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  • 1.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Agda Josefina Halldin: 1869-03-06 — 1949-11-12. Pioneering auxilliary policewoman2020In: Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon, Göteborg: University of Gothenburg, 2020Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 2.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Att sälja internationellt ideellt volontärarbete: Presentation på Bok och biblioteksmässan i Göteborg 20132013Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Volonturism är ett nytt fenomen i den svenska resebranschen – resor på gränsen mellan turism och ideelltinternationellt hjälparbete. Hur säljer man ideellt arbete? Vilka köper och varför? Cecilia Jonsson, lektor i socialt arbete, berättar.

  • 3.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Crime prevention and victim of crime assistance through collaboration2021In: The Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2021, 2021Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Crime prevention and victim of crime assistance through collaboration

    Missing People, sports associations, religious communities, women's shelters, and crime victim shelters are examples of non-governmental organizations that collaborate with the police. Not only in crime prevention, but also in victim of crime assistance in the aftermath of a crime.

    The police authority and non-governmental organizations have both their own distinctive features and organisational criterions for the allocation of resources. The objective with this study is to explain organisational dilemmas in collaboration between the police authority and non-governmental organisations based on structural and cultural factors.

    In our empirical analyses we apply an instrumental structural perspective and a cultural institutional perspective based in organizational theory. On the one hand, the formal structure influences decision-making, and this perspective assumes rational calculation to achieve high effectiveness. On the other hand, through an institutionalization processes, the organisation adapts to internal and external pressures and develop institutional cultural identities and informal norms. 

    The data was collected from interviews with police officers with the task to achieve and obtain collaboration with the civic society in different forms, and from representatives from non-governmental organisations. 

    The preliminary findings of our study point out that organizational mutual adaptation is necessary in long term partnerships to achieve shared problem solving. The police officers also face challenges within the organisation such as lack of support from colleges and management that aggravate an already difficult situation. Strategic police collaboration emerges when there is a need to gain peoples trust in priority areas, to undertake new challenges and face the problems of hate crimes and discrimination, and to solve new problems with juvenile criminality to mention a few examples.


    Cecilia Jonsson, PhD and senior lecturer, Center for Police Research and Development Department of Police Work, Linnaeus University, Växjö Sweden. 2021

  • 4.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Dagny Tullia Arbman: 1908-08-30 — 1997-01-25. Teacher, aid worker, founder of Svalorna2018In: Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon, Göteborg: University of Gothenburg, 2018Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 5.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Den internationella hemmafrun2016In: g16 – Book of Abstracts Gränser, mobilitet och mobilisering, Linköping, 2016Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den internationella hemmafrun

    I början av det som blev en etableringsepok av Sveriges internationellt inriktade ideella biståndsorganisationer uppkom u-landsföreningen Svalorna. Året var 1959 och föreningens grundare var Suzanne Sandberg (1915-2015). ”Husmor startade Svalorna”, förklarar rubriken i den enda publicerade intervjun med Sandberg. Men för att förstå vem hon var – och hur hon kunde starta Svalorna som under det första årtiondet skickade ut ett hundratal svenskar på ett par års volontärtjänst i Perus och Indiens slumområden – måste förklaringen som ”husmor” utmanas.               Syftet med artikeln är att blottlägga några av de strukturer och faktorer som möjliggjorde att en ”hemmafru” kunde starta en internationell u-landsförening i slutet av 1950-talet. Detta görs genom att analysera Sandbergs biografiska berättelse och söka en förklaring i hennes sociala position i relation till historiska globala rörelser som ägde rum samtidigt. Det empiriska materialet bygger på intervjuer med Sandberg och arkivhandlingar från Svalornas första år, vilka analyseras med begreppen social position och kapital (socialt, kulturellt, språkligt och ekonomiskt kapital) som teoretiska utgångspunkter.                                                                                                                                      Fram träder Sandberg som en internationellt bevandrad kvinna med högt språkligt, socialt och kulturellt kapital. Med sina kunskaper och sitt internationella nätverk knöt hon samman kontakter mellan kontinenter, vilka blev navet i föreningens verksamhet. Samtidigt med föreningens uppkomst och etablering växte intresset för ”u-länder” och många ur den unga generationen sökte internationella erfarenheter. Med volontärtjänsterna erbjöd Svalorna män och kvinnor utan tidigare erfarenhet av arbete i andra länder att skaffa internationell erfarenhet. Majoriteten av de som åkte var kvinnor. Därmed utgör Sandberg och Svalornas volontärer en del i internationell kvinnohistoria.

    Cecilia Jonsson, FD och lektor i socialt arbete vid samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten på Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö

  • 6.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Frivilligorganisationer i en organisatorisk glesbygd: En studie av socialt inriktade frivilligorganisationers uppkomst och etablering i en kommunal kontext2006Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The landscape of socially oriented NGOs – a study of how they are created and established in a local Swedish context. This thesis is an inquiry into local, socially oriented non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Swedish municipalities. Previous research has indicated that changes in the monitoring and steering of financial support during the 1990s altered the conditions for and practices of NGOs. The inquiry – based on archival material and interviews with organization representatives from the twelve NGOs receiving financial support from the social welfare board in Växjö municipality – showed instead that the organizations were unaffected by the hanges, and that the set of recipient organizations had been stable over time. A comparison with four other communities reveals that the same pattern is repeated in other municipalities of similar size. The purpose of the thesis is to develop a theoretical framework to account for stability in sets of recipient organizations. It is argued that set stability is explained by affiliations with well-known national organizations, in conjunction with the boundary-work of the local organizations.

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    Licentiate Thesis (Full Text)
  • 7.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Förändringsstressen skapar ohälsa2015In: Dagens ETC, ISSN 1652-8980, no 16 april, p. 5-Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 8.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Ge nyutexaminerade socionomer en chans2016In: Socialpolitik, ISSN 1104-6376, no 1Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 9.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Granskande studenter riskerar repressalier2014In: Universitetsläraren, ISSN 0282-4973, no 12, p. 29-29Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 10.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Idrottsvärlden är sena på bollen2016Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    ”Pojkar och flickor födda -08 är välkomna på fotbollsträning” stod det på lappen i skolans korridor. Följande vecka samlades min sjuåriga son och hans kompisar – flickor och pojkar – på fotbollsplanen, glada och förväntansfulla, redo att kicka boll.

    Ett par timmar senare kommer sonen hem och jag frågar hur träningen var – han tycke att det kul. Jag undrade om kompisarna Hanna och Saga också gillat träningen. Det visste han inte, för de hade inte tränat ihop eftersom flickor och pojkar skulle spela var för sig.

    Förvånad undrade jag varför de delat gruppen så, och han svarade "ja, men mamma det är ju för att vi pojkar spelar mycket hårdare och tacklas mer!". Jag blev stum. Det var första gången jag hörde honom uttrycka könsskillnader på ett sådant sätt.

    Dessutom känner jag ju de här ungarna och vet utan tvekan att om några av dem kan tacklas, eller åtminstone har potential att lära sig konsten, så är det tjejerna. I den här barngruppen är flickorna fysiskt större, springer snabbare, är mer motoriskt utvecklade, mer tävlingsinriktade och långt mer försigkomna än pojkarna. Grabbarna flyttar sig helst om någon eller bollen kommer emot dem. Det är nog inte så framgångsrikt i fotboll, och anses antagligen inte heller särskilt manligt i idrottskretsar, även om det i min hjärna är ett tecken på god självbevarelsedrift. Eftersom jag inte var med vet jag inte varifrån han fick förklaringen, av kompisarna eller av ledarna. I sammanhanget spelar det mindre roll. Det väsentliga i det här fallet är den tydliga kopplingen mellan idrott och genus.

    Den könsbaserade uppdelningen och argumenten för dem borde inte ha förvånat mig som hyfsat genusmedveten samhällsvetare, men jag trodde, eller kanske snarare hoppades, att vi kommit längre. Skillnaden mellan att läsa om saker och att själv erfara desamma slår alltid an olika känslosträngar i kroppen. Hela min kropp skriker ”jag vill inte att mina söner – eller de andra barnen, flickor som pojkar — ska socialiseras in i det här mossiga tänkandet!”

    Men, gråt inte, forska!, som uppmaningen från 1970-talets kvinnorörelse löd. Just det gör idrottsforskaren och genusvetaren Helena Tolvhed i sin senaste bok ”På damsidan”. I denna empiriskt välgrundade och teoretiskt genomarbetade bok om kvinnor i svensk idrott mellan 1920- och 1990-talet får jag en bredare och djupare förståelse för hur genus skapats, utmanats och omförhandlats i idrottens värld. Historien om flickors och kvinnors kamp för att jämställt med männen få delta i idrott är inte rätlinjig. Snarare beskrivs den som en krokig väg kantad av framgångar och bakslag. Inte minst visar författaren hur förnämligt det är att studera genus på idrottens arena – sällan blir stereotyper tydligare vad gäller förgivettagna uppfattningar, resurstilldelning och status.

    Sedan 1990 när Tolvheds studie slutar har mycket hänt inom idrottens värld. Vi har fått flera världsledande kvinnliga idrottare som Carolina Klüft och Anja Pärson. Dessutom har Riksidrottsförbundet formulerat en jämställdhetsplan som ska genomsyra alla föreningars verksamheter. Det är en god ambition även om tanken inte verkar ha sipprat ner och omförvandlats till handling i alla föreningar eller nått alla ledare.

    Av Tolvhed lär jag mig att sonens erfarenheter från fotbollsträningen har rötter från den tidiga idrottshistorian där svett och muskler likställts med ”manlighet” och uppfattats som det eftersträvansvärda i motsats till det mjukare och mer estetiska ”kvinnliga” idrottsliga idealet. För det var väl någonstans det min son sa; att det finns en könsbaserad skillnad i förmågor och potential som där pojkarna har fördel? Om träningen skiljer sig från barnsben är det inte konstigt om flickorna på gruppnivå inte når samma utvecklingspotential som pojkarna.

    Idrott och genus är ett angeläget forskningsfält. Riksidrottsförbundet är stora och träffar många barn och ungdomar. Idrotten är således en viktig aktör inte bara som idrottskola, utan också som förmedlare av bland annat genuskodade normer eller värderingar. Näst efter skolan måste föreningsidrotten vara de som har störst möjlighet att påverka barn och vuxna. Vilken chans idrottsrörelsen har nationellt och internationellt!

    Själv var jag för övrigt hästtjej när jag växte upp. Jag har inget minne av att jag beskrevs med de manligt kodade orden som stark, uthållig, modig och tekniskt kunnig. Nej, jag minns snarare hur vi stalltjejer beskrevs som ”gullandes med söta ponnyer som man kunde fläta manen på – när vi inte hade konflikter med varandra – ni vet föreställningen om att flickor bara kan umgås två och två.

    Inget av det stämde överrens med min erfarenhet av stallgänget som delade på det hårda och roliga arbetet som krävde mycket fysisk styrka, kunskap och samarbete. Att hantera flera hundra kilo häst och ta hand om ett stall är ingen enkel match. Och vi garvade ofta åt okunskapen som visades i de egenskaper som tillskrevs oss.

    Men tillbaka till sonen och hans kompisar på fotbollsplanen. Idrottsföreningen bjöd barnen på det första tydliga exemplet på ett omotiverat isärhållande av könen. Att idrottsledarna delar den stora barngruppen har jag inget emot, det är inte heller nödvändigtvis dåligt att de gör en könsbaserad uppdelning, även om jag ofta har svårt att förstå den, särskilt bland sjuåringar. För min del får de också gärna tävla. Det jag ogillar är den slentrianmässigt könsbaserade uppdelningen grundad på stereotypa föreställningar. Jag ser inget som helst behov av att idrottsvärlden lär min son att "det är så pojkar gör" och om han ska vara en riktig pojke vill det till att han snabbt lär sig agera enligt dessa spelregler. I mitt stilla sinne undrar jag varför föreningen inte ser till prestation före kön och låter de som fysiskt matchar varandra spela tillsammans? Borde inte det leda till den bästa utvecklingen av idrottare?

    Och, ja, föga förvånande slutade de flesta av sonens tjejkompisar med fotbollen. Kanske kände de sig nedvärderade, styvmoderligt behandlade eller att deras idrottspotential tillbakahölls, eller så tyckte de bara inte att fotboll var kul – jag vet inte. Jag undrar också hur många pojkar som slutade för att de inte kände sig hemma i den roll de tilldelats. Men, det jag vet är att denna gammalmodiga behandling av pojkar och flickor inte gagnar någon och jag uppmanar den svenska idrottsrörelsen att en gång för alla göra upp med detta från riksidrottsförbundets högsta nivå till barnledarna. Att skylla på ”sega strukturer” är inte en godtagbar anledning. Idrottsverige är onekligen ”sena på bollen”, för att använda Tolvheds uttryck. Jag rekommenderar Tolvheds bok till riksidrottsförbundet, föreningsaktiva medlemmar i idrottsverige, och till alla andra som är intresserade av svensk idrottshistoria eller genuskunskap. Den bär på en aha-upplevelse för alla.

    Cecilia Jonsson, lektor i socialt arbete vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö

  • 11.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    International volunteering and volunteers2014In: Globalisation and social work. Connections in practice, research and education, 15 maj, 2014, Gävle, 2014Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Internationalistas - kvinnor i internationellt arbete: Panelsamtal på Feminstisk Samling 2016, Stockholm, ABF2016Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Välkommen till Svalorna Indien Bangladesh och Svalorna Latinamerikas programpunkt på Feministisk Samling i Stockholm.Under 1960-talet grundades i Sverige flera internationellt inriktade ideella organisationer, som erbjöd volontärtjänst till länder i Syd. Föreningen Svalorna, som grundades av två kvinnor, var en av dem. Svalorna finns kvar även om verksamheten och det internationella arbetet har förändrats mycket. Men en sak har inte förändrats – nu som då engagerar Svalorna främst kvinnor. Här finns en spännande och viktig kvinnohistoria om Sveriges internationella arbete.I ett panelsamtal med Cecilia Jonsson, författare till boken Pionjärvolontärerna, resonerar den tidigare volontären Sigbritt Nordlund från Svalorna Indien Bangladesh och den nyligen hemkomna praktikanten Victoria Särnhult från Svalorna Latinamerika om viljan att påverka, förändra och erfarenheter av sitt internationella arbete.Hela eventet för Feministisk Samling hittar du här:https://www.facebook.com/events/1719767764968309/

  • 13.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Internationellt utvecklingsarbete då och nu: Två generationers biståndsarbetare resonerar om viljan till och erfarenheter av internationellt arbete. Internationellt solidaritetsarbete under femtio år med föreningen Svalorna.2015Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 14.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Kalla saker vid dess rätta namn2014In: ETC, ISSN 1652-8980, p. 5-5, article id 10 juniArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 15.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Karin Irene Värmefjord Brändström: 1944-08-02 — 1989-02-10. Pioneering female commissioner of police2020In: Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon, Göteborg: University of Gothenburg, 2020, , p. 1Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 16.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Kvinnors mod förändrar. Utblick Indien2016In: Socionomen, ISSN 0283-1929, no 2Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 17.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Livsberättelser pä resande fot2015In: Livsberättelseforskning 19-20 november 2015 vid Linköpings universitet: Abstractbook / [ed] Håkan Löfgren, Linköpings universitet , 2015Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 18.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Partnership between the Swedish police and civil society organizations. Encouraging and hindering factors for a successful collaboration2024In: Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, ISSN 1752-4512, E-ISSN 1752-4520, Vol. 18, article id paae112Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The notion that the police need to work in interorganizational partnerships has been well-established for decades, although the task has proved difficult. Based on interviews with representatives from strategically selected CSOs, this study examines encouraging and hindering factors for collaboration with the police. It also shows that the statements of the three CSOs echo previous research where the police is involved. The study concludes that firstly, the police must recognize the CSOs as trustworthy and consider their activities to be of police interest. Secondly, the CSOs must manage to penetrate the police organization's physical and cultural boundaries in order to offer their services. Thirdly, a division of labour must be established where the benefits of collaboration are evident for both parties. Fourthly, collaboration must be organizationally institutionalized. It is worth noting that not all CSOs strive for closer collaboration; some prefer to keep a distance.

  • 19.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Pionjärvolontärerna: En internationell generation i en föränderlig tid2015 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
  • 20.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Police collaboration with civil society2021In: Police Education: Altius – Fortius – Diutius, 8th Nordic Police Research Conference, Tampere, Finland: Police University College , 2021Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Police collaboration with civil societyMissing People, women's shelters and crime victim shelters are examples of non-profit organizations that collaborate with the police. The study aims to map out key components of Swedish community policing and how they are put into practice in collaboration with non-profit organisations. This type of collaboration is relatively unexplored, even though it has long existed in various forms and appears to be increasing. Some are new collaboration partners; others show a long-term collaboration between civil society and the police.

    The data was partly collected from interviews with police officers with the task to achieve and obtain collaboration with the civil society in different forms, and partly from representatives from non-profit organisations.

    The result points at organizational mutual adaptation as necessary in long term partnerships to achieve shared problem solving. The police officers also face challenges within the organisation such as lack of support from colleges and management that aggravate an already difficult situation. Strategic police collaboration emerges when there is a need to gain peoples trust in priority areas, to undertake new challenges and face the problems of hate crimes and discrimination, and to solve new problems with juvenile criminality to mention a few examples.

    The main conclusion is that collaboration in community policing is limited in time, place, organisation and person, which make collaboration strategies and partnerships precarious. Also, collaboration emerges when there is a critical need for forging and building strategic partnerships, rather than within the areas pointed out by the police authority. 

    Author: Cecilia Jonsson, phd. Senior lecturer at the Department of Police Work, Linnaeus University, Växjö Sweden.

  • 21.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    På damsidan2017In: Historisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0345-469X, E-ISSN 2002-4827, Vol. 137, no 1, p. 169-171Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 22.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    [Recension] Berg, Annika, Lundberg, Urban & Tydén,Mattias,2021. En svindlande uppgift: Sverigeoch biståndet 1945–1975. Stockholm: Ordfront2022In: Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, ISSN 0039-0747, Vol. 124, no 1, p. 303-305Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Det internationella biståndet som vi känner det idag är en internationellt formulerad efterkrigsidé. Enkelt uttryckt bygger tanken på att en orättvis global fördelning av resurser kan avhjälpas av de länder som har det bättre ställt. Efter andra världskriget talades det i termer av ”massfattigdom” och ”befolkningsexplosion” för att beskriva den fattiga delen av världen. Som ett litet obetydligt land och med argumentet att man egentligen saknade kolonialhistoria öppnades nu en möjlighet för Sverige att som hjälpande land positionera sig i internationella sammanhang. Och det skulle man. Men hur skulle Sverige ta sig an frågan – denna svindlande uppgift – att bidra till internationellt bistånd? Hur skulle det rent praktiskt gå till och vad kunde Sverige göra för att möta tillsynes oändliga behov? Om detta handlar En svindlande uppgift: Sverige och biståndet 1945–1975.

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  • 23.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    [Recension] Gunnel Karlsson: En kvinna i regeringen: Statsrådet Ulla Lindströms liv och arbete, Stockholm: Appell förlag, 2020. 294 s.2021In: Personhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0031-5699, Vol. 117, no 2, p. 158-163Article, book review (Other academic)
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  • 24.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Socialt arbete i Macholandet Peru2014In: Socionomen, ISSN 0283-1929, no 6, p. 60-65Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 25.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Socialt inriktade frivilligorganisationers resurser2006Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Sonja Margareta Berg von Linde: Sonja Berg von Linde var jurist, kriminalvårdsdirektör, byråchef och sekreterare i Fredrika-Bremer-Förbundet.2020In: Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon, Göteborg: University of Gothenburg, 2020, , p. 1Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 27.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Suzanne Sandberg: Den internationella hemmafrun2018In: Personhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0031-5699, Vol. 114, no 2, p. 121-139Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna artikel undersöks hur det gick till när hemmafrun Suzanne Sandberg grundade en av Sveriges första u-landsföreningar i slutet av 1950-talet. Med utgångspunkt i Sandbergs biografi – som tar oss bakom epitetet hemmafru – satt i relation till den historiska kontext när Sverige internationaliserades, studeras hur Sandberg förvandlade sitt sociala, ekonomiska och kulturella kapital till nödvändiga tillgångar för föreningens grundande och etablering. Artikeln belyser också hur den då rådande genusordningen och den inledda professionaliseringen av u-landsbistånd utmanade föreningens grundande, och synliggör Sandbergs strategier för att kringgå hinder och motstånd. 

  • 28.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Suzanne Nadeschda Sandberg: 1915-10-18 — 2015-01-31. Aid worker, founder of Svalorna2018In: Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon, Göteborg: University of Gothenburg, 2018Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 29.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Sverige i världen och svenska kvinnor på den internationella arenan2016Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Historien är full av kvinnor. De syns bara inte. I de vanligaste läroböckerna i historia utgör kvinnor i snitt 13 procent av persongalleriet, och andelen minskar i kapitlen om 1900-talet. I nuläget finns omkring fyra gånger så många artiklar om män som om kvinnor på Wikipedia. Historien om Sveriges internationella solidaritetsarbete är inget undantag. Men, många kvinnor var med i den internationella debatten, på den internationella arenan och i det praktiska arbetet som formade det internationella solidaritetsarbetet.

    Några av de kvinnor som gav Sverige internationell respekt och känt som det solidariska goda landet var: Elsa Brändström, krigssjuksköterska under första världskriget, Ulla Lindström. Sveriges första u-landsminister, Inga Thorson, FN-ambassadör och diplomat och Alva Myrdal, internationellt inriktad politiker med höga FN-poster och mottagare av Nobels fredspris. Vilka var de? Vad gjorde de? Och vad kan vi lära av deras historia?

  • 30.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Varones y Mujeres en trabajo social en Suecia y en el Perú2013Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Social Work.
    Volontourism: the story about international aid work and tourism2011In: Places, people, stories, an interdisciplinary & international conference. Linnaeus University, Kalmar 28-30 September 2011, Linnéuniversitetet , 2011Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Tourism and travelling has become a natural part of modern people’s lives. How and why we travel is constantly changing and travelling continues to be a status marker. New popular tourist sights are post-colonial countries and over the last decades a new form of tourism has emerged within this geography: volunteer-tourism or “volontourism”. This is vacation and aid work in one package. With the argument of making a difference travel agents sell package trips which include possibilities of volunteer work such as work with children, building houses for poor people, conservation or archaeology. By the volunteer trip the tourist transforms to a volunteer worker with access to areas considered as the real and genuine parts of people and country. Places and people not traditionally connected to the tourist industry. Consequently the phenomenon is built up by two parts: tourism and international aid work. My aim is to discuss how international aid work is integrated into the commercial travel market by standard stories of historical international aid work. A standard story in this setting means, for many people, a well known story with a uniform logic that gives collective answers to the question what it is, why it has to be done and who we and they are. It helps people create meaning in their experiences and give explanations to why they take certain actions. Thus, this is something a lot of people recognise and have an idea about. This standard story contains: relations (people in need of help and helpers), a specific aid geography (poor ex-colonial countries) and identity (a collective answer to who we, helpers, and they, people in need of help, are as well as reasons for why aid work). What does the story about international aid work contain and what are the similarities and differences when forwarded into commercial volunteer work?

  • 32.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Volonturism, den som har råd betalar för att arbeta gratis2013Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Medelklassens resvanor har skapat en helt ny marknad för volontärarbete. En längre resa före universitetetsstudier är för välutbildade medelklassungdomar idag nästan ett obligatoriskt inslag i färden mot vuxenblivandet. Unga tjejer mellan 19 och 25 år är också den vanligaste volontärresenären. Länge har jorden-runt-resor med stopp i bullriga Bangkok, vilda Australien och exotiska Sydamerika varit populära. Många har genom åren gjort den typen av resa. Så många att resorna förlorat sin status för den som vill sticka ut från mängden. För att resan ska fungera som statussymbol krävs att vi gör något annorlunda, som en volontärresa.

  • 33.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Volontärer i alla generationer - förena eder!2016In: En iskall i Khartoum: Femtio år on the road med folkhögskolan i Tomelilla / [ed] Andersson, Mats & Göransson, Göran, Mölle: Stilbildarna i Mölle , 2016, 1Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 34.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural Sciences, School of Social Work.
    Volontärerna: Internationellt hjälparbete från missionsorganisationer till volontärresebyråer2012Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A new form of foreign travel called “voluntourism” has emerged in Sweden. In advertisements that invite to “make a difference”, travel agencies promote short- term aid opportunities at for example orphanages or schools in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. International volunteer work is nothing new. Rather, the volunteer agencies have entered an old and established organizational field. Using theories of new institutionalism and the analytical phrase “the story about”, this thesis investigates the way international aid work originated and evolved, and how commercial volunteer agencies entered the field. The thesis is partly based on historical data from organizational reports, biographies of aid work icons, and interviews with volunteers active during the 1960s and 1970s. Additionally, it makes use of contemporary data from interviews with representatives from volunteer travel agencies and volunteers. It also includes an analysis of how the travel agencies present their business operations on their websites.

    The thesis concludes that travel agencies apply the common perception of international aid work’s characteristics when marketing volunteer travels. This common perception can be traced through the evolution of international aid work. Travel agencies attract volunteers by offering access to this exclusive field. The volunteers are well-educated young women from middle class families. They are looking for experiences from international aid work, perspective on their own lives, and first-hand knowledge of local and traditional societies in poor countries. Nevertheless, due to the esteem in which the organizational field is viewed, a brief period spent as an aid worker is considered a desirable qualification for a job applicant. I interpret volunteer travel as a “grand tour”.

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    Doctoral Thesis (Full text)
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  • 35.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Volontärturism som merit och yrkeserfarenhet2016Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    “Volontourism” – international aid work and tourism

    Over the last decades a new form of tourism has emerged, volunteer-tourism or “volontourism”. This is vacation and aid work in one package. With the argument of making a difference travel agents sell trips which include volunteer work for example at orphanages or building houses for poor people. This transforms tourists to volunteer workers with access to areas considered as “real” and “genuine”, traditionally not connected to the tourist industry. Consequently volontourism is built up by two parts: tourism and international aid work. However, international aid work with volunteers has a long history. It has been conducted by non governmental organizations for more than hundred years. My aim is to discuss (i) how international aid work is integrated into the commercial travel market, (ii) who the typical volontourist is and (iii) the connection between volontourism and the labour market.

  • 36.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Volunteering through the decades: Presentation at Glocal Development Talks, 20-23 september, Lund, 20152015Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 37.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Eriksson, Marie
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Källberg, Evelina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Gymnastikflickor och ishockeybrudar – genus i två idrottsföreningar2015In: Idrottsforum.org/Nordic sport science forum, ISSN 1652-7224, no April 14Article, review/survey (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Sport is a popular national movement in Sweden, involving tens of thousands of children and their coaches. These children spend much of their leisure time learning a specific sport under the supervision of a coach. Sport is also an arena where gender-related norms are formed, reformulated and manifested. The aim of this article is to explicate gender-related norms in two sports associations for girls between nine and twelve years old: one traditionally male sport, ice hockey, and one traditionally female, gymnastics. The empirical data is based on observations of training sessions and interviews with coaches and board members. Our main findings are, besides the obvious gender difference in the children’s sporting preferences, that gender-related norms are expressed in three principal ways: through (i) attribute appearances, such as clothing and colors, through (ii) a gender hierarchy in the leader’s spoken language, and through (iii) gender-based expectations. In both sports associations studied, the male was the norm.

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  • 38.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Lif, Susanna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Användandet av figuranter på polisutbildningen: Pedagogiska och administrativa utmaningar2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Polisutbildningen innefattar praktiska figurantövningar för att ge studenterna handlingskunskap – fronesis – där praktiska och teoretiskakunskaper länkas samman i handling. Tidigare forskning visar attfigurantövningar är uppskattade och positiva för studenternasinlärning. Figurantens roll är avgörande för övningarnas utfall,men om detta saknas forskning, vilket denna studie bidrar till. Studiens syfte är att belysa användandet av figuranter på polisutbildningen. Tyngdpunkten ligger vid det pedagogiska användandetav figuranter men inkluderar även omgärdande administration.Följande frågeställningar har guidat studien: Vilka skäl finns för attanvända figuranter – och olika typer av figuranter? Vilka pedagogiskaoch administrativa utmaningar kan urskiljas i användandet av figuranter? Vad krävs för att figurantövningarna ska ge tänkt utfall? Metoden är kvalitativ och datainsamlingen har skett genom intervjuer med lärare, polisstudenter, administratörer och figuranter samtdeltagande observation av figurantövningar. Resultaten urskiljer tre figuranttyper: interna som är andra polisstudenter och kända för de övande, externa som är inhyrd personaloch okända för de övande, och semi-externa som är polisstudenter frånandra klasser och årskurser och i hög grad okända, men liknar deövande i ålder, kunskap etcetera. Respektive figuranttyp lämpar sigolika väl beroende på övningens önskade utfall i termer av realism ochupplevelsen av motpartsperspektiv, varför det finns skäl att fundera påvilken typ som ska användas när. De administrativa utmaningarnahandlar huvudsakligen om tid, ekonomi, schemaläggning, ansvarsfördelning, rutiner och rekrytering. De pedagogiska utmaningarna kanfrämst kopplas till figuranternas intresse, motivation och förmåga attagera och ta regi, liksom i förståelsen för rollen och uppgiften. För attfigurantövningen ska ge önskat utfall krävs således planering ocheftertanke i rekrytering, urval och instruerande av figuranter ochstudenter, liksom effektiva, kända och fungerande rutiner föradministration och kommunikation mellan berörda aktörer.

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  • 39.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Lif, Susanna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Figurant types in scenario-based exercises2023In: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, ISSN 1877-6337, E-ISSN 1877-6345, Vol. 15, no 1, article id 10Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    AbstractScenario-based exercises employing fgurants are frequently used in vocationaleducation worldwide. The purpose of these exercises is to help the students developpractical knowledge and skills on their way to becoming professional practitioners.While previous research often concentrates on the exercises’ design, level of realismand complexity, there is a knowledge gap regarding the use of fgurants, not leastwhen it comes to advantages and disadvantages with diferent fgurant types. The aimof this study is to investigate how, why and in what type of exercises fgurants are usedin Swedish police education. The empirical material derives from interviews with teachers, students, and fgurants from fve Swedish police education programmes, focusingon the interviewees’ experience of the use of internal, external, and semi-external fgurants in distinctive exercises. The three fgurant types were attributed specifc efectson the implementation of exercises and were perceived as having diferent advantagesand disadvantages depending on the purpose of each exercise, the impact being particularly noticeable in relation to levels of realism, permissive environments, the counterpart perspective, safety concerns, feedback, and simulation competence. The choiceof fgurant type has an equally important impact on the outcome of the scenariosas other factors, and there is a need for more research on the use of fgurants in relationto student learning.

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  • 40.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Lif, Susanna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Strategic use of figurants in vocational training2022In: Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2022, Filodiritto Editore , 2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Bridging theory and practice, scenario-based exercises with figurants is a common learning tool in vocational training (Gonczi, 2013; Dieckmann 2009; Diamond et al., 2011). However, to deliver the desired outcome, several pedagogical challenges must be met. While previous research often focuses on the exercises’ design, level of realism and complexity (Gonzci, 2013), there is a lack of knowledge regarding the figurants’ role in the context (Jonsson & Lif, 2021; Fragnière et al., 2019). The study’s purpose is to develop this knowledge by mapping how figurants are used and what significance and challenges they bring. Theoretically, we derive from a development of Aristoteles’ principles of knowledge in terms of episteme, techne and phronesis (Thomassen, 2007) and lean on Dreyfus’ and Dreyfus’ (1986) to explain how these exercises help students develop professional praxis. Methods used are participatory observation and interviews with students, teachers and figurants regarding experiences of scenario-based exercises in Swedish police education. The empirical material identifies three types of figurants generating specific benefits and challenges; as well as difficulties in matching; unclear expectations and insufficient feedback. Several learning objectives relate to scenario-based exercises with figurants. However, a strategic selection and use of figurants, adequate preparations and understanding of their role are imperative in reaching the desired outcome.

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  • 41.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Lif, Susanna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    The use of external figurants in the Swedish police education2021In: 8th NORDIC POLICE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 2021Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The use of external figurants in the Swedish police education

    The use of external figurants is a frequent practice in the Swedish police education. In simulations with external figurants the police students are supposed to practice their theoretical knowledge and practical policing skills in realistic cases in a role-play. However, to our knowledge, very little is documented about why, when and how figurants are best used in the police education and if the results of the student’s knowledge correlate with the time, effort and costs connected to the use of figurants. This study aims to describe advantages and disadvantages of the use of figurants in police education.

    The study is based on interviews with police students, police teachers, figurants, and administrative staff to gain a broad comprehension of the educational use of figurants. The main results show there are various reasons for using figurants, which may differ between the police education as well as between subjects and individual teachers. 

    Despite differences, students and teachers alike consider the practical exercises with figurants as an important and significant part of the police education. When figurant exercises are implemented as a strategic tool in the education, it gives the students a deeper sense and understanding of their future profession. 

    Challenges with figurants often concern the number and the strategic selection of matching figurants with the right exercise. A frequently mentioned problem is the need for an exercise to be modified on spot due to the lack of the required number or, for the specific exercise, the appropriate category of figurants.

    To reach a common view and target oriented approach among the involved staff, the study indicates a need of a review of the planning process and the administrative routines for the best results of the economic and personnel investment.


    Cecilia Jonsson, Phd, senior lecturer, Center for Police Research and Development Department of Police Work, Linnaeus University, Växjö Sweden

    Susanna Lif, analyst Center for Police Research and Development Department of Police Work, Linnaeus University, Växjö Sweden

  • 42.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Persson, Magnus
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Academic Pioneers in the Swedish Police: Narratives of phantom pain, organizational pollution and social closure2023In: LÖGGÆSLA OG SAMFÉLAGIÐ: Ofbeldi, 4. og 5. október 2023: Agripaskra, University of Akureyri, Iceland , 2023, p. 7-7Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Swedish police has been categorized as a pre-profession (Brante, 2014) due to a lack of a clearly defined scientific base but also with a substantive and organizational approach to the academic system. By interviewing all Swedish police officers with a PhD, this study aims to investigate aspects of the relationship between academic and professional logic of policing, something that has been described as “two worlds thinking” (Hallenberg, 2012). The narratives of the PhD-police officers embody the pioneering work of such two worlds thinking. With some exceptions, the interviewees experience difficulties in converting their doctorate into careers within the Swedish Police Authority (SPA). Their research and acquired skills are perceived as uninteresting, and sometimes threatening. This generates friction and exclusion. Instead, usability is identified in relation to the police training and/or within the academic system.

     Two analytical tracks that indicate incompatibility between the police organisation and academic knowledge has been identified.

    1.      Almost all interviewees express phantom pains after leaving the profession. This has been interpreted as a type of disengaging process that has been described in social exit-processes (Ebaugh, 1988).

    2.      The lacking ability to transform academic knowledge and skills into something useful indicate an organization where such knowledge can be interpreted as organizational pollution (Douglas, 1966), uncapable to be integrated as “pure”. By complementing the interviewees with an analysis of their PhD-thesis, the actions taken by the SPA can be understood as a procedure of social closure (Weber, 1922) where the definition of the police profession is protected.

  • 43.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work. Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Persson, Magnus
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Förutsättningar att bedriva polisutbildning inom akademin2023Report (Other academic)
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  • 44.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Petersen, Marsanna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Gender at the police education2021In: 8th NORDIC POLICE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 2021Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Gender at the police education

    More men than women attend the police education and the police is considered one of the most masculine coded professions. In Sweden the number of female police students is increasing and gender equality within the work force is an outspoken goal by the police authorities. Gender relations in the police education are therefore of importance to examine. The first aim of this study is to investigate measurable gender differences in achievements during the education. The second aim is to analyze opinions regarding men’s and women’s terms and prerequisites throughout the education. Do students and teachers consider the police education to be equal? The study has a mixed method design. The quantitative part consists of data about the students’ study results compared between the sexes. The qualitative part is based on interviews with students and teachers regarding their subjective opinions and experiences of equality in the police education. The results from the quantitative part indicate differences in performances between female and male students in traditional police subjects such as weapon training, where female students more frequently are disapproved. In the interviews, male students often explain these differences as connected to female student's own doubts in themselves. This explanation also occurs in interviews with female students. However, actual concrete experiences of being treated differently by male students and teachers within the police program are striking in the material. This clearly affects female students in negative ways. Cecilia Jonsson, PhD and senior lecturer, Center for Police Research and Development Department of Police Work, Linnaeus University, Växjö Sweden

    Marsanna Petersen, research assistant, Center for Police Research and Development Department of Police Work, Linnaeus University, Växjö Sweden 

  • 45.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Rubio Lind, Anna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Varones en el Trabajo Social2014In: Escuela Professional de trabajo Social / [ed] Dra. Roxana Y. Castillo Acobo, Arequipa: Escuela Profesional de Trabajo Social , 2014, p. 1-189Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Taripanah, Clara
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Örnerheim, Mattias
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Polisens samverkan med civilsamhället2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Samverkan som styrningsform lyfts ofta fram som lösningen på många olikaproblem inom offentlig sektor. I den här rapporten så intresserar sig författarnaför den samverkan som finns mellan Polisen och civilsamhällets organisationer,som utgörs av nätverk, föreningar, organisationer och trossamfund, det vill sägamänniskor med gemensamma intressen som gör något tillsammans på en arenasom är skild från den offentliga sektorn, näringslivet och det enskild hushållet.Att involvera civilsamhället i brottsförebyggande arbete är inget nytt feno-men, men trots det finns väldigt lite kunskapsunderlag om både former ochfunktion i Sverige. Vad bidrar till en framgångsrik samverkan, vilka utmaningaroch hinder finns det för samverkan mellan det civila samhället och Polismyn-digheten? Den här rapporten syftar till att bidra till en ökad kunskap om hurPolisens samverkan med civilsamhället kan ta sig uttryck.

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    Polisens samverkan med civilsamhället
  • 47.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work. Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Örnerheim, Mattias
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Taripanah, Clara
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Police Education.
    Police cooperation with civil society: From a closed authority to an open social actor?2019Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Police has as its main task to prevent crime and increase safety and security. This cannot be done by the police force itself, but in collaboration with the surrounding society. An important purpose with the Swedish police reform in 2015 was that police work should be conducted closer to the citizens and the civil society. Essential in this policy is local policy work with a focus on cooperation regarding crime prevention with both the municipalities and other actors. The cooperation on crime in the local society is a way to increase knowledge and contact with the citizens and members of different groups and associations. This type of cooperation is scientifically a relatively unexplored area in Sweden.

     The main objective with this study is to map out the different types of cooperation between the police of the civil society to understand pros and cons with this cooperation. 

    RQ1: In what way do the police get use of the cooperation with the civil society?

    RQ2: When and in what form is the cooperation conducted?

    RQ3: How is the cooperation conducted?

    In order to get a deeper understanding of different forms of collaborations this study is geographical delimited to one police area in the south of Sweden – Kronoberg/Kalmar. It is based on interviews with representatives of the Swedish police authority at the local level and non-profit associations cooperating with the police and participatory observation.

    The empirical findings show a wide range of cooperation forms such as established organizational cooperation and individual based connections. The results also suggest a tendency towards four ideal types of cooperation, which can be patterned in variations of:

    Function based collaboration, situation based collaboration, person based collaboration and 

    organization based collaboration. There are also indications that the importance of this cooperation, stressed in policy documents and by the management, is not always shared with the police working within the operational activities. Implications and usefulness of these findings to future practice will be further explored.

  • 48.
    Nilsson, Manuela
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Building relational peace: Police-community relations in post-accord Colombia2023In: Policing and Society, ISSN 1043-9463, Vol. 33, no 5, p. 518-536Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    As an important pillar of building sustainable peace after protractedviolent conflict, security sector reform (SSR) has the objective to preparestate security actors, who often have been active conflict participants,for work within the frameworks of democracy, adherence to human andcivil rights, and civilian rule. A major component of SSR is the re-trainingand re-education of local police to improve their relationship with thelocal communities. This relationship has often been severely strained byhuman rights abuses committed by police against community membersduring the conflict, and it continues to be put to the test in fragile post-accord environments by persisting high levels of violence. However,research on how to improve that relationship, particularly from abottom-up  perspective,  remains  scarce.  This  study  analyses  thedynamics of the relationship between the police and communities inthe transition period from war to peace in Colombia, a countrytormented by continued violence even after the signing of the 2016peace agreement that was to set an end to the country’s decades ofinternal conflict. Based on semi-structured interviews conducted duringthe fall of 2019, it applies the theoretical lens of the relational peaceframework that approaches peace in terms of relationships betweendifferent sets of interdependent actors. Thefindings indicate that therelationship between the communities and the police has not reachedsatisfactory levels of relational peace, suggesting a set-back in security-related peacebuilding. The paper concludes with recommendations,including from interviewees, on how to improve that relationship.

  • 49.
    Nilsson, Manuela
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work. Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work.
    Turning security actors towards non-violence: Swedish police reform efforts to improve police-community relations in Colombia2022Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 50.
    Persson, Magnus
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Jonsson, Cecilia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Work. Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Criminology and Police Work.
    Academic drift within the police education and the police profession in Sweden2022In: LÖGGÆSLA OG SAMFÉLAGIÐ: Mannekla lögreglu, 5. og 6. október 2022: Agripaskra, University of Akureyri, Iceland , 2022, p. 7-8Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Academic drift within the police education and the police profession in Sweden


    In this presentation we outline a research project that focus on two different police student groups who contribute to an influx of academic knowledge, resources and experience into the Swedish police training and everyday police work. The first group consists of professional police officers who have chosen to study recently established courses in the academic discipline police work on bachelor or master level. The second group are police students who have already pursued and obtained an academic degree and who subsequently apply for and are admitted to police training. The purpose of this project is to design a study that provides in-depth knowledge of who these students are and in what ways they contribute to academicize a police training and police profession that isn’t fully integrated in the academic system. Theoretically, we use the concept of academic drift to understand how professional education and work on different levels is affected and resemble characteristics and organizational principles from the academic system. In this project we focus on the student-level of academic drift in order to understand how students with academic experience and resources relate to police training and work and how police organizations handles and utilizes such experiences and resources.     


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