine-sensitive channels is involved in the ET-1-induced contraction of the detrusor, whereas a Ni2+-sensitive, nifedipine-resistant pathway seems to dominate in the urethra. 

  • 12.
    Göransson, Ulf
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Jacobsson, Erik
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Strand, Malin
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Andersson, Håkan S.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    The toxins of nemertean worms2019In: Toxins, E-ISSN 2072-6651, Vol. 11, no 2, p. 1-36, article id 120Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Most ribbon worms (phylum: Nemertea) are found in marine environments, where they act as predators and scavengers. They are characterized by an eversible proboscis that is used to hunt for prey and thick mucus covering their skin. Both proboscis and epidermal mucus mediate toxicity to predators and preys. Research into the chemical nature of the substances that render toxicity has not been extensive, but it has nevertheless led to the identification of several compounds of potential medicinal use or for application in biotechnology. This review provides a complete account of the current status of research into nemertean toxins.

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  • 13.
    Hansson, Helena
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Vilka läkemedelsframsteg har förbättrat prognosen för HER2-positiv metastaserad bröstcancer?: En litteraturstudie2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Breast cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancers in the world. About 15–30% of all breast cancers are HER2-positive, which involves overexpression of HER2-receptors on the surface of tumor cells. HER2-positive breast cancer is viewed as an aggressive form of cancer because the overexpression of the HER2-receptor causes dimerization with other receptors of the same family; together they bind to ligands and become activated. The activation causes fast, uncontrolled cell proliferation that often results in the formation of a tumor. Cancer can be divided into different stages, at stage 4 the cancer cells from the original tumor breaks away, follows the bloodstream, and forms metastases in other places of the body. When cancer evolves and becomes metastatic the prognosis drastically worsens, and the treatment options are limited. Patients often need several lines of cancer treatment. The first line of treatment is usually trastuzumab in combination with pertuzumab and a taxane, second line is usually trastuzumab emtansine. There is no conclusive third line treatment for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Due to the development of new anti-HER2 treatments over the last two decades, less patients are dying from breast cancer, however most patients diagnosed with HER2-positive MBC are estimated to face an early death. 

    The objective of this study was to analyze the pharmaceutical advances that has improved the prognosis for patients diagnosed with HER2-positive MBC. The material, on which this study was based on, was obtained from the Pubmed database via the Linnaeus University Library. Five articles were chosen based on criteria relevant to the topic. The articles were published between 2001 and 2021; all of them were randomized controlled trials (RCT). 

    The subject of the articles was to compare the efficacy and safety of different forms of anti-HER2 treatments, using patient populations diagnosed with HER2-positive MBC. Mainly the patients' disease progression, treatment response and survival time was analyzed. Pharmaceutical safety was assessed by the rate of adverse events. A total of 2513 patients participated in the studies. Among all the different treatment options that were analyzed in the articles, one treatment combination yielded some of the best results. Pyrotinib in combination with capecitabine increased the disease progression-free time, had the highest proportion of patients who responded to treatment as well as the highest proportion of patients with size-reducing lesions for the longest time. However, the patient group receiving pyrotinib also had the highest incidence of serious adverse events and had the largest percentage of patients who chose to discontinue the study due to adverse events. 

    Analysis of the five articles concludes that the prognosis for patients diagnosed with HER2-positive MBC has been improved by pharmaceutical advances regarding tyrosine kinase inhibitors, pan-HER inhibitors, combination therapy with monoclonal antibodies (single, mixed, modified or conjugated with other drugs) and chemotherapy with different mechanisms of action. The results from the studies indicated that treatment with a single anti-HER2 drug had the lowest effectiveness, and that some drug combinations had better synergistic effects than others, reflecting on patient survival data. Despite the pharmaceutical advances of the past two decades, the prognosis for HER2-positive MBC can still be considered bleak due to its high death rate. Resistance to anti-HER2 drugs is an ongoing concern that requires more research and development of new treatments. 

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  • 14.
    Hasan, Badrul
    et al.
    Uppsala Univ.
    Melhus, Åsa
    Uppsala Univ.
    Sandegren, Linus
    Uppsala Univ.
    Alam, Munirul
    Int Ctr Diarrhoeal Dis Res, Bangladesh.
    Olsen, Björn
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Biology and Environmental Science. Uppsala Univ.
    The Gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus) as an Environmental Bioindicator and Reservoir for Antibiotic Resistance on the Coastlines of the Bay of Bengal2014In: Microbial Drug Resistance, ISSN 1076-6294, E-ISSN 1931-8448, Vol. 20, no 5, p. 466-471Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The presence and frequency of multiresistant bacteria in wild birds act as indicators of the environmental contamination of antibiotic resistance. To explore the rate of contamination mediated by Escherichia coli, 150 fecal samples from the brown-headed gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus) and 8 water samples from the Bay of Bengal area were collected, cultured, and tested for antibiotic susceptibility. Special attention was paid to extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing isolates, which were further characterized genetically. Antibiotic resistance was found in 42.3% (36/85) of the E. coli isolates and multidrug resistance in 11.8%. Isolates from the area with a higher human activity were more resistant than those from an area with a lower level of activity. Most frequent was resistance to ampicillin (29.4%), followed by trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (24.7%) and quinolones (22.4%). Carriage of ESBL-producing E. coli was relatively high (17.3%) in the gulls, whereas no ESBL producers were found in the water. All ESBL-producing E. coli isolates, but one, carried bla(CTX-M-15) or bla(CTX-M-15)-like genes. A bla(CTX-M-14)-like enzyme was found as an exception. Gulls from two different colonies shared E. coli clones and harbored the clinically relevant sequence types ST10, ST48, and ST131. The high frequency of antibiotic resistance and ESBL production among E. coli isolates from gulls indicates that the environmental contamination of antibiotic resistance has already gone far on the coastlines of the Bay of Bengal. Considering the limited control over the antibiotic consumption and waste from human activities in Bangladesh, there is no easy solution in sight.

  • 15.
    Hashim Bashir, Nazdar
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Rifaximin som behandling vid Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO)2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is a condition where the small intestine is colonized by bacteria normally found in the large intestine. SIBO develops when the normal homeostatic mechanisms controlling the enteric bacterial population are disrupted. In the small intestine, there should be very small number of bacteria while in the large intestine there should be much larger number of bacteria. When the bacteria colonizes the small intestine, it results in SIBO. This bacterial imbalance in the small intestine can cause bloating, diarrhea and stomach pain, constipation and impaired absorption of vitamins and nutrients. Treating the underlying cause of SIBO is the first step in the treatment and if this is not enough, antibiotic treatment is the next step.

    The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the effectiveness of Rifaximin in treatment of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (SIBO). The study is a literature study where the scientific articles were obtained from the database Pubmed. In this literature study, five studies have been analyzed. Study I showed that high-dose treatment with rifaximin significantly increased treatment efficacy compared to low-dose treatment. Study II showed that a combination of amoxicillin and rifaximin can be an effective first-line treatment for patients who have both SIBO and H. pylori infection. Study III confirmed that SIBO is underdiagnosed in CF patients, related to poor nutritional status. Rifaximin is an effective treatment for SIBO in patients who have CF. Study IV also showed a combination treatment where rifaximin together with hydrolyzed guar gum appears to be more effective in eradicating SIBO compared to rifaximin alone. Study V studied rifaximin-treated IBS patients, rifaximin treatment was associated with acceleration of colon transit, and a weak influence on changes in microbial species richness in faeces. Based on the five studies, there is reasonable evidence that a treatment with rifaximin is an effective treatment for SIBO. However, more research and studies are needed to determine the best dose and also rifaximin in combination with other drugs.

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  • 16.
    Holmgren, Christina M.
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden;County Hospital Ryhov, Sweden.
    Abdon, Nils J.
    Hudiksvall Hospital, Sweden.
    Bergfeldt, Lennart B.
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Edvardsson, Nils G.
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Herlitz, Johan D.
    University of Borås, Sweden;Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden.
    Karlsson, Thomas
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Svensson, Leif G.
    Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
    Åstrand, Bengt
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Medicine and Optometry.
    Changes in Medication Preceding Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Where Resuscitation Was Attempted2014In: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, ISSN 0160-2446, E-ISSN 1533-4023, Vol. 63, no 6, p. 497-503Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Objective: To describe recent changes in medication preceding out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) where resuscitation was attempted. Methods: OHCA victims were identified by the Swedish Cardiac Arrest Register and linked by means of their unique 10-digit personal identification numbers to the Prescribed Drug Register. We identified new claimed prescriptions during a 6-month period before the OHCA compared with those claimed in the period 12 to 18 months before. The 7-digit Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical codes of individual drugs were used. The study period was November 2007-January 2011. Results: OHCA victims with drugs were (1) older than those who did not claim any drugs in any period (70 +/- 16 years vs. 54 +/- 22 years, P < 0.001), (2) more often women (34% vs. 20%, P < 0.001), and (3) had more often a presumed cardiac etiology (67% vs. 54%, P < 0.001). The OHCA victims were less likely to have ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation as the first recorded ;rhythm (26% vs. 33%, P < 0.001) or to survive 1 month (9% vs. 17%, P < 0.0001). New prescriptions were claimed by 5122 (71%) of 7243 OHCA victims. The most frequently claimed new drugs were paracetamol (acetaminophen) 10.3%, furosemide 7.8%, and omeprazole 7.6%. Of drugs known or supposed to cause QT prolongation, ciprofloxacin was the most frequent (3.4%) altogether; 16% had a new claimed prescription of a drug included in the "qtdrugs.org" lists. Conclusions: Most OHCA victims had new drugs prescribed within 6 months before the event but most often intended for diseases other than cardiac. No claims can be made as to the causality.

  • 17.
    Holmqvist, Matilda
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Interaktioner vid behandling med antihypertensiva läkemedel: En litteraturstudie om förekomst av interaktioner hos patienter som behandlas för hypertoni2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure of ≥140 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure of  ≥90 mmHg. The incidence in the Swedish population is 27%. Hypertension becomes one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality as it increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The cause of hypertension isn’t known yet, but risk factors such as age and obesity have been identified. Hypertension is treated by lifestyle change or by pharmacological treatment. Angiotensen converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), calcium channel blockers and thiazide diuretics are the different drugs that are primarily used for treating of hypertension. The most common definition of polypharmacy is  the use of five or more drugs within the same period of time and it’ss associated with an increased risk of interactions and side effects. 

    Patients with hypertension are characterized by old age, polypharmacy and increased number of hospital stays, making them particularly vulnerable to drug interactions. The blood pressure can be affected by drug-drug interactions between antihypertensive drugs and other medications may increase or decrease the lowering effect of the blood pressure. 

    The aim of this literature study is to evaluate the common interactions that may occur during treatment with antihypertensive drugs, and the prevalence of these interactions. Five studies were retrieved from the PubMed database and were then analyzed. 

    The prevalence of drug-drug interactions in each study was 48%, 71.5%, 21.14%, 90.6% and 83.42%. The majority of patients were between 40 and 60 years old and the number of prescriptions per patient was around 5. The results of this literature study show that the prevalence of potential drug interactions is high and that interactions involving atenolol, metoprolol, amlodipine, NSAIDs and insulin are commonly occurring. The results also show that polypharmacy, age and comorbidity significantly increases the risk of drug-drug interactions.

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  • 18.
    Hovstadius, Bo
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Petersson, Göran
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Adherence, therapeutic intensity, and the number of dispensed drugs2011In: Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, ISSN 1053-8569, E-ISSN 1099-1557, Vol. 20, no 12, p. 1255-1261Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    To estimate non-adherence in relation to the therapeutic intensity (TI) and the number of dispensed drugs per individual and studywhether the TI can be used as an estimator of non-adherence with an increasing number of drugs.


    The study comprised an individual-based register of all dispensed outpatient prescriptions in Sweden in 2006, including6.2 million individuals. The applied definition of drug was the chemical entity or substance comprising the fifth level in the World HealthOrganisation’s Anatomic, Therapeutic, Chemical classification. The defined daily dosage per individual during 12 months was applied asan indicator of the TI.


    We found a positive linear relation between the TI and the increasing number of dispensed drugs per individual, both for men andwomen. We found a slightly diminishing TI with an increasing number of drugs only for the age groups above 70 years, at a level above 13drugs per individual.


    The linear relationship between the TI and the increasing number of dispensed drugs per individual provides poor support forusing decreasing TI as an estimator of non-adherence. The low rate of cost-related non-adherence in Sweden might contribute to explainingthe linear relationship.

  • 19.
    Hovstadius, Bo
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Petersson, Göran
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Factors leading to excessive polypharmacy.2012In: Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, ISSN 0749-0690, E-ISSN 1879-8853, Vol. 28, no 2, p. 159-172Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There are numerous risk factors for patients to develop excessive polypharmacy. The most prominent risk factors are associated with sociodemographics and the patients’ conditions. Risk factors associated with patient behavior, such as patient’s self medication with all types of medications, have not been observed to the same extent but might be at the same level of importance for patients developing excessive polypharmacy. Risk factors related to physicians, and the interaction between patient and physician, are studied to a much lesser extent. The few studies conducted regarding the large variation in physicians’ individual prescribing practices, in terms of polypharmacy, add another perspective to the complexity of the area. Interventions aiming to improve communication between GP and hospital specialist, to create support systems for medical reviews that include all patients’ medications, and to improve the knowledge of multiple prescribing might have the largest potential to better manage excessive polypharmacy.

  • 20.
    Hovstadius, Bo
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Tågerud, Sven
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Petersson, Göran
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Åstrand, Bengt
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Prevalence and therapeutic intensity of dispensed drug groups for individuals with multiple medications: a register-based study of 2.2 million individuals2010In: Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, ISSN 1759-8885, Vol. 1, no 4, p. 145-155Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Objectives  To assess the prevalence and the therapeutic intensity of dispensed drug groups for individuals receiving multiple medications.

    Methods  The individual-based data of all dispensed outpatient prescriptions in Sweden in 2006 were analysed. Five or more dispensed drugs (DP ≥ 5) during a 12-month period were applied as an indicator of multiple medications. The drugs were categorized according to the second level of the World Health Organization's Anatomic, Therapeutic, Chemical classification. The defined daily dosage per individual during 12 months was applied as an indicator of the therapeutic intensity.

    Key findings  For the 2.2 million individuals with DP ≥ 5, the drug groups with the highest prevalences were antibacterials (48.2%), analgesics (40.3%), psycholeptics (35.9%), antithrombotic agents (33.4%) and beta-blocking agents (31.7%). As examples, the level of prevalence increased with age for analgesics, psycholeptics, antithrombotic agents and diuretics, and decreased with age for antibacterials, drugs for obstructive airway diseases and antihistamines for systemic use. Substantial differences in the level of prevalence between women and men were observed for several drug groups; for example, thyroid therapy (13.3 vs 3.6%), psychoanaleptics (26.3 vs 18.2%), drugs used in diabetes (9.1 vs 15.7%) and lipid-modifying agents (18.1 vs 30.7%). Generally, the therapeutic intensity increased with the increasing number of dispensed drugs. For a third of the most common drug groups, the therapeutic intensity increased with an increasing age above the 60–69-year age group.

    Conclusion  The number of drugs taken not only increases the potential risks associated with multiple drug use, but also increases the potential burden of an increased therapeutic intensity, especially for older people. The reported findings may enlighten physicians and healthcare stakeholders concerning the complex patterns of multiple drug use in the entire population and the associated expenses. The findings may also be used as a base for interventions aiming to bring about the most appropriate and balanced prescription of medicines to individuals with multiple diseases.

  • 21. Jardemark, Kent
    et al.
    Wadenberg, Marie-Louise
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Grillner, Pernilla
    Svensson, Torgny
    Dopamine D3 and D4 receptor antagonists in the treatment of schizophrenia.2002In: Curr Opinion in Investigational Drugs, Vol. 3, no 1, p. 101-105Article, review/survey (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The findings that dopamine D3 and D4 receptors are highly expressed in limbic and cortical areas (D4 more than D3), and the fact that the atypical drug clozapine has preferential affinity for the D4 receptors have suggested an involvement of these receptors in schizophrenia. Subsequently, many pharmaceutical companies have pursued the approach of developing selective dopamine D3 or D4 antagonists as potential antipsychotics. This review will discuss the current status of selective dopamine D3 and D4 receptor antagonists for the treatment of schizophrenia.

  • 22.
    Jokela, Päivi
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics.
    Rydbrink, Morgan
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics.
    Att minska läkemedelsförväxlingar med hjälp av ändrad design av förpackningar2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Nätverket för patientsäkerhet (2011) har uppmärksammat det faktum att läkemedelsförväxlingar medför ett stort antal vårdskador varje år, både i Sverige och i andra länder. Problemet är mångfacetterat och situationen kan förbättras genom organisatoriska åtgärder såsom goda arbetsrutiner, ändamålsenlig placering av läkemedel i förråden, egen färgmarkering på sjukhus samt genom tekniska lösningar såsom automatiserad läkemedelsdosering och scanning av streckkoder.

    Nätverket för patientsäkerhet (2011) har dock dragit slutsatsen att en enhetlig och bättre utformning av läkemedelsförpackningar och etiketter är en nödvändig åtgärd för att snabbare och effektivare minska risken för läkemedelsförväxlingar. Nätverket har även i samverkan med Läkemedelsverket tagit fram ett antal faktorer som kan minska risken för förväxlingar:

    • Det generiska namnet samt styrka/enhet anges med störst och tydligast text på förpackningen. 
    • Bakom styrkan finns skuggning i avvikande färg – i regel finns dock ingen standardisering av färgerna. 
    • Särskild markering för läkemedel som ska spädas införs. 
    • Typsnittet måste vara lättläst och texten tillräckligt stor. 
    • Tall Man lettering kan användas i generiska namn som liknar varandra, med andra ord skrivs avvikande bokstäver med versaler.

    Den aktuella studien fokuserar på de effekter som kan uppnås genom att variera läkemedelsförpackningens design.

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  • 23. Libelius, Rolf
    et al.
    Lundquist, I
    Tågerud, Sven
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Thesleff, S
    Endocytosis and lysosomal enzyme activities in dystrophic muscle: The effect of denervation1981In: Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, Vol. 113, no 2, p. 259-261Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 24. Libelius, Rolf
    et al.
    Tågerud, Sven
    Department of Pharmacology, University of Lund.
    Uptake of horseradish peroxidase in denervated skeletal muscle occurs primarily at the endplate region1984In: Journal of the Neurological Sciences, ISSN 0022-510X, E-ISSN 1878-5883, Vol. 66, p. 273-281Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The spatial distribution of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) uptake has been studied by light- and electron microscopy in the denervated hemidiaphragm of the mouse. Segments with high HRP uptake were observed in a band centrally located in the denervated muscle. This distribution is similar to the well-known innervation pattern of the diaphragm. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated a high incidence of postsynaptic folds in close proximity of fibre areas with high intracellular content of HRP. 8–12 days after denervation a large number of fibres showed segments of high HRP uptake. 2–4 days after denervation very few such segments were observed. Biochemical studies also demonstrated an increase in HRP uptake after denervation occurring primarily in the endplate region. The activities of the lysosomal enzymes N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, acid phosphatase and cathepsin D all increased after denervation, most prominently in the endplate region.It is suggested that the observed segmental uptake of HRP and lysosomal activation reflects a process for rapid membrane turnover in denervated muscle. 

  • 25.
    Lungu-Mitea, Sebastian
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Toxicity pathways in zebrafish cell lines: an ecotoxicological perspective on "toxicity testing in the 21st century"2020Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Standard toxicological in vivo testing has been challenged as the procedures are time-consuming, expensive, and require a large number of animals; given the number of problematic chemicals. Novel toxicological frameworks, such as "toxicity testing in the 21st century", proposed the use of "new approach methods" (in vitro and in silico techniques), that can be applied in high-throughput setups and would allow for the testing of a large number of compounds. However, such new approach methods need to be designed and evaluated first. Especially within ecotoxicology, the coverage of species-specific bioanalytical tools, e.g. for fish, is rather scarce. Currently, mainly in vitro assays of mammalian and bacterial origin are used. This thesis outlines how to design and scrutinise fish transient reporter gene assays. We have established transient reporter gene assays in permanent zebrafish fibroblasts and hepatocytes of the oxidative stress response and the xenobiotic metabolism toxicity pathways. We identified non-specific effects caused by transient transfection itself and suggested preventive strategies. Further, we identified toxicity pathways’ cross-talk as a significant driver of uncertainty in regards to the assessment of receptor-mediated toxicity. Additionally, we evaluated the correlation between cytotoxicity in cultured zebrafish cells and the acute toxicity observed in zebrafish embryos. When using chemical distribution models to derive bioavailable concentrations, we observed a good positive correlation between the two test systems. The results advocate an intensified use of fish in vitro assays in integrated testing strategies. Conclusively, new approach methods, as developed and applied in this thesis, show great potential in future toxicity testing and environmental monitoring.

  • 26.
    Lungu-Mitea, Sebastian
    et al.
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Han, Yuxin
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Lundqvist, Johan;
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Development, scrutiny, and modulation of transient reporter gene assays of the xenobiotic metabolism pathway in zebrafish hepatocytes2023In: Cell Biology and Toxicology, ISSN 0742-2091, E-ISSN 1573-6822, Vol. 39, p. 991-1013Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The "toxicology in the twenty-first century" paradigm shift demands the development of alternative in vitro test systems. Especially in the field of ecotoxicology, coverage of aquatic species-specific assays is relatively scarce. Transient reporter gene assays could be a quick, economical, and reliable bridging technology. However, the user should be aware of potential pitfalls that are influenced by reporter vector geometry. Here, we report the development of an AhR-responsive transient reporter-gene assay in the permanent zebrafish hepatocytes cell line (ZFL). Additionally, we disclose how viral, constitutive promoters within reporter-gene assay cassettes induce squelching of the primary signal. To counter this, we designed a novel normalization vector, bearing an endogenous zebrafish-derived genomic promoter (zfEF1aPro), which rescues the squelching-delimited system, thus, giving new insights into the modulation of transient reporter systems under xenobiotic stress. Finally, we uncovered how the ubiquitously used ligand BNF promiscuously activates multiple toxicity pathways of the xenobiotic metabolism and cellular stress response in an orchestral manner, presumably leading to a concentration-related inhibition of the AhR/ARNT/XRE-toxicity pathway and non-monotonous concentration-response curves. We named such a multi-level inhibitory mechanism that might mask effects as "maisonette squelching."

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  • 27.
    Lungu-Mitea, Sebastian
    et al.
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Lundqvist, Johan;
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Potentials and pitfalls of transient in vitro reporter bioassays: interference by vector geometry and cytotoxicity in recombinant zebrafish cell lines2020In: Archives of Toxicology, ISSN 0340-5761, E-ISSN 1432-0738, Vol. 94, no 8, p. 2769-2784Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The water framework directive re-evaluation proposes the integration of effect-based tools, increasing the need for alternative methods. Especially within aquatic toxicology, coverage of specific toxicity pathways is scarce, and most applications are based on mammalian or bacterial models, not reflecting realistic exposure scenarios. The use of transient reporter gene assays in cells from organisms of interest could be a quick and inexpensive solution. However, interference with cellular homeostasis may impact the system beyond the function of the manipulated gene and thus lead to non-specific results. We describe how varying vector geometry and different regulatory gene elements on plasmids used for transfection in zebrafish hepatocytes and embryonic fibroblasts may lead up to a tenfold difference in potency. Cells were transiently co-transfected with an Nrf2-responsive Firefly luciferase reporter plasmid and eight different Renilla luciferase normalization plasmids. Transfected cells were exposed to two different regimes (0.1-100 mu M and 7.8-250 mu M) of the oxidative stress-inducing compounds, sulforaphane, tertbutylhydroquinone, and metazachlor. Nrf2 activity was measured in dual-luciferase assays. In parallel, cytotoxicity was assessed for different endpoints (energy metabolism, protein amount, membrane stability, and cell proliferation) in non-transfected cells and cells co-transfected with constructs of increasing size, to be used for normalization. Transfected cells were more susceptible to cytotoxicity in a vector size-dependent manner. Conclusively, we report that vector geometries (size, backbones, gene-regulatory units), cell line (tissue origin), applied transfection methods, and signal normalization may alter the sensitivity of reporter bioassays in a synergistic manner. Further, we propose that thorough bioassay design is needed to ensure reliability and regulatory acceptance.

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  • 28.
    Lungu-Mitea, Sebastian
    et al.
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Oskarsson, Agneta
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Lundqvist, Johan;
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Development of an oxidative stress in vitro assay in zebrafish (Danio rerio) cell lines2018In: Scientific Reports, E-ISSN 2045-2322, Vol. 8, article id 12380Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a key regulator of cellular defense against oxidative stress and correlated with classical toxicological endpoints. In vitro methods using fish cell lines for the assessment of aquatic toxicity are needed for mechanistic studies and as an alternative to in vivo. We describe an in vitro assay to study oxidative stress using zebrafish cell lines. Transfection efficiency of twelve commercially available transfection reagents were tested in the zebrafish cell lines ZFL, ZF4, and Pac2. The most efficient reagent for each cell line was selected for further experiments. Cells were transiently transfected with an Nrf2-responsive luciferase plasmid. The assay was tested using the oxidative stress inducing chemicals tertbutylhydroquinone, hydrogen peroxide, and sulforaphane. Of the transfected cell lines, ZF4 and ZFL showed higher sensitivity. The latter were used to study potential oxidative stress induced by pesticides (diazinon, deltamethrin, atrazine, metazachlor, terbutylazine, diuron). Besides known inducers, Nrf2 activity was also significantly induced by diazinon, deltametrin, diuron, and metazachlor. Activation of Nrf2 by metazachlor is a novel finding. The described assay could be a valuable tool for research in toxicology to study the stress response of both pure chemicals and environmental water samples.

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  • 29.
    Lungu-Mitea, Sebastian
    et al.
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Vogs, Carolina
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Carlsson, Gunnar
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Montag, Maximiliane
    Institute for Environmental Research, Germany.
    Frieberg, Kim
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Oskarsson, Agneta
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Lundqvist, Johan
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Modeling Bioavailable Concentrations in Zebrafish Cell Lines and Embryos Increases the Correlation of Toxicity Potencies across Test Systems2021In: Environmental Science and Technology, ISSN 0013-936X, Vol. 55, no 1, p. 447-457Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Linking cellular toxicity to low-tier animal toxicity and beyond is crucial within the adverse outcome pathway concept and the 3R framework. This study aimed to determine and compare the bioavailable effect concentrations in zebrafish cell lines and embryos. Acute, short-term toxicity (48 h) of eight veterinary pharmaceuticals was measured in two zebrafish cell lines (hepatocytes, fibroblasts) and zebrafish embryos. Seven endpoints of cytotoxicity were recorded. The fish embryo acute toxicity test was modified by adding sublethal endpoints. Chemical distribution modeling (mass balance) was applied to compute the bioavailable compound concentrations in cells (C-free) and embryos (C-int;aq) based on nominal effect concentrations (C-nom). Effect concentration ratios were calculated (cell effects/embryo effects). A low correlation was observed between cytotoxicity and embryo toxicity when nominal concentrations were used. Modeled bioavailable effect concentrations strongly increased correlations and placed regression lines close to the line of unity and axis origin. Cytotoxicity endpoints showed differences in sensitivity and predictability. The hepatocyte cell line depicted closer proximity to the embryo data. Conclusively, the high positive correlation between the cell- and embryo-based test systems emphasizes the appropriate modulation of toxicity when linked to bioavailable concentrations. Furthermore, it highlights the potential of fish cell lines to be utilized in integrated testing strategies.

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  • 30.
    Mauritzon, Julia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Assessing the thyroid gland impairing effects associated to GenX exposure: A literature study2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    GenX, a newly synthesized per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS), has gained attention as a supposedly safer replacement for the long-chain PFAS, PFOA. Given the thyroid gland being known to be a target organ for the health effects of PFOA, it is crucial to investigate GenX potential impact on the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones play a critical role in normal development and metabolism, emphasizing the importance of assessing the thyroid-disrupting effects of GenX for future regulatory considerations.A review of the existing scientific literature revealed potential genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in thyroid cells, reduced postnatal survival rates, and altered levels of thyroid hormones following GenX exposure. Further research is needed to establish definitive conclusions regarding the thyroid-impairing effects of GenX. This study highlights the necessity for additional investigations to improve our understanding of the potential risks and effects associated with GenX exposure on thyroid function. 

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  • 31.
    Miladinia, Mojtaba
    et al.
    Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Iran.
    Jahangiri, Mina
    Tarbiat Modares Univ, Iran.
    White, Sharon Jackson
    Clayton State Univ, USA.
    Karimpourian, Hossein
    Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Iran.
    Inno, Alessandro
    IRCCS Osped Sacro Cuore Don Calabria, Italy.
    Chan, Sally Wai-Chi
    Tung Wah Coll, China.
    Ganji, Reza
    Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Iran.
    Maniati, Mahmood
    Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Iran.
    Zarea, Kourosh
    Ahvaz Jundishapur Univ Med Sci, Iran;Deakin Univ, Australia.
    Ghalamkari, Marziyeh
    Iran Univ Med Sci, Iran.
    Farahat, Ali
    Shahid Sadoughi Univ Med Sci, Iran.
    Fagerström, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
    5-EPIFAT trial protocol: a multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy of pharmacotherapy for fatigue using methylphenidate, bupropion, ginseng, and amantadine in advanced cancer patients on active treatment2024In: Trials, E-ISSN 1745-6215, Vol. 25, no 1, article id 230Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is still undertreated in most patients, as evidence for pharmacologicaltreatments is limited and conflicting. Also, the efficacy of the pharmacological agents relative to each other is stillunclear. Therefore, medications that may potentially contribute to improving CRF will be investigated in this head-toheadtrial. Our main objective is to compare the efficacy of methylphenidate vs. bupropion vs. ginseng vs. amantadinevs. placebo in patients with advanced cancer.


    The 5-EPIFAT study is a 5-arm, randomized, multi-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial that will usea parallel-group design with an equal allocation ratio comparing the efficacy and safety of four medications (Methylphenidatevs. Bupropion vs. Ginseng vs. Amantadine) versus placebo for management of CRF. We will recruit 255adult patients with advanced cancer who experience fatigue intensity ≥ 4 based on a 0–10 scale. The study periodincludes a 4-week intervention and a 4-week follow-up with repeated measurements over time. The primary outcomeis the cancer-related fatigue level over time, which will be measured by the functional assessment of chronic illnesstherapy-fatigue (FACIT-F) scale. To evaluate safety, the secondary outcome is the symptomatic adverse events, whichwill be assessed using the Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for AdverseEvents in cancer clinical trials (PRO-CTCAE). Also, a subgroup analysis based on a decision tree-based machine learningalgorithm will be employed for the clinical prediction of different agents in homogeneous subgroups.


    The findings of the 5-EPIFAT trial could be helpful to guide clinical decision-making, personalization treatmentapproach, design of future trials, as well as the development of CRF management guidelines.

    Trial registration IRCT.ir IRCT20150302021307N6. Registered on 13 May 2023.

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  • 32.
    Miladinov, Alexia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Ayahuasca – Psykiatrins nästa vapen mot depressiva tillstånd?: En inblick i Ayahuascas potential som antidepressivt läkemedel. 2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Ayahuasca is a psychedelic infusion which has been used by Amazonian tribes for healing and connecting with the divine. The aim of this literature study was to examine Ayahuasca‘s effect on depression and whether it is usable within healthcare according to Swedish law.

    All of the 6 studies included showed a trend towards alleviated symptoms of depression or cured overall depression. Palhano-Fontes et al’s randomized, placebo-controlled study on treatment resistant depression determined the NNT (Numbers Needed to Treat) for treatment response. Treatment response was defined as 50 % reduction in HAM-D (Hamilton rating scale for depression) and MADRS (Montgomery and Åberg Depression Rating Scale) scores. NNT for MADRS was calculated to NNT=2,66 while it was NNT=2,69 for HAM-D, which means that 1 in about 3 responds to treatment

    Some of the studies were limited by few participants and trying to examine changes in depression on participants that were not depressed. Studies not including depressed patients could not determine if Ayahuasca was affecting the depression or only the symptom of the disorder. However, all studies showed an antidepressive trend, which prompts the need for more research within this subject.

    Side effects of the tea were mainly vomiting, which the participants did not feel were overwhelming. As Swedish law states that the positive effect of any drug should not be overshadowed by its side effects. Ayahuasca may therefore be suitable for healthcare use from this perspective. More studies are needed to evaluate Ayahuascas antidepressant effect and if vomiting can be avoided. 

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  • 33.
    Mohamed, Diana
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Kan GABA-transporthämmare fungera som läkemedel mot epilepsi?2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Epilepsy is not a specific disease but a symptom of brain injury or impaired nerve cell function in the brain. Epileptic seizures are symptoms of abnormal activity in the brain neurons. Today, about 60 000 i.e. 0.5-1% of the Swedish population live with epilepsy. The risk of being affected is greatest during the first year of life and after the age of 65 years when the risk for stroke is greatest. The treatment of epilepsy is used in order to prevent the onset of seizures and to allow the patient to live a relatively normal life. Anticonvulsants dampen the activity in the brain and thus reduce the risk of seizures.

    During many years, attempts have been made to develop new anticonvulsants against other potential targets than those that exist today, for example GABA-transporter inhibitors. The only presently used medicine with GABA-transporter inhibiting effect is tiagabine, but this is not licensed as a pharmaceutical drug in Sweden.

    The aim of this study was to investigate whether GABA-transport inhibitors could be used as medication for epilepsy. The method that was used was a literature study in which scientific articles were chosen from PubMed, ELIN, Cochrane and Google Scholar. The work is based on 4 original research articles and one meta-analysis. The articles describe antiepileptic effects and/or related properties of various substances with inhibitory actions on different GABA-transporters. These inhibitors, alone or in combination, were shown to have anticonvulsant effects in several different animal models of epilepsy. Inhibitors of different GABA transporters, such as tiagabine and EF1502, resulted in synergistic effects, while inhibitors of the same GABA transporter, such as tiagabine and LU-32-176 B, resulted in additive effects. Inhibition of various GABA transporters in different cell types in and around synapses therefore seems to provide synergistic effects. No synergistic effect was observed for toxic effects. There is reason to believe that additional drugs with effects on GABA transporters may be used in the future for the treatment of epilepsy.

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  • 34.
    Nilsson, Natalié
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Farmakologisk behandling vid fetma: Semaglutid versus liraglutid2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Obesity is a health problem that is increasing worldwide and has high socioeconomic impact. In Sweden, obesity costs the society 70 billion SEK every year. For the year 2030, the Institute for Health and Medical Care Economics predicts that obesity can cost the society up to 17 billion SEK more than in 2018. In Sweden, 52% of the citizens 16-84 years of age are either overweight or obese. 

    The main factor behind obesity is still unidentified. What is known, and almost self-evident, is that weight gain occurs when energy consumption is lower than energy intake. The calorie intake during a day should be 1600-3000 calories and physical activity is important. For weight loss, the focus is mostly on calorie intake, but it is also important to consider the metabolic homeostasis which is regulated by hormones. Obesity can occur when there is a disturbance in the homeostatic mechanisms. One of the most important regulatory hormones is glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) which stimulates satiety. Liraglutide and semaglutide are both GLP-1-analogues and are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Liraglutide is also indicated in obesity and semaglutide as an anti-obesity drug has just undergone a phase 3 study. The mechanism of action of GLP-1-analogues in obesity is to stimulate a feeling of satiety, which leads to a lower energy intake and thus weight loss. 

    The aim of this thesis was to evaluate whether semaglutide can be used as an anti-obesity drug and the effect and safety of the substance compared with the already approved drug liraglutide. 

    The thesis is a literature study that uses five randomized clinical trials from the database PubMed. Of the six scientific articles, two examine liraglutide for 56 weeks, two semaglutide for 68 weeks and one both drugs for 52 weeks. 

    All studies demonstrate that semaglutide has a better effect on reducing body weight and waist measurement than liraglutide. In study 5, semaglutide above 1,4 mg per week is shown to have a statistically significantly better weight loss effect compared to liraglutide. Gastrointestinal side effects were the most common side effects in all included studies. The majority of these were of mild or moderate intensity. Of the gastrointestinal side effects, nausea was most common. In the semaglutide groups, the total side effects were slightly more frequent than in the liraglutide groups, which is mainly shown in study 5. Possible factors affecting the results is whether the participants receive IBT or lifestyle advice in combination with the treatment. 

    Conclusions that can be drawn from the studies is that semaglutide is more effective in terms of weight loss and reduction of waist measurements compared to liraglutide. The adverse reactions were generally similar between semaglutide and liraglutide. Semaglutide should currently be administered with caution and under supervision. More studies need to be conducted to control the dosage and safety. 

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  • 35.
    Nordqvist, Ola
    Kalmar County Council, Sweden.
    Pharmaceuticals increasing the risk of vitamin D deficiency- an overlooked issue among Swedish physicians2014In: Presented at IOF Regionals 5th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 36.
    Nordqvist, Ola
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Medicine and Optometry. Linnaeus University, Linnaeus Knowledge Environments, Sustainable Health. Region Kalmar County, Sweden.
    Björneld, Olof
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of computer science and media technology (CM). Region Kalmar County, Sweden.
    Brudin, Lars
    University of Linköping, Sweden;Region Kalmar County, Sweden.
    Wanby, Pär
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Medicine and Optometry. University of Linköping, Sweden;Region Kalmar County, Sweden.
    Nobin, Rebecca
    Lund University, Sweden;Region Kalmar County, Sweden.
    Carlsson, Martin
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Medicine and Optometry. Region Kalmar County, Sweden.
    A novel index to assess low energy fracture risks in patients prescribed antiepileptic drugs2021In: PLOS ONE, E-ISSN 1932-6203, Vol. 16, no 8, article id e0256093Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Objective: To develop an index assessing the risks of low energy fractures (LEF) in patients prescribed antiepileptic drugs (AED) by exploring five previously suggested risk factors; age, gender, AED-type, epilepsy diagnosis and BMI.

    Methods: In a population-based retrospective open cohort study we used real world data from the Electronic Health Register (EHR) in Region Kalmar County, Sweden. 23 209 patients prescribed AEDs at any time from January 2008 to November 2018 and 23 281 matching controls were followed from first registration in the EHR until the first documented LEF, disenrollment (or death) or until the end of the study period, whichever came first. Risks of LEF measured as hazard rate ratios in relation to the suggested risk factors and in comparison to matched controls were analyzed using Cox regression. The index was developed using a linear combination of the statistically significant variables multiplied by the corresponding regression coefficients.

    Results: Data from 23 209 patients prescribed AEDs and 2084 documented LEFs during a follow-up time of more than 10 years resulted in the Kalmar Epilepsy Fracture Risk Index (KEFRI). KEFRI = Age-category x (1.18) + Gender x (-0.51) + AED-type x (0.29) + Epilepsy diagnosis-category x (0.31) + BMI-category x (-0.35). All five previously suggested risk factors were confirmed. Women aged 75 years and older treated with an inducing AED against epilepsy and BMIs of 25 kg/m2 or below had 48 times higher LEF rates compared to men aged 50 years or younger, treated with a non-inducing AED for a condition other than epilepsy and BMIs above 25 kg/m2.

    Conclusion: The KEFRI is the first weighted multifactorial assessment tool estimating risks of LEF in patients prescribed AEDs and could serve as a feasible guide within clinical practice.

  • 37.
    Nordqvist, Ola
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Medicine and Optometry. Linnaeus University, Linnaeus Knowledge Environments, Sustainable Health.
    Björneld, Olof
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of computer science and media technology (CM).
    Brudin, Lars
    University of Linköping, Sweden;Kalmar County Hospital, Sweden.
    Wanby, Pär
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Medicine and Optometry. Kalmar County Hospital, Sweden.
    Nobin, Rebecca
    Lund university, Sweden;Kalmar County Hospital, Sweden.
    Carlsson, Martin
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Medicine and Optometry. Kalmar County Hospital, Sweden.
    A novel index to assess low energy fracture risks in patients prescribed antiepileptic drugs: using real world data from Swedish EHR to create the NEFRI (Nordqvist Epilepsy Fracture Risk Index)2020In: Presented at the IOF WCO ESCEO (virtual congress), Barcelona, Spain, 2020, 2020Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 38.
    Norrby, Marlene
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Tågerud, Sven
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2) in skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy2010In: Journal of Cellular Physiology, ISSN 0021-9541, E-ISSN 1097-4652, Vol. 223, no 1, p. 194-201Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Skeletal muscle is a highly plastic tissue. Overall muscle growth (hypertrophy) or muscle wasting (atrophy) results from alterations in intracellular signaling pathways with important regulatory steps occurring in the nucleus as well as in the cytoplasm. Previous studies have identified components of the Akt/mTor pathway as well as the p38 MAPK pathway as important for skeletal muscle hypertrophy and/or atrophy. The present study tests the hypothesis that MK2, a substrate of p38 which following phosphorylation, can be exported from the nucleus in a complex with p38, may be important for skeletal muscle growth. The expression of MK2 was examined in denervated mouse hind-limb (atrophic) and hemidiaphragm (transiently hypertrophic) muscles. MK2 mRNA expression decreased after denervation in both atrophic (48% of innervated controls, P < 0.001) and hypertrophic muscle (34% of innervated controls, P < 0.01) but MK2 protein expression decreased only in atrophic muscle (32% of innervated controls, P < 0.01). The level of T205 phosphorylated MK2 increased after denervation in both atrophic (fourfold increase, P < 0.01) and hypertrophic muscles (almost sevenfold increase, P < 0.001) whereas the level of T317 phosphorylated MK2 (necessary for nuclear export) increased after denervation in hypertrophic muscle (nearly threefold increase, P < 0.001) but not in atrophic muscle. Logarithmically transformed relative changes in MK2 phosphorylated at T317 correlated well (r2 = 0.7737) with relative changes in muscle weight. The results suggest a role for MK2 in the regulation of muscle mass, a role which, at least in part, may be related to determining the subcellular localization of p38 in muscle fibers. J. Cell. Physiol. 223: 194–201,

  • 39.
    Novotny, Ann
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg.
    Edsparr, Karin
    University of Gothenburg.
    Nylund, Gunnar
    Södra Älvsborg's Hospital.
    Khorram-Manesh, Amir
    University of Gothenburg.
    Albertsson, Per
    University of Gothenburg.
    Nordgren, Svante
    University of Gothenburg.
    Delbro, Dick S
    University of Gothenburg ; Karlstad University.
    A pharmacological analysis of the cholinergic regulation of urokinase-type plasminogen activator, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 secretion in the human colon cancer cell line, HT-292010In: European Journal of Pharmacology, ISSN 0014-2999, E-ISSN 1879-0712, Vol. 646, no 1-3, p. 22-30Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) is an important factor for tumour cell invasion and metastasis. We recently showed that acetylcholine is an autocrine/paracrine growth factor for the human colon cancer cell line, HT-29, in part via the α7 subtype of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. In the current study, we investigated whether acetylcholine participates in the regulation of the protein expressions of also uPA and its receptor (uPAR) in the HT-29 cell line. Such were investigated by immunocytochemistry and Western blotting, and quantitation of uPA secretion was undertaken by ELISA. Stimulation of the cells for 24 h with nicotine caused increased uPA secretion with peak effect (78% above the control) occurring at a nicotine concentration of 10 nM. This effect was markedly inhibited by α-Bungarotoxin, thus showing the involvement of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Basal uPA secretion was found to be partly dependent on ongoing activation of nicotinic receptors, suggesting tonic production of acetylcholine. Conversely, there was no cholinergic influence on the expression of uPAR. The current findings demonstrate novel aspects of receptor-mediated regulation of tumour metastatic potential via uPA secretion. This may suggest future pharmaceutical strategies in treatment of colorectal cancer.

  • 40.
    Persson, Katarina
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Alm, P
    Johansson, K
    Larsson, B
    Andersson, K-E
    The L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway in pig lower urinary tract: nitric oxide synthase immuno-histochemistry, NADPH-diaphorase activity and functional effects1994In: The biology of nitric oxide: 3, physiological and clinical aspects, Portland Press, 1994, p. 413-417Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Persson, Katarina
    et al.
    Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital of Lund .
    Andersson, K-E
    Nitric oxide and relaxation of pig lower urinary tract1992In: British Journal of Pharmacology, ISSN 0007-1188, E-ISSN 1476-5381, Vol. 106, no 2, p. 416-422Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    1 We studied the non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) nerve-mediated relaxation induced by electrical stimulation in pig isolated lower urinary tract smooth muscle, and the possible involvement of the L-arginine (L-ARG)/nitric oxide (NO) pathway in this response. 2 Trigonal strips, precontracted by noradrenaline (NA), carbachol or endothelin-1 (ET-1), relaxed frequency-dependently in response to electrical stimulation. Maximum relaxation was obtained at 6-8 Hz, and amounted to 56 +/- 2%, 77 +/- 3% and 62 +/- 6% of the agonist-induced tension in preparations contracted by NA, carbachol, or ET-1, respectively. Exposure to N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG; 10(-7) - 10(-5) M) concentration-dependently reduced the relaxant response in preparations contracted by NA. L-NOARG (10(-6) M) reduced the maximal response to 51 +/- 8% of control. L-NOARG (10(-5) M) abolished all relaxation, and unmasked a contractile component; D-NOARG had no effect. Also in trigonal preparations. where the tension had been raised by carbachol or ET-1, L-NOARG (10(-5) M) markedly reduced relaxations evoked by electrical stimulation. 3 In trigonal preparations contracted by NA, maximal relaxation was increased after pretreatment with L-ARG (10(-3) M), and the inhibitory effect of L-NOARG (10(-6) M) was prevented. Incubation of the trigonal strips with methylene blue had no effect on relaxations elicited at frequencies <6Hz, but a small inhibition was observed at higher frequencies. 4 Administration of NO (present in acidified solution of NaNO2) induced concentration-dependent relaxations in trigonal preparations contracted by NA, carbachol, or ET-1. L-NOARG (10(-5) M) and L-ARG (10(-3) M) had no effect on these relaxations. However, methylene blue (10(-5) M) significantly shifted the concentration-response curve for NO to the right. NANC-relaxation and NO-induced relaxation of trigonal preparations were both inhibited by oxyhaemoglobin (10(-5) M) and pyrogallol (10(-4) M). 5 In urethral preparations precontracted by NA, electrical stimulation caused frequency-dependent relaxations. A maximum relaxation of 73 +/- 4% was obtained at 10 Hz. Also in the urethra, NANC-relaxation was blocked by L-NOARG (10(-5) M), and a contractile response generally appeared. 6 Detrusor strips treated with alpha-beta-methylene ATP (10(-5) M) and atropine (10(-6) M), and then contracted by ET-1, showed relaxations (19 +/- 3% of the induced tension) in response to electrical field stimulation (2-20 Hz) only when the tension was high. No response at all, or small contractions, were found in response to electrical stimulation in K+ (35 mM)-contracted detrusor strips. Detrusor preparations contracted by carbachol were concentration-dependently relaxed by exogenously administered NO, SIN-1 (NO-donor), and isoprenaline, whereas vasoactive intestinal polypeptide had minor effects. NO and SIN-1 induced maximal relaxations of 63 +/- 3% and 70 +/- 4%, respectively, of the tension induced by carbachol. Isoprenaline produced an almost complete relaxation (96 +/- 4%). 7 The results suggest that NANC-nerve mediated relaxation, involving the L-ARG/NO pathway, can be demonstrated consistently in the pig trigonal and urethral, but not in detrusor smooth muscle. The importance of this pathway for lower urinary tract physiology and pathophysiology remains to be established. 

  • 42.
    Persson, Katarina
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Garcia-Pascual, A
    Andersson, K-E
    Difference in the actions of calcitonin gene-related peptide on pig detrusor and vesical arterial smooth muscle1991In: Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, ISSN 0001-6772, E-ISSN 1365-201X, Vol. 143, no 1, p. 45-53Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Calcitonin gene-related peptide has been demonstrated in urinary bladder nerves, and suggested to play a role in local control of bladder motility. In isolated strips of pig detrusor muscle, calcitonin gene-related peptide did not affect spontaneous contractile activity, or contractions induced by high K+, carbachol, substance P, and electrical field stimulation. In contrast, calcitonin gene-related peptide elicited a concentration-dependent and pronounced (78–99%) relaxation of vesical arteries precontracted with endothelin-1, noradrenaline or prostaglandin F2x. As a vasodilator, CGRP was approximately 50 times more potent than acetylcholine. Removal of the endothelium abolished acetylcholine-induced relaxation, but did not affect the relaxation produced by calcitonin gene-related peptide. Pretreatment with methylene blue, glibenclamide or indomethacin had no influence on CGRP's ability to relax the vessels. The inhibitor of NO-synthesis, NG-nitro-L-arginine, had no effect on the maximum vascular relaxation induced by calcitonin gene-relate peptide.

    It is concluded that in the pig, calcitonin gene-related peptide has no functionally important mechanical effects on isolated detrusor muscle strips, but is a potent dilator of vesical arteries. The vascular effects of the peptide are endothelium-independent, and seem to be exerted directly on the vascular smooth muscle. 

  • 43.
    Persson, Katarina
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Garcia-Pascual, A
    Forman, A
    Tottrup, A
    Andersson, K-E
    Nitric oxide and non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic nerve-mediated relaxation of isolated rabbit and pig urethral and trigonal smooth muscle1992Other (Other academic)
  • 44.
    Persson, Katarina
    et al.
    Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital of Lund .
    Igawa, Y
    Mattiasson, A
    Andersson, K-E
    Effects of inhibition of the L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway in the rat lower urinary tract in vivo and in vitro1992In: British Journal of Pharmacology, ISSN 0007-1188, E-ISSN 1476-5381, Vol. 107, p. 178-184Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    1 The present study was performed to investigate how blockade of the L-arginine/nitric oxide (NO)pathway influences the function of the lower urinary tract in vivo, as studied by cystometry in consciousrats and in vitro, in isolated muscle preparations from the rat detrusor and urethra.2 L-N0-nitro arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), 10 and 20 mg kg-, administered intra-arterially,decreased micturition volume and bladder capacity, and increased spontaneous bladder contractions.D-NAME (20mgkg-') had no effect. No changes in the urodynamic parameters were recorded ifL-NAME (20mgkg-') was administered in combination with L-arginine (200mgkg-').3 Cystometries performed after intra-arterial administration of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) (3mgkg-') and 3-morpholino-sydnonimin hydrochloride (SIN-1, 2mgkg-') showed a decrease in bladdercapacity, micturition volume and threshold pressure. SIN-1, but not SNP, induced spontaneous bladdercontractions.4 Isolated precontracted urethral preparations responded to electrical stimulation with a frequencydependenttetrodotoxin-sensitive relaxation. L-NAME (10-4 M), but not D-NAME, reduced the maximalrelaxation to 31 ± 8% (n = 8) of the response prior to drug administration. The inhibition induced byL-NAME was completely reversed by L-arginine (10-3 M). SNP (10-1 10-4 M), SIN-1 (10-6-3 x l0-4M) and NO (10-5-10-3M; present in acidified solution of NaNO2), caused relaxation (93-100%) ofurethral preparations. L-NAME did not affect these relaxations.5 Detrusor strips contracted by carbachol or K' showed contractions in response to electricalstimulation, even when pretreated with a,p-methylene ATP and/or atropine. Small relaxations (14-41%)of detrusor strips were evoked by SNP (10-6-10-4M), SIN-1 (10-5-3 x 10-4M) and NO (10-5-10-3M). Electrically (20 Hz) induced contractions of the detrusor muscle were unaffected by addition ofL-NAME (10-6_10-4 M) or L-arginine (10-3 M).6 The present results suggest that the L-arginine/NO pathway is of functional importance for thebladder outlet region, but that its role in the detrusor is questionable. They also suggest that the site ofaction of L-NAME for inducing bladder hyperactivity in the rat is the outlet region rather than thedetrusor muscle. 

  • 45. Sellin, L C
    et al.
    Libelius, Rolf
    Lundquist, I
    Tågerud, Sven
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Thesleff, S
    Membrane and biochemical alterations after denervation and during reinnervation of mouse skeletal muscle1980In: Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, Vol. 110, no 2, p. 181-186Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Denervation of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of the mouse by either nerve crush or nerve section produced: a reduction of the resting membrane potential (Em), alterations in the properties of muscle fibre action potentials and the development of tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant action potentials. These changes in membrane electrical properties were accompanied by an increase in the endocytic activity of the muscle and an increase in the activities of the lysosomal enzymes cathepsin D and N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGA). Reinnervation of muscle was indicated at 9 days after nerve crush by the presence of miniature end-plate potentials. The recovery of membrane electrical properties, beginning with the onset of reinnervation, were not temporally related. The Em increased in two stages: an early rapid repolarization and a later slower repolarization. The muscle fibers were sensitive to the blocking action of TTX by 12 days after nerve crush, whereas the rate of rise (dV/dt) of the action potential did not approach values of innervated muscles until 21 days. Reinnervation resulted in a decrease in endocytosis and a decrease in the activities of cathepsin D and NAGA toward innervated values by 21 days after nerve crush. The results suggest that membrane alterations after denervation and during reinnervation may occur by endo- and exocytosis of membrane constituents and that the lysosomal system may play a role in the breakdown and/or recycling of these structures. 

  • 46.
    Snyder, Gretchen L.
    et al.
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Prickaerts, Jos
    Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
    Wadenberg, Marie-Louise
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    Zhang, Lei
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Zheng, Hailin
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Yao, Wei
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Akkerman, Sven
    Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
    Zhu, Hongwen
    Tianjin Hospital, China.
    Hendrick, Joseph P.
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Vanover, Kimberly E.
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Davis, Robert
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Li, Peng
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Mates, Sharon
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Wennogle, Lawrence P.
    Intra-Cellular Therapies Inc, USA.
    Preclinical profile of ITI-214, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 1, for enhancement of memory performance in rats2016In: Psychopharmacology, ISSN 0033-3158, E-ISSN 1432-2072, Vol. 233, no 17, p. 3113-3124Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Rationale: Therapeutic agents for memory enhancement in psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, are urgently needed.

    Objective: The aim of this study is to characterize the preclinical profile of ITI-214, a potent inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 1 (PDE1).

    Methods: ITI-214 was assayed for inhibition of PDE1 versus other PDE enzyme families using recombinant human PDE enzymes and for off-target binding to 70 substrates (General SEP II diversity panel; Caliper Life Sciences). Effects of ITI-214 (0.1–10 mg/kg, po) on memory performance were assayed in rats using the novel object recognition (NOR) paradigm, with drug given at specified time points prior to or following exposure to objects in an open field. ITI-214 was evaluated for potential drug-drug interaction with risperidone in rats using conditioned avoidance response (CAR) and pharmacokinetic assessments.

    Results: ITI-214 inhibited PDE1A (Ki = 33 pmol) with &gt;1000-fold selectivity for the nearest other PDE family (PDE4D) and displayed minimal off-target binding interactions in a 70-substrate selectivity profile. By using specific timing of oral ITI-214 administration, it was demonstrated in the NOR that ITI-214 is able to enhance acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval memory processes. All memory effects were in the absence of effects on exploratory behavior. ITI-214 did not disrupt the risperidone pharmacokinetic profile or effects in CAR.

    Conclusions: ITI-214 improved the memory processes of acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval across a broad dose range (0.1–10 mg/kg, po) without disrupting the antipsychotic-like activity of a clinical antipsychotic medication, specifically risperidone. Clinical development of ITI-214 is currently in progress.

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  • 47. Steers, W D
    et al.
    Persson, Katarina
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Neurophysiology of bladder and urethral function1998In: Textbook of genitourinary surgery / [ed] Whitfield, Hugh N., Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing, 1998, p. 891-905Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 48.
    Svensson, Anna
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Norrby, Marlene
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Libelius, Rolf
    Tågerud, Sven
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Secreted frizzled related protein 1 (Sfrp1) and Wnt signaling in innervated and denervated skeletal muscle.2008In: Journal of Molecular Histology, ISSN 1567-2379, E-ISSN 1567-2387, Vol. 39, no 3, p. 329-337Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Wnts are secreted proteins with functions in differentiation, development and cell proliferation. Wnt signaling has also been implicated in neuromuscular junction formation and may function in synaptic plasticity in the adult as well. Secreted frizzled-related proteins (Sfrps) such as Sfrp1 can function as inhibitors of Wnt signaling. In the present study a potential role of Wnt signaling in denervation was examined by comparing the expression levels of Sfrp1 and key proteins in the canonical Wnt pathway, Dishevelled, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta and beta-catenin, in innervated and denervated rodent skeletal muscle. Sfrp1 mRNA and immunoreactivity were found to be up-regulated in mouse hemidiaphragm muscle following denervation. Immunoreactivity, detected by Western blots, and mRNA, detected by Northern blots, were both expressed in extrasynaptic as well as perisynaptic parts of the denervated muscle. Immunoreactivity on tissue sections was, however, found to be concentrated postsynaptically at neuromuscular junctions. Using beta-catenin levels as a readout for canonical Wnt signaling no evidence for decreased canonical Wnt signaling was obtained in denervated muscle. A role for Sfrp1 in denervated muscle, other than interfering with canonical Wnt signaling, is discussed.

  • 49.
    Svensson, Anna
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Tågerud, Sven
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Galectin-1 expression in innervated and denervated skeletal muscle2009In: Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters (Druk), ISSN 1425-8153, E-ISSN 1689-1392, Vol. 14, no 1, p. 128-138Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Galectin-1 is a soluble carbohydrate-binding protein with a particularly high expression in skeletal muscle. Galectin-1 has been implicated in skeletal muscle development and in adult muscle regeneration, but also in the degeneration of neuronal processes and/or in peripheral nerve regeneration. Exogenously supplied oxidized galectin-1, which lacks carbohydrate-binding properties, has been shown to promote neurite outgrowth after sciatic nerve sectioning. In this study, we compared the expression of galectin-1 mRNA and immunoreactivity in innervated and denervated mouse and rat hind-limb and hemidiaphragm muscles. The results show that galectin-1 mRNA expression and immunoreactivity are up-regulated following denervation. The galectin-1 mRNA is expressed in the extrasynaptic and perisynaptic regions of the muscle, and its immunoreactivity can be detected in both regions by Western blot analysis. The results are compatible with a role for galectin-1 in facilitating reinnervation of denervated skeletal muscle.

  • 50. Svensson, Torgny
    et al.
    Mathe, Jan
    Nomikos, George
    Marcus, Monica
    Hygge-Blakeman, Karin
    Wadenberg, Marie-Louise
    University of Kalmar, School of Pure and Applied Natural Sciences.
    Brain dopaminergic dysfunction in psychotic behaviour: stabilization by 5-HT2A and a1-receptor antagonistic drugs1999In: Interactive Monoaminergic Disorders / [ed] T Palomo, R Beninger & T Archer, Spain: Foundacion Cerebro Y Mente , 1999Chapter in book (Other academic)
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