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  • 1.
    Abrahamsson, Hanna
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Lönngren, Sandra
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Vad är hälsa i idrott och hälsa?: En studie om idrottslärares syn på hälsa och hälsoundervisning i grundskolans senare år2009Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet i föreliggande studie är att undersöka idrottslärares syn på hälsa och hälsoundervisning i skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Vi använde oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod i form av en intervju med hög grad av strukturering och låg grad av standardisering för att få svar på problemformuleringen. Nio intervjuer har genomförts med idrottslärare i grundskolans senare år som alla har genomgått utbildning i ämnet. Lärarna arbetar på sex olika skolor inom samma kommun. Resultatet visar att samtliga lärare anser att begreppet hälsa är svårdefinierat. De olika sätten att se på hälsa gör att hälsoundervisningen ter sig mycket olika beroende på vem det är som undervisar, trots att betygskriterierna är desamma. Oliktänkandet kring hälsa gör att lärarna planerar och genomför hälsoundervisningen så att den stämmer överens med deras egen övertygelse. Bland annat undervisar de i ergonomi, konditionsträning, styrketräning, kost, yoga, massage och avslappning. En del av lärarna låter sina elever skriva ett hälsoarbete inom ramen för hälsoundervisningen. De flesta lärarna strävar dock efter att varva teori och praktik i sin undervisning. Av undersökningen framkommer även att lärarna bedömer att idrottsundervisningen berikar eleverna ur hälsosynpunkt på olika sätt, ofta kopplat till hur fysiskt aktiv eleven är på fritiden. Anmärkningsvärt är att endast en av lärarna reflekterar över de elever som både fysiskt och psykiskt far illa av idrottsundervisningen och att detta i det närmaste leder till motsatsen till hälsa.

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  • 2.
    Ackesjö, Helena
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Det är ju ingenting vi bett om...: En studie av en integrationsprocess mellan förskoleklass och skola, med fokus på personal i förändring2006Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The major purpose of this master thesis is to follow a collaboration project of pre-school and compulsory school at one school during one school year. The survey is focused on the teachers and school administrators perception of the activities during the process of change before, during and after the physical integration. The main focus is to study how different groups and cultures of the teachers and the teachers historical and traditional background affect the perception. The survey is based on action research. The method allows triangulation, and during the data collection conversation, observations, diarys and questionnaires has been used. The results shows that the process was affected by the fact that compulsory school teachers eventually subordinated to the reform of collaboration. The pre-school teachers however regressivly balkanized themselves and created a room for acting. The process was thereby affected by a silent power struggle amongst the teachers, in terms of internal traditional and historical ranking and of educational methods. By subordination the compulsory school teachers took the power over the collaboration. No spontanious collaboration was established during the first school year.

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  • 3.
    Ackesjö, Helena
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences. University of Gothenburg.
    Gränsers påverkan på lärares identitetskonstruktioner i förskoleklass2009In: Centrum för professionsstudier, 2009Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte:I studien av läraridentiteter i förskoleklass har förskoleklassen teoretiskt placerats i gränslandet mellan förskola och skola. Detta görs för att förskoleklassen är en frivillig skolform som i verksamheten ska utgå ifrån förskolans pedagogiska traditioner, men ingår i skolans läroplan. Syftet har varit att studera vilka läraridentiteter som konstrueras i detta gränsland och hur dessa konstrueras.

    Metod:Data för studien har konstruerats med inspiration av dialogseminarier. Genom att skriva egna texter, läsa och berätta för andra lärare i grupper, engagerades lärarna i vad som skulle kunna kallas för narrativt teoretiserande, vilket kan leda till att man kan upptäcka och skapa sina professionella identiteter.

    Resultat:Resultaten visar att lärarna i identitetskonstruktionen positionerar sig emot de två omgivande kulturerna, förskolans och skolans. Identitetskonstruktionen utgörs i flera fall av vi-dom-markeringar. Vikten av och möjligheten till delaktighet och acceptans i skolgemenskapen blir centralt. I resultatet skapas två centrala samtalsteman; inom samverkanstemat konstruerar lärarna gränsöverskridande identiteter genom sitt kryssande mellan de olika kulturerna, och inom särartsteman konstruerar lärarna transformativa identiteter i det kulturella mellanrummet mellan de omgivande kulturerna.

    Konklusioner:Konstruktionen av särartstemat, där lärarna placerar sig i mellanrummet mellan kulturerna och framhåller sin unikhet, kan indikera att gränserna mellan förskola och skola har förstärkts istället för att öppnas. Förskoleklassen kan därför ses som en säkerhetszon, i vilken lärarna kan distansera sig från övriga lärare i skola och förskola och konstruera sina identiteter genom att markera sin särart i utbildningssystemet. Allt detta tvärtemot förskoleklassreformens intentioner.

  • 4.
    Ackesjö, Helena
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences. University of Gothenburg.
    Narrative teacher identities in preschool class: Stories from a borderland2008In: ECER 2008, From Teaching to Learning?, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Aims & methodA new arena, the preschool class, is arising between preschool and compulsory school. One can assume that new teacher identities are formed in this new borderland. This study, which is in its introduction phase, aims to search for answers about how the teachers chose to describe themselves as teachers in preschool class, how they are talking about themselves, who they are today and who they want to be tomorrow. In other words, which teacher identities these variations contain.

    In the study the teacher identities will be investigated by their narratives in interaction with and between teachers in focus groups. Bruners (1986) starting point is that narratives creates and recreates relations and identities, and that narrative telling can be seen as an act of reality making.  The narratives render possible definitions of identities in the social life.

    The identities the teachers in preschool class assume is not static, instead they can change constantly on the basis of experiences and reflections. The identities constitute a part of the teachers aims to create meaning in their actions in the pedagogical practice, both historical, current and according to their goals for the future (Beijaard m.fl., 2004; Geijsel & Meijers, 2005). In the study the teacher identities are connected to their actions in the pedagogical practice (ex. Irisdotter, 2006; Beijaard, Meijer, & Verloop, 2004 & Säljö, 2000).

    The theoretical perspectives in the studyThe study is built on sociocultural theories, social constructionism and border theories. In sociocultural theories meaning making can be seen as mediated through language, where our meaning making processes can be seen as reactions on cultural, historical and social circumstances and where we create ourselves in a narrative praxis (ex. Bruner, 1990 & Rogoff, 2003).

    The preschool class can be considered as a borderland between preschool and compulsory school, hence border theories can be productive in a study of teachers in preschool class. We all live in a world, where (invisible) borders control our lives. Frontiers, borders and borderlands used in geographical literature have a big relevance on our lives and social interactions. The borders creates transition zones to which people from both sides of the border are given permission and where hybrid groups with hybrid identities permits to grow (Newman, 2003). The individual narratives and identities are changing when an activity is transferred to a new territory. Thereby, when individuals are moving from one category or area to another they can experience a form of transition hybridity, where they has assimilated “the new” at the same time as they sustain a great part of  “the old” (Newman, 2006b).

    The contribution from the social constructionism to this study is the starting point that teacher identities can’t be found passively inside the teacher, instead the teacher identity is created in a social act and in a specific practice.  Hence, the focus in this study is on what happens in the relations between people, and what is communicated and expressed in this communication (Shotter, 2005).

    MethodsFocus groups are used as the research method. Approximately 15 teachers working in preschool class are participating, and they are divided into three focus groups. Each group is gathered three times, and each time a main theme for discussion is presented from me as the researcher and moderator of the groups. Data is produced via interaction between the teachers and their narratives are recorded by audio technique. The narratives are then analyzed with focus on the content in the discussions and with the aim to make the variation of the teacher’s identities in preschool class visible. 

    Expected outcomesThis study can make a contribution to the research on professional identities in general and teachers’ professional identities in particular. It has the potential to generate new hypothesis about the construction of “teachers”. Firstly by focusing on a “new” teacher profession, and secondly by connecting border theories to research on professional identities.

  • 5.
    Adolfsson, Carl-Henrik
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Legitimitetskris, styrning och kunskap2009Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 6.
    Adolfsson, Linda
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Ström, Elisabeth
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Resursskolan: Före detta elevers upplevelser av hemskola, särskiljande och resursskola2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to investigate how former pupils in a daycareschool experienced there stay, in relation to the ordinary school. The method we used was an qualitative interview study with former pupils of a daycareschool. We have analyzed the result with help of Goffmans theory about stigma, Beckers labeling theory, Antonovskys SOC (a Sense Of Coherence) concept and Gjaerums theory of controlling. After analyzing the results we came to the conclution that the pupils where stigmatized and labeled as deviants in the ordinary school whilst in the daycareschool they got an enhanced SOC and a feeling of control. Due to the daycareschool’s work with these pupils they no longer sees as stigmatized and labeled.

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  • 7.
    Adolfsson, Victoria
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Örnfjäder, Lisa
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Barns upplevelser av att vårdas på en somatisk vårdavdelningIndependent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 8.
    Agneta, Hedblom
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Ekonomiskt utsatta barnfamiljers försörjningsvillkor och relationer till välfärdsverksamheter i S Innerstaden – Delrapport 1 i projektet `Barnfamiljers försörjningsvillkor´2001Report (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Agneta, Hedblom
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Janusansiktet i Aktiveringspolitiken – en studie av Aktiveringspolitiken i Storstadssatsningen2004Report (Other academic)
  • 10.
    Agneta, Hedblom
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Stegaprojektet - ett försök till samverkan mellan Skola och Socialtjänst1997Report (Other academic)
  • 11.
    Ahlbom, Sandra
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Hogström, Veronica
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    "Om jag inte hänger med så pratar jag med någon annan om annat": En studie av lärare och elevers upplevelse av självbildens betydelse för motivation, lärande och lärmiljö2009Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka lärare och elever i grundskolans tidigare års upplevelse av självbildens betydelse för motivation, lärande och lärmiljö. Vi har använt oss av intervjuer som undersökningsinstrument samt framställt observationsskisser av olika klassrum. Intervjuerna genomfördes med elever i årskurs 1 och 2 och med klasslärare i årskurs 1 och 2. Klassrumsobservationerna genomfördes i respektive klasslärares hemklassrum. Totalt intervjuade vi fyra klasslärare samt 23 elever. 

    Resultatet visar att de intervjuade lärarna är eniga om att självbilden har stor inverkan på både lärande och motivation. För att hålla motivationen vid liv krävs en positiv självbild. Även tryggheten i gruppen har en betydande roll i skapandet av en positiv självbild. Elever med mindre bra självbild placeras ofta strategiskt långt fram i klassrummet så att läraren ska kunna stödja och uppmuntra dessa elever. Vidare framhåller lärarna att elevernas tro på den egna förmågan krävs för lärande och personlig utveckling. Som lärare har man en oerhört viktig roll i att motivera och engagera eleverna. Lärarna och eleverna uttrycker liknande resonemang om behovet av fler och större utrymmen att tillgå i undervisningen. Lärarna och majoriteten av eleverna har även liknande resonemang kring placering i klassrummet för bästa koncentration, två och två placering anses ge bäst arbetsklimat. Resultatet visar vidare att eleverna överlag trivs bra i sina respektive lärmiljöer och vågar uttrycka sina åsikter. De antyder även att de känner sig sedda och får stöd och hjälp i undervisningen. Koncentration är något som genomsyrar elevernas tankar kring lärande.

    Intervjuade lärare ser självbilden som viktig för motivation och lärande. Trygghet och trivsel i lärmiljön är en grund för positiv lärmiljö enligt både lärare och elever. Även samspelet mellan både elever och lärare har en betydande roll i elevens utveckling och lärande. Samband mellan otrygghet och mindre bra självbild visar sig hos vissa av de intervjuade eleverna. Hos resterande elever visar sig istället samband mellan känsla av trygghet och positiv självbild.

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  • 12.
    Ahlgren, Annica
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Andersson, Johanna
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Evenemang: -ett vinnande koncept för regional utveckling?2001Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Event is a phenomenon that lately has become more common, especially within the tourism industry. This essay is a study within human geography and with focus on the meaning and the design of events. The purpose with this essay is to examine and describe the concept of event and to show how events can influence a region. Falkenberg is situated in the county of Halland by the west coast and the sea and because of that a natural tourist destination. The city is a known seaside resort since the end of the nineteenth century. Our method is a case study with interviews with seven of the participants active within events in Falkenberg.


    This essay shows that events are limited in time and space, they have their own attraction and uniqueness and it all sums up into what the visitor expects to experience and what they will experience. An event is a business opportunity, and it increases the flow of visitors and money through the region. The image of the region can be influenced by events and in the long run lead to a brand that enhances the regions values.

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  • 13.
    Ahrens, Karolin
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Engman, Sara
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Högskolestudenters psykiska hälsa: Kartläggning av självskadebeteende2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of deliberate self-harm in a Swedish University population.

    Method: A random sample of first year students at University of Kalmar was invited to participate in an Internet-based survey in the autumn of 2007. A total of 139 (53,1 %) completed the anonymous survey.

    Results: The results showed that 25,2 % (n=35) of the students reported having engaged in some kind of deliberate self-harm at least once, and deliberate self-harm was endorsed by 7,9 % within the past year. The most frequently procedures to self-harm were to tear, carve or pinch self, cutting skin and hitting self on purpose. 37,1 % reported that they had told no one about their self-injurious behaviors and 36,4 % significantly reported that they had no one they trusted and who they could talk to if they were concerned about something. Students with self-injurious behavior were also more likely to report a history of emotional, sexual and/or physical abuse, alcohol and drug use, cut classes and questioning their sexual orientation.

    Conclusions: Findings suggest that self-harm is associated with risk factors and that self-injury is not only associated with adolescence but also with adulthood. It is therefore important to continue studies in both populations.

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  • 14.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Assessing bilingual scientific literacy: A study of students speaking about physics in English and Swedish2009In: Paper presented at the Symposium for English for Specific Purposes University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. 12-13 January Gothenburg, 2009Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 15.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Can you Teach it in English? Aspects of the Language Choice Debate in Swedish Higher Education2004In: Integrating Content and Language: Meeting the Challenge of a Multilingual Higher Education / [ed] Wilkinson, Robert., Maastricht, Netherlands: Maastricht University Press , 2004, p. 97-108Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 16.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Content and Language: Bilingual Scientific Literacy in Swedish Universities2008In: Paper presented at CLIL Fusion conference 24-25 October, 2008, Tallinn, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 17.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Discourse in the Zone: Experiencing scientific concepts through the practices of science2004In: Final seminar of the course Cultural-Historical Activity Theory 24-25 November, Lund University, 2004Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 18.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Estimating undergraduate bilingual scientific literacy in Sweden2009In: International CLIL Research Journal, ISSN 1797-948X, Vol. 1, no 2, p. 26-35Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper reports ongoing research results from the first Swedish study to be carried out into the relationship between the teaching language and disciplinary learning at university level. The study explores the ability of Swedish science students to spontaneously describe and explain, in both Swedish and English, the concepts they met in their course lectures.

    The work reported here is a first attempt to evaluate a number of techniques that together may be used to estimate spoken bilingual scientific literacy. Transcripts of students using both English and Swedish to describe a science concept are analysed using three categories: fluency, involuntary codeswitching, and disciplinarity. These categories are then cross-referenced with the language in which the disciplinary concept was originally taught (Swedish, English, or both languages).

    The study finds that for some students, spoken scientific literacy in English is indeed a problem. Here, it has been suggested that these problems may be transitory, and more work is needed to ascertain whether this is indeed the case.

  • 19.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Language and Engineering: Towards Bilingual Scientific Literacy2008In: Paper presented at Engineering Education Development 2008. Royal Institute of Technology. 26-27 November 2008. Stockholm, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 20.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Language Aspects in Physics Education2004In: Invited Speaker. Meeting the Challenges of University Physics Education, Symposium on Physics Education June 3-4 2004, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, 2004Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 21.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Learning and language: Mapping the bilingual scientific literacy of Swedish science students2008In: Paper presented at the conference Cultural and Linguistic Practices in the International University. Roskilde University, 15-17 December, Roskilde, Denmark, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 22.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Learning through English: Researching language environments in Scandinavian universities2008In: Symposium organized for the conference Cultural and Linguistic Practices in the International University. Roskilde University 15-17 December Roskilde Denmark, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 23.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    När undervisningen kräver att studenterna byter språk2009In: Invited plenary speaker. Högskoleverket Konferens om undervisning på engelska i svensk högre utbildning, 24 november 2009, 2009Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 24.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    När undervisningsspråket blir engelska2006In: Språkvård, Vol. 4, p. 20-25Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 25.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Parallel Language Use2009In: Invited speaker. Paper presented at the symposium: Språkstrategier och parallellspråk vid nordiska universitet. Helsinki 26–27 mars 2009, 2009Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Research into the relationship between learning and the language of instruction2008Other (Other academic)
  • 27.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Supporting Act? The Role of English Language in Swedish University Degree Programmes2003In: Developing Language and Communication in Higher Education: Trends in Teaching and Research. Chalmers Lindholmen University College, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2003Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 28.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Teaching in English: The effects of language choice on student learning in Swedish university science.2008In: Paper presented at the international conference on language planning and language policy. 9–10 June Saltjöbaden, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 29.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Teaching University Courses through the Medium of English: The current state of the art2003In: Didaktikens mångfald / [ed] Fransson, G., Morberg, Å., Nilsson, R. and Schüllerqvist, B., Gävle, Sweden: Högskolan i Gävle , 2003, p. 11-18Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 30.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    The relationship between teaching language and learning in Swedish higher education2009In: Keynote Speaker. CIP SYMPOSIUM 2009 English as the medium of instruction in higher education Attitudes, challenges and quality assurance Friday 13th November 2009. Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use. Copenhagen University, 2009Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 31.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Two languages, one purpose: Parallel language use in Swedish University Science2009In: Paper presented at Languages for Specific Purposes LSP 2009 17 - 21 August 2009, Aarhus, 2009Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 32.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Utbildning på engelska – hur förbereder vi studenterna genom marknadsföring och information?2007In: Paneldebatt 31 Maj 2007 Mittuniversitet. HögskoleinformatörskonferensenArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 33.
    Airey, John
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Vi blir dummare på engelska, but is there anything we can do about it?2007In: Paneldebatt 24 maj 2007 Kulturhuset Stockholm. Anordnad av Stockholms Akademiska Forum, Forskning och Framsteg, British Council och Vetenskap och AllmänhetArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 34.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Domert, Daniel
    Linder, Cedric
    Representing disciplinary knowledge? Undergraduate students' experience of the equations in physics lectures2006In: EARLI SIG-2 biennial meeting, 30 August - 1 September 2006. University of Nottingham , Nottingham, UK, 2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 35.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Kelly, Greg
    Linder, Cedric
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences.
    Martins, Isabel
    Exploring the Landscape of Scientific Literacy: Visions for Research and Practice: Exploring language perspectives2009In: Symposium paper presented at European Science Education Research Association ESERA 2009, 2009Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 36.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, C
    Language and the experience of learning university physics in Sweden2006In: European journal of physics, Vol. 27, no 3, p. 553-560Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 37.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Uppsala University.
    A Disciplinary Discourse Perspective on University Science Learning: Achieving Fluency in a Critical Constellation of Modes2009In: Journal of Research in Science Teaching, ISSN 0022-4308, E-ISSN 1098-2736, Vol. 46, no 1, p. 27-49Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this theoretical article we use an interpretative study with physics undergraduates to exemplify a proposed characterization of student learning in university science in terms of fluency in disciplinary discourse. Drawing on ideas from a number of different sources in the literature, we characterize what we call “disciplinary discourse” as the complex of representations, tools and activities of a discipline, describing how it can be seen as being made up of various “modes”. For university science, examples of these modes are: spoken and written language, mathematics, gesture, images (including pictures, graphs and diagrams), tools (such as experimental apparatus and measurement equipment), and activities (such as ways of working—both practice and praxis, analytical routines, actions, etc.). Using physics as an illustrative example, we discuss the relationship between the ways of knowing that constitute a discipline and the modes of disciplinary discourse used to represent this knowing. The data comes from stimulated recall interviews where physics undergraduates discuss their learning experiences during lectures. These interviews are used to anecdotally illustrate our proposed characterization of learning and its associated theoretical constructs. Students describe a repetitive practice aspect to their learning, which we suggest is necessary for achieving fluency in the various modes of disciplinary discourse. Here we found instances of discourse imitation, where students are seemingly fluent in one or more modes of disciplinary discourse without having related this to a teacher-intended disciplinary way of knowing. The examples lead to the suggestion that fluency in a critical constellation of modes of disciplinary discourse may be a necessary (though not always sufficient) condition for gaining meaningful holistic access to disciplinary ways of knowing. One implication is that in order to be effective, science teachers need to know which modes are critical for an understanding of the material they wish to teach.

  • 38.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Bilingual Scientific Literacy...2008In: Paper presented at Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference 31 May-3 June 2008, University of British Columbia, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 39.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Bilingual Scientific Literacy? The Use of English in Swedish University Science Courses2008In: Nordic Journal of English Studies, ISSN 1502-7694, E-ISSN 1654-6970, Vol. 7, no 3, p. 145-161Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 40.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Disciplinary learning in a second language: A case study from university physics2007In: Researching Content and Language Integration in Higher Education / [ed] Wilkinson, R. & Zegers, V., Maastricht:: Maastricht University Language Centre , 2007, p. 161-171Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Inte en fråga om vilket språk som är bäst …2006In: Debattartikel universitetsläraren 14-2006Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 42.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Language, Bandwidth and the Shared Space of Learning2004In: EARLI SIG 9 Conference: Phenomenography and Variation Theory Go to School. 18-21 August 2004. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2004Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 43.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Languages, Modality and Disciplinary Knowledge2006In: ICLHE 2006: Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education. 28 June – 1 July 2006. University of Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 44.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Learning from complementary representations: a disciplinary discourse approach2007In: 12th biennial EARLI 2007 conference, 27 August - 1 September 2007. University of Szeged, Budapest, Hungary, 2007Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 45.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Learning in a Second Language. Two Case Studies from University Physics2006In: ICLHE 2006: Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education, University of Maastricht, Netherlands, 2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 46.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Learning through English: further insights from a case study in Swedish university physics2008In: Paper presented at NU2008, Kalmar, University of Kalmar, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 47.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Looking for Links between Learning and the Discursive Practices of University Science2005In: 11th EARLI biennial conference, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 2005Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 48.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    Representations, tools and activities: A disciplinary discourse approach to multimodal science learning2006In: EARLI SIG-2 biennial meeting, 30 August - 1 September 2006, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 49.
    Airey, John
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Linder, Cedric
    The disciplinary discourse of university physics: learning through fluency in a critical constellation of representations2008In: Paper presented at NU2008, Kalmar, 2008Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 50.
    Albien, Pia
    University of Kalmar, School of Human Sciences.
    Vem tar hand om 50-talisterna: Hur 4 personer födda på 1950-talet funderar på framtiden som pensionär2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med den här undersökningen var att få en inblick i hur fyra personer som är födda på 1950-talet funderar över framtiden som pensionär. Min rubrik ”Vem tar hand om 50-talisten?” är en fundering över hur det kan komma att bli för 50-talisten som pensionär. Det är ett nytt pensionssystem som har trätt i kraft och de flesta som är födda på 1950-talet kommer att få sin pension utifrån det. Samhällsutvecklingen förändras och inom socialförsäkringssystemet görs stora ekonomiska omfördelningar och besparingar. I min undersökning har jag intervjuat fyra personer som är födda på 1950-talet. Jag har också intervjuat barn till dessa personer. 50-talisterna är huvudgruppen, men eftersom min undersökning handlar om generationsboende och omhändertagande så ville jag även ha med några av barnen.

    Undersökningen har väckt en del tankar. Mina respondenter värnar om sin individualitet och de har gjort sina livsstilsval som de har svårt att tänka sig förändra. 50-talisterna är övertygade om att det kommer att bli förändringar när de går i pension, men de verkar inte vilja släppa den livsstil de har valt. Min tolkning av undersökningen är att den yngre generationen har lite lättare att kunna anpassa sig till framtidens pensionsförändringar än vad deras föräldrar har.

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