Laminated bending of veneers is a common used and important process for manufacture of components primarily for furniture and interior purposes. According to the use, such products are in general very sensitive to variations in the intended shape, i.e. distortion can be of great problem and more or less destroy the use of the final product. The most critical mode of distortion is twist, but also other changes in shape may be of interest to keep low. The causes to distortion of laminated bended veneer products can be of material (veneer, adhesive and the combination of these), design, processes and climate nature and there is a challenge to know which parameters which are of major importance for distortion, both directly after moulding and when the products are in use.
In this study, the influence of type of UF-adhesive hardener, i.e. liquid or powder, water content of adhesive, adhesive distribution, variation of moisture content of glued veneers, and fibre orientation of veneers, on twist and position for a 3D-veneer construction (a chair seat shell) has been studied. Distortion, i.e. twist and position, has been determined directly after moulding and after moisture cycling. The moisture cycling was to simulate and accelerate conditions that the shells are subjected in use. The aim of the work is to study how the above mentioned material and process parameters influence the shape stability of the products.
The results show that the climate, i.e. how a certain level of temperature and relative humidity influence the moisture content of the moulded product, has a clear impact on the distortion of the product in use. An increase in moisture content results in a significant increase in distortion and vice versa. The level to which the moulded products distort during climate variation can be controlled through controlling material, design and process parameter during moulding. Of the studied parameter mentioned above, a deviation in fibre orientation of the veneers in the moulded assembly is the most critical parameter to have under control to minimize distortion. The fibre deviation mainly results in an increase in twist. A high moisture content of a veneer vis-à-vis the rest of the veneers in the assembly before moulding, will result in increased position and twist of the moulded product in use. The difference of moisture content between veneers and the position of veneers with high moisture content in the assembly will influence the level of distortion. Other studied parameter also influences the distortion to a lesser extent and can in these cases be related to the moisture distribution in the mouldings.