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  • 1.
    Ahlström, Ida
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Cederblad, Carina
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Gunnarsson, Ted
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Högstedt, Josefin
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Öppen tillgång och kostnader 2019: Uppföljning av Linnéuniversitetets publicering av öppet tillgängliga artiklar2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här rapporten redovisas statistik kring öppet tillgängliga vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade av forskare vid Linnéuniversitetet 2019. Som datakällor används DiVA, Unpaywall, Norska listan genom ProDiver, ConsortiaManager och Agresso. Rapporten är en del av universitetsbibliotekets arbete i att stödja universitetets arbete mot öppen vetenskap och har tagits fram bland annat för att kunna följa upp och utvärdera utfallet av den för 2020 nya bibliometriska indikatorn som baseras på öppet tillgänliga artiklar, och för att följa utvecklingen av öppen tillgång till artiklar och kostnader för dessa över tid. Rapporten ska också ses som ett stöd för diskussioner om finansiering och administration av kostnader för publicering i öppet tillgängliga tidskrifter.

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  • 2.
    Ahlström, Ida
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Cederblad, Carina
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Gunnarsson, Ted
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Högstedt, Josefin
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Öppen tillgång och kostnader 2020: Uppföljning av Linnéuniversitetets publicering av öppet tillgängliga artiklar2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I rapporten redovisas statistik kring öppet tillgängliga vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade av forskare vid Linnéuniversitetet 2020. Som datakällor användes DiVA, Unpaywall, ProDiver, ConsortiaManager, "dashboards" vid de förlag universitetet har transformativa avtal med, samt universitetets ekonomisystem. Rapporten är en del av stödet till universitetets arbete mot öppen vetenskap och har tagits fram bland annat för att kunna följa upp och utvärdera de transformativa avtal som universitetet slutit med förlag, och för att följa utvecklingen av öppen tillgång till artiklar och kostnader för dessa över tid. Rapporten ska också ses som ett stöd i diskussioner om finansiering och administration av kostnader för publicering i öppet tillgängliga tidskrifter.

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  • 3.
    Ahlström, Ida
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Cederblad, Carina
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Gunnarsson, Ted
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Högstedt, Josefin
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Wickenberg Juhlin, Helena
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Öppen tillgång och kostnader 2021: Uppföljning av Linnéuniversitetets publicering av artiklar, kapitel och böcker2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I rapporten redovisas statistik kring öppet tillgängliga vetenskapliga artiklar, kapitel och böcker publicerade av forskare vid Linnéuniversitetet 2021. Som datakällor användes DiVA, Unpaywall, ProDiver, ConsortiaManager, "dashboards" vid de förlag universitetet har transformativa avtal med, universitetets ekonomisystem och Altmetric Explorer. Rapporten är en del av stödet till universitetets arbete mot öppen vetenskap och har tagits fram bland annat för att kunna följa upp och utvärdera de transformativa avtal som universitetet slutit med förlag, och för att följa utvecklingen av öppen tillgång och kostnader över tid. Rapporten ska också ses som ett stöd i diskussioner om finansiering och administration av kostnader för publicering i öppet tillgängliga tidskrifter.

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    fulltext (pdf, corrected 2022-12-06)
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  • 4.
    Ahlström, Ida
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Edvardsson, Robert
    Linnaeus University, The University Administration.
    Rieloff, Mattias
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Hantering av forskningsdata vid Linnéuniversitetet2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Ett arbete för en övergång till ett öppet vetenskapssystem pågår både nationellt och inom EU. I Sverige är det Vetenskapsrådet som fått i uppdrag att ta fram riktlinjer för hur denna övergång ska genomföras, och målbilden är att ett sådant system ska vara på plats år 2025. Linnéuniversitetet har som myndighet ansvar att stödja sina anställda forskare vad gäller hantering av forskningsdata.

    För att få en bättre förståelse för hur forskningsdata hanteras vid lärosätet skickades en enkät ut till lärosätets forskare av gruppen som genomför en förstudie för inrättande av en Data Access Unit (DAU) vid Linnéuniversitetet. Gruppen består av personal från universitetsarkivet, universitetsbiblioteket, IT-avdelningen och Grants and Innovation Office. DAU kommer att stödja Linnéuniversitetets forskare i fråga om hantering, lagring, tillgängliggörande och bevarande av forskningsdata. Arbetet görs i samarbete med den nationella forsknings-infrastrukturen SND, Svensk Nationell Datatjänst

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  • 5.
    Ahlström, Ida
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Rudholm, Lynn
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    APC-kostnader 2018: Årlig uppföljning av kostnader för open access-publicering vid Linnéuniversitetet2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här rapporten redovisas en uppskattning av Linnéuniversitetets kostnader 2018 för publicering av open access-artiklar, så kallade APC:er (Article Processing Charges). Det är vanligt att tidskrifter eller förlag tar ut en sådan avgift för publicering av artiklar i open access-tidskrifter (helt öppna), eller för att göra en enstaka artikel tillgänglig i en tidskrift som annars inte är öppen (hybrid).

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  • 6.
    Ahlström, Ida
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Rudholm, Lynn
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Open access till artiklar 2018: Årlig uppföljning av öppen tillgång till artiklar registrerade i DiVA2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här rapporten redovisas statistik kring de av Linnéuniversitetet publicerade vetenskapliga artiklar för 2018 som finns öppet tillgängliga. Som datakälla används DiVA, en databas där Linnéuniversitetets forskare ska registrera sina publikationer i syfte att samla information om det som universitetets forskare producerat på ett och samma ställe. Data från DiVA används till exempel även i en årlig bibliometrisk utvärdering, samt som hjälp för varje enskild forskare att kunna visa sina publikationer på ett samlat och enhetligt sätt på lnu.se. Databasen är dynamisk och forskare kan när som helst registrera publikationer retroaktivt. Universitetsbiblioteket granskar alla registrerade publikationer och kontrollerar den bibliografiska informationen. Vid granskningen av artiklarna kontrolleras om de finns öppet tillgängliga i någon form, vilket möjliggör undersökningar och sammanställningar baserat på detta.

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  • 7.
    Ammert, Niklas
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Torhell, Catta
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Universitetsbiblioteket som arena för universitetsövergripande verksamhet - exemplet högskolepedagogik2018In: Mötesplats Profession – Forskning: Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö 22–23 oktober 2018, Stockholm: Svensk biblioteksförening , 2018Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Arnason, Hrobjartur
    et al.
    University of Iceland, Iceland.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Eklund, Carola
    Landskapsregeringen Åland, Finland.
    Grubbe, Jørgen
    Monnet Gruppen, Denmark.
    Hansen, Deirdre
    Fjarnám Lifelong Learning Center Klaksvik, Denmark.
    Utdanningstiltak: Bærekraft og langtidseffekterfor enkeltmennesker og samfunn2019Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [no]

    Hvordan får de som bor langt fra utdanningsinstitusjoner tilgang til utdanning? I denne rapporten fortelles det om femten ulike tiltak og prosjekter i Norden, hvor utdanningstilbudene er organisert slik at deltakerne kan utdanne og videreutdanne seg der de bor. For hvert av casene er det vurdert tre sider ved tiltaket: bærekraft - suksessfaktorer - utfordringer. På grunnlag av dette har prosjektgruppen som står bak rapporten trukket noen konklusjoner, som også er et godt grunnlag for videre diskusjon. Prosjektgruppen gir uttrykk for håp om at diskusjonen kan bidra til økt satsing på voksnes læring og desentraliserte utdanningstiltak.

    En av konklusjonene sier at «engasjement og forpliktelse fra virksomheter, utdanningsinstitusjoner, næringsråd, regionråd, lokale og regionale myndigheter, borgere og andre aktører er en forutsetning for suksess». En neste konklusjon viser til at lokale møtesteder, så som læringssentre, studiesentre og konsulenter (læringsambassadører) er viktige og nødvendige aktører i arbeidet med utdanning.

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  • 9.
    Bacsich, Paul
    et al.
    Sero Consulting Ltd, UK.
    Pepler, Giles
    Frank Bristow, Sara
    Ossiannilsson, Ebba
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Szalma, Eva
    Slaidins, Ilmars
    Adult education and open educational resources: Directorate-general for internal policies, Policy department B, Structural and cohension policies2015Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    This study reviews the current use of Open Educational Resources in Adult Education, assesses its potential and makes recommendations for policy interventions, taking account of the European Commission’s policy frameworks. It incorporates new research on over 12 Member States, leveraging on a synthesis of existing research from a range of projects including POERUP (Policies for OER Uptake) and a 2014-15 study on Shared OER for the Joint Research Centre, augmented by two more recent studies for JRC and LLP.

  • 10.
    Bengtson Carlström, Helen
    Linnaeus University, The University Library. Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of pedagogy.
    Talet om barn, föräldrar och professionalitet i det mångkulturella fritidshemmet2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med studien har varit att inom kontexten fritidshem fördjupat studera och försöka att förstå innebörden i ett antal definierade diskurser i relation till lärarnas arbete på det mångkulturella fritidshemmet. Begreppen diskurs, etnicitet, normalitet och relation har varit de grundläggande centrala begrepp som studien vilat på. Studien har baserats på samtal med sju lärare samt fältstudier vid tre mångkulturella fritidshem. Diskursanalys har använts som verktyg för analysen. Resultatet visar att lärarna talar om barnen, föräldrarna och om sitt arbete i det mångkulturella fritidshemmet som annorlunda i jämförelse med andra fritidshem. Lärarna beskriver även olika relationer som de har till barn och föräldrar. Tre olika diskurser framträder, den etnocentriska diskursen, den bekräftande diskursen och den omhändertagande diskursen. Dessa diskurser får innebörd för praktiken. Konsekvenserna innebär att lärarna genom att med sitt tal bidrar till att befästa normaliteten vilket medför en ökad segregation. Därför är det av vikt att medvetandegöra de fördomar som finns men även det som sägs mellan raderna. När det gäller den sociala praktiken visar resultatet att den interkulturella pedagogiken inte genomsyrar det mångkulturella fritidshemmet utan att medvetenheten måste öka bland lärare för att undvika att det annorlunda konstrueras och konstitueras. Kunskapsbidraget i den här studien riktas mot lärare som är verksamma i den fritidspedagogiska praktiken.

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    Talet om barn, föräldrar och professionalitet
  • 11.
    Berg, Agne
    et al.
    Campus Västervik, Sweden.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Henriksson, Katarina
    Umeå University, Sweden.
    Holmberg, Jörgen
    University of Gävle, Sweden.
    Tell, Joakim
    Halmstad University, Sweden.
    Master Östlund, Christian
    University West, Sweden.
    Distansutbildning och e-lärande: utmaningar, möjligheter och alternativa modeller. WP2 delrapport inom K3-projektet ”Nya vägar”2020Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med den här rapporten är att presentera en nulägesbeskrivning av existerande nationellapedagogiska praktiker och distributionsformer för distansutbildning och e-lärande med fokuspå livslångt lärande. Som en del av detta tydliggörs begreppen distansstudier ochdistansstudent. Rapporten pekar även på de viktigaste utmaningarna för presumtiva ochnuvarande distansstudenter samt ger förslag till möjliga åtgärder för staten och lärosäten attmöta dessa utmaningar. Erfarenhets- och forskningsbaserade exempel på väl fungerandearbetssätt och åtgärder för kvalitativ distansutbildning presenteras. Denna del följs av eninternationell utblick i vilken författarna utifrån ett mer visionärt perspektiv diskuterar huralternativa sätt att organisera högre utbildning potentiellt skulle kunna erbjuda nya vägar tillhögre utbildning i hela landet. Slutligen presenteras ett antal slutsatser ochrekommendationer.

    Författarna är verksamma inom högre utbildning med lång erfarenhet av distans- ochcampusbaserad teknikstödd undervisning och rapporten speglar följaktligen deras samladekunskaper och erfarenheter inom området. Det innebär att denna rapport har ett fokus på demöjligheter och utmaningar som möter studenter och högskolor när högre utbildning skagöras tillgänglig för hela landet.

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  • 12.
    Bredmar, Anna-Carin
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Developing Sensitive Sense and Sensible Sensibility in Pedagogical Work: Professional development through reflection on emotional experiences2020In: Phenomenology & Practice, E-ISSN 1913-4711, Vol. 14, no 1, p. 57-72Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The increased influence of neoliberalism in education has allowed the trend of evidence-based teaching to dominate professional developmentin many Western countries. Despite increased andpersistent neoliberal measures in education, education critics argue that neoliberal reforms have a naive view of teaching. This narrowedneoliberal view both ignores the complexities involved in the everyday interaction between teacher and student and constrains the teacher’s judgementtherebylimiting their contribution in the educational process.Many educators will note the significance of reflection in learning as essential and often emotional. However, the emotional experiences embedded in teacher reflections are often ignored, even discounted, in the discussion of teachers’ professional development.Investigating this phenomenon of emotions in teacher reflections, analysedbydrawing on lifeworld theory, revealed how emotional experiences can be a resource in teachers’ professional development. To acknowledge teachers’ emotional experiences means recognizing that the teacher’s subjective and lived body is involved in the reflective and learning process of becoming professional.

  • 13.
    Breznik, Katja
    et al.
    University of Maribor, Slovenia.
    Špur, Natalija
    University of Maribor, Slovenia.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Frumen, Sebastijan
    University of Maribor, Slovenia.
    Didactical Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Modern Teaching Practices (MTPs) in Higher Education2019In: Proceedings of the 2ND International Scientific Conference: »Teaching Methods for Economics and Business Sciences« / [ed] Nataša Gajšt & Alenka Plos, Maribor: University of Maribor Press , 2019, p. 29-50Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Along with the development of information communication technology (ICT) came modern teaching practices (MTPs) which provide opportunities for effective transfer of knowledge from university teachers (UTs) to students. However, the use of ICT can only be effective when used didactically appropriate. The newly established Centre for Teaching Support at the University of Maribor (UM) provides didactical and technical support to UTs for the appropriate didactical use of ICT through MTPs. This paper presents results of the analysis of the didactical use of ICT and MTPs, conducted with an online survey, answered by 217 university teachers. The results indicate that problem and project based learning are most present. The majority of teachers plan the didactical use of ICT in written communication and written materials, presentations, and learning management systems. Results revealed gaps where ICT and MTPs should be encouraged, and fields in which UTs need support to improve their pedagogical process. 

  • 14.
    Bäckström, Per
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature. Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Färdplan för öppen vetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet2021Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna färdplan följer upp rapporten ”Implementering av öppen vetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet: Möjligheter och problem” från december 2020, där arbetet med öppen vetenskap på Linnéuniversitetet kartlades.  Bakgrunden finns både i Europeiska unionens The EU’s Open Science Policy (2019) och EU:s European Research Area Policy Agenda (2021),  som har undertecknats av alla medlemsländer. Sveriges Regerings Nationell färdplan för det europeiska forskningsområdet 2019–2020, stipulerar dessutom att öppen vetenskap ska vara fullt implementerad i Sverige senast 2026,  och att alla vetenskapliga texter ”ska vara omedelbart öppet tillgängliga med verkan från 2021”.

    Tankarna bakom öppen vetenskap ligger i linje med både Linnéuniversitetets ”Vision 2030” och ”Målsättningar 2025”,  och utvecklingen av kunskapsmiljöer. Under hösten 2021 har arbetet med öppen vetenskap intensifierats inom Lnu och bland annat ägde en hearing rum den 27 oktober. Hela vägen fram till 2026 ska nu stakas ut och detta dokument ska ses som en förundersökning av och inledning på detta arbete.

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  • 15.
    Bäckström, Per
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Implementering av öppen vetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet: Möjligheter och problem2020Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Rapporten är en undersökning av möjligheterna att implementera öppen vetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet.

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  • 16.
    Carlsson Juhlin, Helena
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    OA-publicering och APC:er vid Linnéuniversitetet2018Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 17.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    A new ecosystem for learning2015In: Adjacent government, ISSN 2055-7612, Vol. May, p. 275-276Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The worldwide demand for higher education is exploding and projections show an increase from 100 million today to 250 million by 2025. The traditional university system simply cannot cope with this expansion and unless we start building new major universities every day for the foreseeable future, we will need to completely revise the provision of higher education. The demand for higher education among working professionals is growing rapidly and is overtaking the demand from the traditional 18-23 year old target group, which could even shrink as more young people opt out of often over-priced higher education. Whether they like it or not universities are facing a completely new market in the next 10 years. The traditional campus model certainly won’t disappear but there are strong signs that the concept of a university education preparing you for a career is becoming less valid. In addition, there is a massive demand for lifelong learning opportunities from people who have no university background but have gained equivalent skills outside the formal system.

  • 18.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Utvärdering av medicinska utbildningsresurser på internet: en översikt2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Att kunna hitta relevant utbildningsmaterial precis när man behöver det är en allt viktigare kompetens för alla som arbetar inom medicin, vård och hälsa. Det finns omfattande utbud av utbildningsresurser (såväl hela utbildningar som korta videoavsnitt) fritt tillgängliga på nätet via dator, surfplatta och mobil. Problemet är att resurserna ligger utspridda i många samlingar som gör det svårt att göra övergripande och tillförlitliga sökningar. Ett antal tjänster finns idag som söker bara bland godkända samlingar av utbildningsmaterial. Denna studie har valt ett flertal välkända internationella och nationella portaler och söktjänster som är specialiserade på området medicin, vård och hälsa och tittat närmare på vilka metoder som används för att göra kvalitetssäkrade sökningar. Ett antal kritiska faktorer identifierades och alternativa kvalitetssäkringsmetoder föreslås.

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  • 19.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    ОНЛАЙН-ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ДЛЯ БЕЖЕНЦЕВ – БАРЬЕРЫ И ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ: Online education for refugees - barriers and opportunities2019In: ПРЕЕМСТВЕННАЯ СИСТЕМА  ИНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ:  ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЕ ИНКЛЮЗИВНЫХ  ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМ [Successful Systems of Inclusive Education: Designing of Inclusive Educational Systems]: Материалы VIII Международной научно-практической конференции 21–22 марта 2019 г. [Proceeding of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference March 21-22, 2019] / [ed] А. В. Тимирясова, И. И. Бикеев, Д. З. Ахметова, Г. Я. Дарчинова, Н. А. Паранина, Н. В. Климко, Kazan, Russia: Kazan Innovative University , 2019, p. 30-35Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The influx of refugees into Europe in the last five years has lead to a wide range of educational initiatives in order to help refugees gain a foothold in their adopted homelands and gain access to formal education and employment. Online education in the form of mobile apps, open educational resources and open online courses such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) offer flexible learning opportunities for many people This is especially true dur31  ing the asylum-seeking process that can sometimes take up to 2 years and during which access to formal education is usually denied. This article examines the use of online education with refugees and asylum seekers, mostly in Europe, discusses the barriers and opportunities of this approach and suggests some future developments.

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    English version
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    Fulltext, Russian version
  • 20.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Akhmetova, Daniya
    Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Kazan, Russia.
    Morozova, Ilona
    Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Kazan, Russia.
    Zaynullin, Aydar
    Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Kazan, Russia.
    Facilitation as a method for a more inclusive approach to online learning / ФАСИЛИТАЦИЯ КАК ОДИН ИЗ МЕТОДОВ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ИНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ПОДХОДА ПРИ ONLINE ОБУЧЕНИИ: Article in English and Russian2013In: Ideas of inclusive pedagogy in the context of modern requirements for preschool, school and professional education, p. 66-80Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This article reflects ongoing work in training university teachers in the new demands of synchronous online learning at the Institute of Economics, Management and Law in Kazan, Russia. Successful online teaching requires new skills and teachers require practical assistance in learning to handle online meeting tools such as Skype and OpenMeetings. A study of student attitudes is described as well as methods for helping teachers to adapt to online teaching. The success of online teaching depends on creating a sense of trust and respect between teachers and students and it is essential that teachers can convey a friendly and open attitude despite the limitations of using a web camera and headset. The importance of empathy and humour in online education is also described.

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  • 21.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel
    Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
    Ossiannilsson, Ebba
    Lund University.
    Perspectives on MOOC quality: An account of the EFQUEL MOOC Quality Project2014In: INNOQUAL - International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning, ISSN 2294-9763, Vol. 2, no 3, p. 78-87Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) represent a recent stage in open education. In more and more institutions they are moving from an early entrepreneurial stage into the reality. The rapidly rising participation levels, high visibility and a growing community worldwide prompt a number of important questions. The MOOC Quality Project, an initiative of the European Foundation for Quality in ELearning (EFQUEL), addresses the question of quality and MOOCs, not by trying to find one answer which fits all, but by trying to stimulate a discourse on the issue of quality in MOOCs. A series of blogposts by eleven worldwide experts and stakeholders in the field addressed the issues from each participant’s viewpoint. From twelve experts’ blog contributions key quality areas were identified by way of document analysis, amongst which were addressing a massive (and often unspecified) target group, mixing formal and informal learners, learning across contexts, transparency and openness, peer-to-peer pedagogy, choice-based learning and learner support.

  • 22.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Falk, Per
    Ossiannilsson, Ebba
    Lund University.
    Förändringar, utmaningar, gränslöst lärande2014In: Interaktiva medier och lärandemiljöer / [ed] Elza Dunkels, Simon Lindgren, Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2014, p. 31-45Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Utbildningskartan ritas om radikalt just nu. Mest intressant i dag är gränslandet mellan informellt och formellt lärande där flera intressanta initiativ vuxit sig starka. Nätet ger möjligheten att bygga intressegrupper kring vilken fråga eller ämne som helst, vilket leder till nya spännande möjligheter inom informellt lärande.


    Bildning som betydelsefull del i lärandet är inte alltid prioriterad i formella utbildningssammanhang. Varken det informella lärandet (som sker i det dagliga livet och på arbetsplatsen) eller det icke-formella lärandet (utbildningar som inte leder till erkänd certifiering) erkänns som något som bidrar till kunskap och färdigheter, inte ens av individerna själva. Öppna sociala nätverk skapar möjligheter för ny syn på bildning och tillvaratagande av den enskildes engagemang, motivation, intresse och valmöjligheter, utifrån individuella förutsättningar och villkor. Förändrade lärandekulturer utvecklas om hur vi lär oss tillsammans i öppna nätverk såväl fysiska som digitala. Ett nytt ekosystem för utbildning tar form med nya aktörer och strukturer för bedömning och certifiering av lärande. Det amerikanska initiativet Open Badges (digitala certifikat för informellt lärande) är ett exempel på detta, liksom personliga e-portfolio, där kompetenser och erfarenheter kan valideras och certifieras av arbetsgivare, utbildningsaktörer eller även den enskilde själv. Informellt lärande och erkännande av reell kompetens börjar värderas i högre utsträckning tack vare tillgång till öppna lärresurser, öppna forskningsartiklar, öppna utbildningar, gratis nätbaserade verktyg för kollaboration och skapande samt sociala nätverk. Alla med internetuppkoppling har i dag möjlighet att komma åt information, kunskap, erfarenheter och idéer i överflöd. Information som tidigare fanns på biblioteket eller hos enskilda lärare och professorer är nu tillgängligt via en mobil här och nu, direkt vid behov och bara några klick bort. Nätet ger möjlighet att individanpassa utbildning och därmed förändras den enskildes valmöjligheter och påverkansmöjligheter. Sociala medier och nätverk skapar möjligheter till kollaborativt lärande genom att skapa arenor för diskussion, samarbete och spridning av nya idéer.

  • 23.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Gerestrand, Anders
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Media Technology.
    Uhlin, Lars
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Kvarnström, Maria
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Hedberg, Maria
    Lund University.
    Åbjörnsson, Lotta
    Lund University.
    Johansson, Kenneth
    Lund University.
    Stenbom, Stefan
    Royal Institute of Technology KTH.
    Whaits, Anne
    IIE Varsity College, South Africa.
    Open courses as virtual mobility and the role of collaborative literacy in staff development2016In: EDEN 2016 Annual Conference. Re-Imagining Learning Scenarios: EDEN 2016 Annual Conference Budapest, Hungary 14-17 June 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Including the Collection of “Synergy” Synopses / [ed] António Moreira Teixeira, András Szűcs, Ildikó Mázár, Budapest: European Distance and E-Learning Network, 2016 , 2016Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Open Networked Learning (ONL) https://opennetworkedlearning.wordpress.com is an open online course that is offered both as an internal professional development course at the partner universities (Karolinska Institute, Lund University, Linnaeus University, KTH in Sweden and IIE Varsity College in South Africa) as well as being open to learners from all over the world. The course has been derived from an earlier model that has in turn led to several other online courses. The primary target group is university teachers, educational technologists and course designers but it also attracts educators from other educational sectors both public and private. Using an open collaborative learning environment learners investigate aspects of connected, collaborative learning with modules based around topics such as digital literacies, collaborative and flexible learning, teaching in open spaces and course design.

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  • 24.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Jansen, Darco
    European Association of Distance Teaching Universities – EADTU, The Netherlands.
    Zourou, Katerina
    Web2Learn, Greece.
    Löwe, Corina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    How Relevant is Open Education for Refugees? Experience and Discussion from the Erasmus+ Project MOONLITE: Workshop2017In: 26th EDEN Annual Conference Diversity Matters! 13-16 June 2017, Jönköping, 2017Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 25.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Kvarnström, Maria
    Linköping University, Sweden.
    Pareigis, Jörg
    Karlstad university, Sweden.
    Uhlin, Lars
    Linköping University, Sweden.
    Åbjörnsson, Lotta
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Problem-Based Learningin International Online Groups2021In: Designing courses with digital technologies: Insights and examples from higher education / [ed] Stefan Hrastinski, New York & London: Routledge, 2021, p. 42-47Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Open Networked Learning (ONL) is a learning-by-doing online course foreducators in higher education who wish to develop their skills in designingand teaching collaborative online courses. It was developed in responseto a growing need for courses dealing with online teaching and learning.Furthermore, it is a result of educational developers looking outside theirown universities to collaborate within their network of colleagues nationallyand internationally. Instead of each institution running its own internalcourse, the partner institutions collaborate on a common course that offersboth internal professional development and practical experience of virtualmobility. Educators gain the opportunity to engage in learning and collaborating with colleagues from universities around the world in multidisciplinary groups with problem-based learning as a foundation.

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  • 26.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Löwe, Corina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Mainstreaming virtual mobility – helping teachers to get onboard2019In: Telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines: in service of social inclusion and global citizenship / [ed] Anna Turula, Malgorzata Kurek, Tim Lewis, Voillans: Research-publishing.net, 2019, p. 15-22Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Despite many innovative initiatives, virtual mobility is still a relatively unexploited aspect of internationalisation at European universities. An internal project at Linnaeus University, Global Classroom, aimed to create a framework and organisation to establish international networking and online collaboration as key elements of all degree programmes. The project aimed to promote the concept of virtual mobility and inspire faculty to adopt it in their degree programmes. A self-evaluation tool was developed for use in workshops, allowing faculty to highlight potential development areas. Each programme team could then implement an action plan in order to achieve these objectives, in consultation with the project team. The project also developed a toolbox for digital collaboration and worked with other institutions to offer an online collaborative course for teachers in the art of online collaboration. Another important issue was to create incentives for teachers to work with virtual mobility, including the use of digital badges. This paper describes these initiatives and discusses how virtual mobility can be mainstreamed, and what types of incentives are needed as a catalyst for development.

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  • 27.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Löwe, Corina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Diedrichs, Peter
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Kulmala, Lena
    Linnaeus University, The University Administration.
    Mainstreaming virtual mobility - helping teachers to get on board2018In: Telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines : in service of social inclusion and global citizenship: Book of Abstracts, UNIcollaboration , 2018, p. 24-24Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Despite many innovative initiatives, virtual mobility is still a relatively unexploited aspect of internationalisation at European universities. An internal project at Linnaeus university, Global Classroom, has aimed to create a framework and organisation to establish international networking and online collaboration as key elements of all degree programmes. The project aimed to promote the concept of virtual mobility and inspire faculty to adopt it in their programmes. A self-evaluation tool was developed for use in workshops with degree programme coordinators. This tool helps them assess their programme’s present status of internationalisation and highlight potential development areas. Each programme team can then, in consultation with the project team, devise and implement an action plan in order to achieve these objectives. The project also developed a toolbox for digital collaboration and worked with other institutions to offer an online collaborative course for teachers in the art of online collaboration. Another important issue was to create incentives for teachers to work with virtual mobility, including the use of digital badges. This session aims to discuss how virtual mobility can be mainstreamed and what types of incentives are needed as a catalyst for development.

  • 28.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Löwe, Corina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Nilson, Maria
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Piltz, Linda
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Teaching Humanities Online: Practical Examples from Linnaeus University2020In: Doing Digital Humanities: Concepts, Approaches, Cases / [ed] Joacim Hansson, Jonas Svensson, Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, 2020, p. 65-80Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The focus in this chapter is on teaching humanities using different digital tools and platforms and how this can both challenge existing practices and develop new ways of teaching subjects like languages and comparative literature.

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  • 29.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Pawlowski, Jan
    University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
    Ossiannilsson, Ebba
    Lund university, Sweden.
    Titlestad, Gard
    International Council for Open and Distance Education – ICDE, Norway.
    Pirkkalainen, Henri
    University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.
    Hoel, Tore
    Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway.
    Varis, Tapio
    University of Tampere, Finland.
    Lounaskorpi, Petri
    Didactec OY, Finland.
    Johannessen, Øystein
    Qin AS, Norway.
    Hylén, Jan
    Metamatrix AB.
    Hjorth Lund, Christian
    Basidia AS, Denmark.
    Ellefsen, Olavur
    Simprentis AS, Faroe Islands.
    The Nordic Alliance for Open Education - State of the art, challenges and opportunities2013In: The Joy of Learning Enhancing Learning Experience - Improving Learning Quality: Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2013 Annual Conference Oslo, 12-15 June, 2013 ISBN 978-963-89559-3-7, Oslo: European Distance and E-Learning Network , 2013Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Are the Nordic countries forerunners in Open Education? What is the state of the art, barriers

    and opportunities of Open Education in the Nordic countries? What are necessary actions on

    policy, institutional and individual levels? These are the main questions of this paper.

    Open Educational Resources are discussed widely on a global, European and even Nordic

    level. UNESCO, which has coined the term Open Educational Resources (OER) some 10 years

    ago, published in June 2012 a global agenda for OER, the Paris Declaration (adopted by OER

    World Congress). The Declaration shows the importance of Open Educational Resources and

    gives recommendations to governments and institutions around the globe. The European

    Union has started a large-scale initiative on “Opening Up Education”


    The concept of OER seems promising, potentially leading to educational collaborations,

    having potential for stimulating innovation in education, reducing cost of education, and

    broadening access to education for all. However, the awareness on the opportunities of using

    OERs is still low in the Nordic countries. In contrast to Open Access (for publications) or

    Open Source (for software development), OER are not yet broadly known and accepted /

    adopted. It is highly necessary to combine the initiatives and ideas of open approaches. This is

    the case at a user level as well as on policy level (see also Clements & Pawlowski, 2012).

    Therefore, it is important to promote OER to governments at all levels as well as to


    The Nordic countries seem to be a good ground for openness and sharing: the Nordic

    countries share many values related to education and technology development; the political 

    and governmental institutions are quite similar – there is also a tradition for exchange of

    knowledge and solutions between the countries.

    In this paper, we briefly give an introduction to OER and reflect on the state if the art of Open

    Education in the Nordic countries. In expert workshops by the Nordic Open Education

    Alliance, barriers and possible interventions to overcome them were explored. Based on these,

    we formulate recommendations as well as propose implementation actions. This study is

    based on a position paper from the Nordic Open Education Alliance


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  • 30.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Reneland-Forsman, Linda
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of pedagogy.
    Completion Rates – A False Trail to Measuring Course Quality?: Let’s Call in the HEROEs Instead2013In: European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, E-ISSN 1027-5207, Vol. 16, no 2, p. 40-49Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Statistics are often used to reveal significant differences between online and campus-based education. The existence of online courses with low completion rates is often used to justify the inherent inferiority of online education compared to traditional classroom teaching. Our study revealed that this type of conclusion has little substance. We have performed three closely linked analyses of empirical data from Linnaeus University aimed at reaching a better understanding of completion rates. Differences in completion rates revealed themselves to be more substantial between faculties than between distribution forms. The key-factor lies in design. Courses with the highest completion rates had three things in common; active discussion forums, complementing media and collaborative activities. We believe that the time has come to move away from theoretical models of learning where web-based learning/distance learning/e-learning are seen as simply emphasizing the separation of teacher and students. Low completion rates should instead be addressed as a lack of insight and respect for the consequences of online pedagogical practice and its prerequisites.

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  • 31.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Schneider, Markus
    Karlstad University, Sweden.
    Slåtto, Torhild
    Flexible Learning Norway, Norway.
    Röthler, David
    PROJEKTkompetenz.eu, Austria.
    Nørregaard, Lotte
    Brock Online Academy, Denmark.
    Arnason, Hróbjartur
    University of Iceland, Iceland.
    Webinars for effective collaboration2015In: The need for change in education. Openness as default?: Official Proceedings of the International LINQ Conference 2015, Brussels, Belgium, 11th-13th of May 2015 / [ed] Christian M. Stracke, Tatiana Shamarina-Heidenreich, Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH , 2015, p. 93-94Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Webinars are frequently used for synchronous online meetings with up to several hundred participants, using popular platforms such as Adobe Connect, Webex and Blackboard Collaborate. All too often the tendency is that with more participants the level of interaction decreases and many webinars become simply one-way communication in the same way as the traditional academic lecture in a large lecture hall. However, gathering a large number of interested parties in one online meeting is an excellent opportunity to discuss, exchange experience and build networks. 

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  • 32.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Shamarina-Heidenreich, Tatiana
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
    Changing the trajectory - An Introduction2014In: Changing the Trajectory: Quality for Opening up Education: Official Proceedings of the International EIF / LINQ Conference 2014 / [ed] Stracke, Christian M.; Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel; Creelman, Alastair; Shamarina-Heidenreich, Tatiana, Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin, 2014, , p. 247p. 8-14Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The international EIF / LINQ Conference 2014 addressed innovations and quality in lifelong learning, education and training: potential points of access to this field include new learning methods and design, technology-enhanced learning, quality standards and certification, human resources development, competences and skills, digital resources, learning materials, and online collaboration and communities in particular in the light of the European Commission’s Opening up education initiative launched in 2013.

    Thus, the book contributes to the current debate on one of the greatest challenges in today’s quality development for education and training: How to achieve quality for opening up education?

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  • 33.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Witthaus, Gabi
    University of Birmingham, UK.
    Facilitated MOOC support - closed bubbles in an open sea2018In: The 2018 OpenupEd TrendReport on MOOCs / [ed] D. Jansen; L. Konings, Maastricht, Netherlands: EADTU , 2018, p. 31-34Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A frequently voiced criticism of MOOCs is that they attract digitally literate graduates rather than learners who would most benefit from open education. Possible reasons for this include lack of awareness of open education, low levels of digital literacy, lack of experience of online learning, language issues, and lack of independent study skills. Those who do participate may find the massive and open nature of MOOCs overwhelming. This chapter looks at ways in which third-party organisations are offering structured social interaction and support for MOOC-based learning, both online and offline, with reference to a growing body of literature in this area.

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  • 34.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Witthaus, Gabi
    Art of E-learning Leicester, UK;University of Birmingham, UK.
    Rodriguez, Brenda Cecilia Padilla
    E-Learning Monterrey, Mexico;Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico.
    Refugees’ educational resources – RefER project final report2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Refugees’ Educational Resources (RefER) project was carried out between June and November 2018. The aim was to provide an understanding of the learning resources offered by organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, and to advise the Open University (OU) on how it might repackage existing resources, or create additional ones, to directly respond to the needs of these organisations and the individuals they support. The research methodology was qualitative, and was based on data gathered from respondents working or volunteering in organisations that support refugees in the UK. Data was gathered from 26 organisations through the use of a survey, online interviews and follow-up emails. Participating organisations included national and local charities and universities in the UK. The services they provide include counselling, English language teaching, legal advice, and settling-in support. Their clients vary widely in terms of home countries, first languages, education background and knowledge of English. There is a clear need for lifelong learning provision across all levels, not just higher education.

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  • 35.
    Creelman, Alastair
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Árnason, Hróbjartur
    University of Iceland, Iceland.
    Röthler, David
    WerdeDigital.at, Austria.
    Webinars as Active Learning Arenas2017In: European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, E-ISSN 1027-5207Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    There is still a tendency for educators to use webinars as an online lecture hall, replicating the traditional one-to-many delivery of the physical classroom. This is unfortunate since most web-based communication platforms that are used for webinars today offer a wide range of tools and options for interaction and community building. This paper, based on a Nordic project that ran from 2014 to 2016, presents a wide range of activities, tools and methods to encourage greater audience participation in webinars and looks in particular at methods that allow the discussion to be extended beyond the restricted time frame of the actual synchronous webinar. A flipped classroom approach can allow participants to prepare for the webinar and allow the online event to focus on deeper discussion of the issues at hand. A successful webinar can also be the basis of a community of practice and we investigate a number of tools and methods that can facilitate this.

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  • 36.
    Dafgård, Lena
    et al.
    Dalarna University, Sweden.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Pandemic as Catalyst for National Digital Transformation of Higher Education: A Swedish Case Study2021In: Lessons from a Pandemic for the Future of the Education: EDEN 2021 Annual Conference, Madrid (ES) Lessons from a Pandemic for the Future of the Education. / [ed] Sandra Kucina Softic, Andras Szucs, European Distance and E-learning Network , 2021, p. 392-400Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The covid-19 emergency presented daunting challenges for all in higher education, in particular teachers and students who were forced to quickly pivot from the familiar setting of the campus to purely online education in a matter of days. Despite the enormity of this challenge the transition was negotiated successfully in terms of online teaching though issues such as social interaction, student isolation and digital divides remained largely unaddressed. In Sweden, the pandemic response has been a wake-up call to address the lack of national coordination of online and blended education as well as the need for more coordinated approaches to professional pedagogical development. This paper outlines the response of several national networks and stakeholder organisations, notably the Network for IT in Higher Education (ITHU), though the forming of a mutual support group on Facebook to coordinating workshops and sharing resources. A survey of ITHU members revealed a number of key focus areas for national coordination as well as the development of a culture of sharing between teaching staff and educational technicians that did not exist before the pandemic.

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  • 37.
    Dahlgren, Christina
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Torhell, Catta
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Det kulturella universitetet2021In: När nyfikenhet, driv och kreativitet möts: -bibliotekariens roll som producent och utvecklare. / [ed] Carina Heurlin;Christine Wallén, Stockholm: Kungliga Biblioteket , 2021, p. 17-26Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 38.
    Djukanovic, Ingrid
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Hellström, Amanda
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Wolke, Anna
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Schildmeijer, Kristina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
    The meaning of continuity of care from the perspective of older people with complex care needs - A scoping review2024In: Geriatric Nursing, ISSN 0197-4572, E-ISSN 1528-3984, Vol. 55, p. 354-361Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    People aged 65 years or older with complex care needs are at risk of fragmented care. This may jeopardise patient safety. Complex care needs are defined as care needs that require the performance of time-consuming processes such as reviewing medical history, providing counselling, and prescribing medications. A scoping review was conducted with the aim of mapping the literature regarding continuity of care from the perspective of older people with complex care needs. Search results from seven databases (PubMed, Cinahl, PsycInfo, ASSIA, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, DOAJ), grey literature (BASE), and a hand-search search of key journals were used. A deductive analysis based on aspects of continuity of care was performed. The search resulted in 5704 records. After a title and abstract screening, 93 records remained. In total, 18 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the scoping review. Older people's sense of continuity of care increases when fewer healthcare workers are involved in their care but help from skilled professionals is more important than meeting the same person. It is vital for older people's feeling of continuity of care that discharge planning involves them, their families, and care providers in an organised way. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

  • 39.
    Evertsson, Henrik
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Gunnarsson, Ted
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Silander, Charlotte
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of pedagogy.
    Skrivguiden.se - en resurs för studenters akademiska skrivande2014Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Studenters bristande förmåga att uttrycka sig i skrift har väckt uppmärksamhet i media.[1] Även forskningen har uppmärksammat de svårigheter många studenter upplever i samband med inträdet i en ny och okänd texttradition.[2] Skrivguiden.se är en webbaserad guide vars syfte är att ge stöd till studenter i deras akademiska skrivande. Innehållet behandlar skrivprocessen, problemformulering och hur man hanterar källor och referenser. Presentationen kommer att belysa Skrivguiden.se ur tre perspektiv: från idé till webbsida, som en resurs för studieverkstäder och som kurslitteratur.

    Skrivguiden.se utvecklades av Blekinge Tekniska Högskolas bibliotek och lanserades hösten 2013. I januari 2014 lanserades den engelskspråkiga versionen – Writingguide.se. Målet var att Skrivguiden.se skulle bestå av korta texter och tydliga exempel. Det skulle vara möjligt för studenten att navigera mellan olika avsnitt för att hitta det som var relevant för den aktuella uppgiften. Ambitionen var även att utnyttja webbens möjligheter och integrera rörliga medier, självtester och dylikt. Sedan 2014 utvecklas Skrivguiden.se gemensamt av Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Högskolan i Kristianstad, Linnéuniversitetet och Umeå Universitet.

    Många lärosäten i Sverige har inrättat språk- och studieverkstäder i olika former. Dessa verksamheter erbjuder i olika omfattning stöd och handledning i bland annat akademiskt skrivande. Studieverkstaden vid Linnéuniversitetet har länge sett ett behov av att, vid sidan om den befintliga verksamheten, ta fram ett mer utvecklat stöd på webben. Ett sådant stöd kan med hjälp av instruerande text- och bildmaterial leda studenten genom hela skrivprocessen eller fungera som en resurs för mer specifika aspekter av skrivandet (t.ex. referenshantering). Intentionen är att Skrivguiden.se ska kunna fungera som ett sådant stöd och bli ett väl integrerat verktyg i Studieverkstadens verksamhet.

    Skrivguiden.se har under våren 2014 använts i kursen Teknisk kommunikation vid BTH för förstaårsstudenter på ingenjörsutbildningen. Syftet med kursen är att öka studenternas färdigheter i akademiskt skrivande och på ett tidigt stadium träna förmågan att skriva inför framtida examensarbete. Skrivguiden.se har använts i kursen på två olika sätt. Dels har upplägget på föreläsningarna följt guidens upplägg, dels har Skrivguiden.se fungerat som kurslitteratur.

    Vi tar gärna emot synpunkter från lärare och andra som arbetar med studenters skrivande. Vilken typ av skrivstöd på webben finns det behov av? Hur kan Skrivguiden.se förbättras och utvecklas vidare?

    [1] Enefalk, Hanna, Andersson, Lars M., Aronsson, August, Englund, Viktor, Novaky, György, Svensson,Magnus, Thisner, Fredrik, Ågren, Henrik & Ågren, Maria (2013). Våra studenter kan inte svenska. Uppsala Nya Tidning, 2013-01-02. Tillgänglig: http://www.unt.se/debatt/vara-studenter-kan-inte-svenska-2027570.aspx [2014-05-14].

    [2] Ask, Sofia (2007). Vägar till ett akademiskt skriftspråk. Diss. Växjö : Växjö universitet, 2007.


  • 40.
    Fredriksson, Marie
    Linnaeus University, The University Library. Kalmar County Council, Sweden.
    Long-term value of an in-depth survey regarding study environments2020In: Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries, ISSN 1841-0715, Vol. 16, no 2, p. 29-32Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article highlights the opportunities that arise when conducting an in-depth survey regarding library study environments as well as conclusions and guidance for changes that a comprehensive user survey can contribute with over a longer period. The value of student co-operation is emphasized and the defining and evaluation of zone division is described.

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  • 41.
    Golub, Koraljka
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Ahlström, Ida
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Gunnarsson, Mattias
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science. Linnaeus University, The University Administration.
    Report on the Survey of Open Research Data at Linnaeus University2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Aligning with global and national goals, including Sweden's aim for full open access to research data by 2026, Lnu is implementing a two-year project focused on applying the FAIR principles—making research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. To support this transition, Linnaeus University established a Research Data Support Unit within its library already in 2019. Initially limited in resources, the unit aims to identify the necessary services to assist researchers in overcoming challenges related to open research data (ORD) publication. An online survey was conducted to gather insights on current ORD practices among faculty and PhD students, covering demographics, awareness of ORD journals and repositories, and barriers to data sharing. The survey received 227 responses (17.21% response rate), revealing a mix of familiarity with ORD practices across disciplines. While 57% of respondents indicated that their fields encourage open data sharing, many were unaware of journals that mandate such practices. A quarter of participants had previously published open data in a range of data repositories and journals. The findings highlight significant discrepancies in ORD practices among disciplines, with some fields actively supporting data publication while others lagging behind for various reasons. While some respondents cited compliance with journal requirements and support for open science as reasons for sharing their data, many remained hesitant. A significant 75.3% had not published ORD, often due to ethical concerns, lack of support, uncertainty about data generation in their research, time constraints, and perceived lack of recognition for data publication. However, many participants whose research does produce research data indicated a willingness to publish data in the future, subject to adequate support and training. Suggested training formats included short videos, webinars, and hands-on workshops, reflecting varied preferences based on researchers' familiarity with ORD. Feedback on the Research Data Support Unit's services included need for individual support, enhancing the webpage with a number of topics, as well as navigation and search functionalities. A sine qua non condition for driving open research data forward seems to be establishing research ethics advisory services as part of the Research Data Support Unit. General sentiments expressed support for open science initiatives, but underscored the necessity of aligning research demands with disciplinary contexts and emphasized the need for proactive engagement with researchers at subject, departmental, faculty as well as university levels. The identified differences between research subjects and disciplines need to be taken into account, as some research subjects do no produce data, while others have fully implemented infrastructures for data sharing and fully evolved culture of data sharing. Also, there are research outputs other than data that are important to share, such as software, tools, databases which also need to be taken into account when developing the Research Data Support services and training.  

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  • 42.
    Golub, Koraljka
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Ahlström, Ida
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Hansson, Joacim
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Tyrkkö, Jukka
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Subject metadata for humanities journal articles: Indexing consistency between a local repository and an external bibliographic database2019In: Presented at DCMI 2019: Metadata Innovation. Seoul, South Korea - September 23rd-26th, 2019, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative , 2019Conference paper (Refereed)
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  • 43.
    Golub, Koraljka
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Tyrkkö, Jukka
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Hansson, Joacim
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Ahlström, Ida
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Subject indexing in humanities: A comparison between a local university repository and an international bibliographic service2020In: Journal of Documentation, ISSN 0022-0418, E-ISSN 1758-7379, Vol. 76, no 6, p. 1193-1214Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose – As the humanities develop in the realm of increasingly more pronounced digital scholarship, it isimportant to provide quality subject access to a vast range of heterogeneous information objects in digitalservices. The study aims to paint a representative picture of the current state of affairs of the use of subjectindex terms in humanities journal articles with particular reference to the well-established subject access needsof humanities researchers, with the purpose of identifying which improvements are needed in this context.

    Design/methodology/approach – The comparison of subject metadata on a sample of 649 peer-reviewedjournal articles from across the humanities is conducted in a university repository, against Scopus, the formerreflecting local and national policies and the latter being the most comprehensive international abstract andcitation database of research output.

    Findings – The study shows that established bibliographic objectives to ensure subject access for humanitiesjournal articles are not supported in either the world’s largest commercial abstract and citation databaseScopus or the local repository of a public university in Sweden. The indexing policies in the two services do notseem to address the needs of humanities scholars for highly granular subject index terms with appropriatefacets; no controlled vocabularies for any humanities discipline are used whatsoever.

    Originality/value – In all, not much has changed since 1990s when indexing for the humanities was shown tolag behind the sciences. The community of researchers and information professionals, today working togetheron digital humanities projects, as well as interdisciplinary research teams, should demand that their subjectaccess needs be fulfilled, especially in commercial services like Scopus and discovery services.

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  • 44.
    Grubbe, Jørgen
    et al.
    The Danish Association for Flexible Learning – FLUID, Denmark.
    Creelman, Alastair
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Árnason, Hróbjartur
    University of Iceland, Iceland.
    Is lurking working?2016In: EDEN 2016 ANNUAL Conference : Re-Imagining Learning Scenarios: Budapest, Hungary 14-17 June 2016. Book of Abstracts / [ed] António Moreira Teixeira, András Szűcs, Ildikó Mázár, 2016, p. 102-102Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In this workshop, we will discuss reasons for passive/silent participation in courses and seminars (both online and onsite) and generate methods for encouraging more active participation. We will present the background and initial findings of our current project Is Lurking working? (Nordplus, 2015), and the findings of this workshop will provide valuable input to the project’s work. We believe that there are similarities between those who are silent learners on campus and online and that although the online environment may make it easier to remain silent the phenomenon is more about learner’s feeling of security and sense of belonging than a specific online issue. 

  • 45.
    Grubîi, Victor
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology.
    Johansson, Jimmy
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology.
    Dagbro, Ola
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Measurement of surface-checking in sliced lamellae-based engineered wood flooring using digital image correlation2023In: European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, ISSN 0018-3768, E-ISSN 1436-736X, Vol. 81, p. 1427-1436Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The lack of quantitative methods for surface-checking measurements may hinder improving the product characteristics of engineered wood flooring products built with sliced top-layer lamellae. This study evaluated the digital image correlation method for its applicability to surface checking measurements in engineered wood flooring elements with the top-layer comprising the plain sliced lamellae of oak (Quercus spp.) species with nominal thicknesses of 1.5–4.5 mm. The method involves observing full-field surface displacements of the sliced lamellae-based wood flooring specimens subjected to an accelerated sorption/desorption cycle. Detection of surface checks relates to discontinuities in surface displacements which can be interpreted from the output strain data as strain peak regions. Additionally, a surface-checking index was defined to describe the extension of surface-checking. Exposure tests were performed on a combination of coating presence and a different number of testing cycles. The main findings provide insight into the method procedure parameters, such as exposure duration, climate conditions, analysis parameters and recommendations regarding the digital image correlation setup settings and specimen manufacturing.

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  • 46.
    Gunnarsson, Ingemar
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Från lärling till "ingenjör"2018In: Från Brittiska Indien till Huseby bruk: järnvägen som arena för modernitet och kolonialism under lycksökaren och järnvägsentreprenören Joseph Stephens tid i Indien 1860-69 / [ed] Margareta Petersson, Lund: Arkiv förlag & tidskrift, 2018, p. 65-82Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 47.
    Gunnarsson, Ingemar
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences. Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Referenshantering med EndNote2017In: Vetenskaplig teori och metod: Från idé till examination inom omvårdnad / [ed] Maria Henricson, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2017, 2, p. 439-458Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 48.
    Gunnarsson, Ingemar
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Referenshantering med EndNote2023In: Vetenskaplig teori och metod: Från idé till examination inom vård-och hälsovetenskap / [ed] Maria Henricson, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2023, 3, p. 501-521Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vetenskaplig teori och metod är ett heltäckande stöd genom hela högskoleutbildningen avseende vetenskapliga kunskaper med examensarbetet som mål. Den fungerar som kunskapskälla och uppslagsverk samt ger vägledning avseende metod, inför vetenskaplig granskning, sammanställning, presentation och publicering av det färdiga examensarbetet. Samtliga kapitel i denna utgåva har genomgått omfattande reviderinarg och nya exempel har tillförts.

  • 49.
    Gunnarsson, Ingemar
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Stärkt dialog mellan forskare och universitetsbibliotek: om vägen till Det infrastrukturella värdskapet®2010In: Biblioteksbladet, ISSN 0006-1867, Vol. 95, no 10, p. 14-16Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Under 2007–2008 påbörjades arbetet med ett processbaserat stöd för svensk forskning på dåvarande Växjö universitet, numera Linnéuniversitetet.

  • 50.
    Hansson, Joacim
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Golub, Koraljka
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Tyrkkö, Jukka
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Ahlström, Ida
    Linnaeus University, The University Library.
    Publication Practices in the Humanities: An in-depth Study of a Swedish Arts and Humanities Faculty 2010-20182021In: Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, E-ISSN 2597-0593, Vol. 2, no 2, p. 41-64Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper is a case study of research publication practices at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Linnaeus University, a young, mid-sized university in the south-east of Sweden. Research output was measured from publications in the local institutional repository following the guidelines of local research policy as defined in university documentation. The data collection comprised 3,316 metadata records of publications self-registered by authors affiliated with the faculty during the period of 2010–2018. A statistical analysis of research output was conducted, focusing on preferred publication types, disciplinary specificity, level of co-authorship, and the language of the publication as registered in the local repository. The analysis focused on two main research questions: 1) how do the local research practices stand in relation to traditional publication patterns in the humanities? 2) how do the observed publication patterns relate to local university policy on publication and research evaluation? The empirical results suggest a limited correlation between publication practices and research incentives from university management, a finding that is corroborated by previous research on the scholarly character of the humanities and university policies. Overall, traditional humanities publication patterns were largely maintained throughout the period under investigation.

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