How do we teach creative writing? How do we examine literary creation? Howcan we theorize the relationship between creative writing and the literarycanon? How can we make the distinction between works of art, which throughtheir aesthetic expression and content also include research, from works ofart where the creation process needs to be documented? In the long run, isthere a risk that conventionality might isolate the academy from the openartistic community? How do we assess the national perspective in relation tothe international perspective in our writing, teaching and researching?
These two extreme terms, ridiculous and sublime, are useful in examining the limits of language and its meanings, both explicit and implicit. What is the role of the extraordinary, the absurd, the unreachable in challenging the conventional, in inspiring the translator to unearth nuances, subtexts, even shortcomings? Our workshop will focus on concrete efforts to apply our reexamination of these terms through the translation of a poem by Moira Egan into Greek and Swedish and a short monologue by Vasilis Papageorgiou from Greek into English.
En antologi med skönlitterära texter av studenter på C-nivå i ämnet Kreativt skrivande.
Vi kallar årets Lagerkvist-antologi Ord som vill ut. Liksom tidigare antologier i serien erbjuder den olika röster och stilar, speglar skilda sinnesstämningar och avsikter. Titeln är hämtad från en av de texter som ingår i boken, av Anoo Niskanen.
Kurserna i kreativt skrivande vid Linnéuniversitet har givits i flera år. Intresset för dem blir större och större. Studenterna förkovrar sig i de konstnärliga och kunskapsmässiga premisser som kan hjälpa dem att uttrycka sig själva och sin samtid, liksom att i språket gestalta sina iakttagelser, sina erfarenheter och sin oro. I kurserna förmedlas teoretiska ramar som underlättar diskussionen av skönlitterära verk. Den främsta ambitionen är dock att locka studenterna att själva skapa, att utveckla en egen stil. Den litterära kvaliteten, den personliga rytmen och atmosfären i texten är några av de aspekter som kursen fokuserar på för att utveckla skrivandet men också för att befrämja själva lusten att skriva. Denna antologi innehåller texter av studenter som just har fullgjort 90 poäng i kreativt skrivande. De ger smakprov ur mera omfattande litterära projekt som har skrivits inom kursen. Antologin publiceras digitalt i Linnéuniversitets divaportal.
Tommy Olofsson & Vasilis Papageorgiou
This is an anthology of prose and poetry written by students in Creative Writing at Växjö University. In a foreword the editors describe the aims and the achievements of the education in Creative Writing, as it is taught at Växjö University, where students can devote themselves to this subject on a half-time basis for four years in all. The contributors to this anthology have all of them studied creative writing for three years.
The paper will discuss the many ways writers do research before or during the process of writing a literary text. The latter could be in any genre and placed in any time in history, past, present or future. This form of artistic research will be discussed together with the one that is done after a text is written as a kind of meta-text, or in the form of artistic or philological commentary. Is there any difference between these two research activities? How do they contribute to creating, receiving, understanding and evaluating a text? Can these two kinds of research be done by other researchers than the writers themselves? How do we teach research in relation to creative writing? What is most imperative in teaching creative writing at a university – the writing itself or the research done in relation to it both before and after the text is written?