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  • 1.
    Ahlgren, Fredrik
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Ahlgren, Kristoffer
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Gasens inverkan på oljan i ett hydrauliksystem2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    I detta arbete har vi med en litteraturstudie försökt påvisa vad en inblandad gas i oljan i ett hydrauliksystem har för betydelse för funktionen. Vi har använt information i traditionell facklitteratur samt i tidskrifter och vetenskapliga rapporter och upptäckt att problemen som uppkommer av inblandade gaser inte är väl kända. Dagens lösningar på problemen är nästan alltid kostsamma och handlar om att behandla symptomen. Vi har tittat på de olika fysikaliska data som gasen inverkar på i oljan, utifrån detta har vi analyserat vilka effekter detta har för ett hydrauliksystems funktion. Vi kommer att diskutera grundproblemet till kavitation och vanliga problem som ett hydrauliksystem ofta har. Vi har lyckats presentera resultat på att inblandad gas i oljan har en mycket stor inverkan på ett hydrauliksystem. Vi har kommit fram till att mycket av dagens problem med hydrauliksystem helt skulle kunna byggas bort om man tog större hänsyn till oljans förmåga att lösa in luft.

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  • 2.
    Andersson, Johan
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Hjelmqvist, Carl
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    El-, kylvatten- och hydraulsystem till fiskebåt2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This project includes the design of cooling, hydraulic, and electrical systems of a small fishing vessel

    (FF Gava) and documentation of those systems. The documentation consists of three parts: description

    of function, fault isolation manuals and lists of components. The major part of this project has been the

    function and construction of those systems and the fitting and integration to already existing


  • 3.
    Andersson, Rasmus
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Havet som Transportväg: En undersökning om MARPOL-Konventionens roll för transportköparna2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    A qualitative study regarding what role the MARPOL-Convention plays for the costumers of transport service. What regard of environment they take in consideration for their choice of carrier and to what degree they are aware of the MARPOL-Convention and the work the crew put in on board vessels, in order to live up to the requirements of the MARPOL-Convention. The problem deals with the understanding of the environmental work, not only within their own labor sector, but also in other labor sectors, is an important understanding to achieve a great partnership for the environment. The survey is based on a semi-structured method of open interviews with five Swedish companies that are dealing in goods internationally and are costumers of transport services. This survey shows that; long term transport costs, environmental work within the transport company, the reliability regarding the assigned delivery times and the earlier working relationship between shippers and carriers, play the greatest role for the choice of carrier. And that one out of five respondents are aware of the MARPOL-Convention, and some of the work it requires of the crew on board the vessels.

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    Havet som Transportväg
  • 4.
    Andersson, Robert
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Huss, Karl
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Lagerberg, Henrik
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    PLC-Baserat Maskinlarm ombord Ms Calmare Nyckel2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This graduate report describes the work relating to the development of a brand new monitoring and machinery alarm system onboard the training vessel M/S Calmare Nyckel. The system developed, is based on PLC automation technology, and allows graphical presentation of system data.

    The project was managed by three marine engineering students at the Kalmar Maritime Academy.

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  • 5.
    Asp, Johan
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    ARBOGA REDERI - Beslutsunderlag inför fartygsköp2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Jag fick en tanke våren 2008 varför Arboga Rederi inte utvecklade trafiken mer, idén kom då upp att man kanske kunde göra detta till ett examensarbete. Jag tog kontakt med rederiet och föreslog detta men fick reda på att man inte hade några tankar på att göra om trafiken. Men man ville gärna se vilka alternativ till hamnar det finns och information så man skulle kunna göra en kostnadskalkyl. Detta projekt har då gått ut på att presentera fakta om vissa hamnar kring sjöarna Mälaren och Hjälmaren inför Arboga Rederi. Informationen ska, av dem, sedan kunna användas som underlag inför ett eventuellt fartygsförvärv eller nya kostnadsberäkningar om man vill lägga om trafiken. För att samla in all information har respektive kommun eller företag kontaktats för att på så sätt få rätt fakta.

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  • 6.
    Axelsson, Erik
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Ringborg, Mårten
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Katodiskt Korrosionsskydd: Hur fungerar katodiskt korrosionsskydd ombord på fartyg?2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The idea for this exam paper arose under our onboard training periods. Under these periods we understood that the knowledge in cathodic corrosion protection was poor among the engine personal. We have also made a minor survey among marine engineers to see how the knowledge in this area is onboard. The survey shows that our hypothesis on the level of knowledge corresponded to a large extent. Further reason why we studied this area is that we wanted to deepen us in this subject, when our own experience only was to write numbers from a display. Our main question has been how cathodic corrosion protection work at ships. In order to answer this question, we conducted literature studies in the subject. The theoretical knowledge we have gathered from internet and books. The practical knowledge we have gained from previous training periods and during onboard training on MS Silja Galaxy in December 2008 to January 2009.

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  • 7.
    Axelsson, Jesper
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Nordström, Kristian
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Dynamic Under Keel Clearance(DUKC): Ökat godsflöde i svenska hamnar samt bibehållen sjötransportsäkerhet2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om det fanns intresse för att införande av DUKC (Dynamic Under Keel Clearance) systemet i Sverige.Vi utgick ifrån en hamn i Australien, Port Hedland, som använt systemet sedan 1996, sedan tog vi reda på vad som användes i Sverige. För att få en bra grund sökte vi information om vad som krävdes för att DUKC skulle fungera tillfredställande. Vi Tog också del av en studie som man utfört i Mälaren som grundar sig på fartygs dynamiska rörelser och djupgående.Utifrån vår insamlade data ville vi fråga en sjöfartsrelaterad grupp och undersöka hur intresset för DUKC såg ut och skickade ut en enkät som även innehöll ett informationsblad.Efter sammanställning av erhållna svara framgick det att intresset för att införa just DUKC systemet inte var så stort men däremot ett system som gör det möjligt att säkerställa de krav som finns idag.

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  • 8.
    Axelsson, Marcus
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Karlman, Brian
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Mingert, Louise
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Pernhult, Annika
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Thorlin, Roger
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Westberg, Marie
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Career Event 20092009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Branschdagarna är ett arbetsmarknadsevent som anordnas varje av studenter för studenter, på Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar.

  • 9.
    Backman, Andreas
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Hallén, Marie-Therése
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Junvik, Anna
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Vad får svenskar att söka sig till Maersk istället för till Kalmar för att utbilda sig till sjöbefäl?2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    With this thesis we would like to find out why Swedish students at a nautical choose to study at Maersks master programme instead of Kalmar Maritime Academy.

    We also wanted to find out what factors play a role in the choice of school, how the students come in contact with the school and how they experience their studies at SIMAC.

    We have interviewed some of the Swedish students during a visit at SIMAC. We chose to perform a qualitative study consisiting of open questions. The interviews were followed up with a questionnaire. These methods were suitable since we were interested in the student´s opinions. Our result is that the students who took part in our study perceived their school sometimes as unstructured and confusing. They also experienced problems with the Danish language. The main reason for staying at the school is the upcomming, remunerative, work at Maersk.

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  • 10.
    Balzer, Daniel
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy. 1987.
    Energieffektivisering sjökylvattensystem2020Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta arbete är tänkt att ge ett beräkningsunderlag för en framtida uppgradering av ett existerande fullflödessystem till ett system med variabelt flöde som varierar efter kylbehov. Det befintliga sjökylvattensystemet för dieselgeneratorerna uppgraderades rent fysiskt ombord på det berörda fartyget för att kunna lämna så noga resultat som möjligt. Resultaten kom att kretsa kring två frågor, ren ekonomisk vinst samt mängden minskat koldioxidutsläpp. Författaren har genom att uppgradera systemet ombord kunnat leverera en tydlig presentation av resultatens omfattning på det gamla systemet kontra det nya. Huvudkomponenter som använts för uppgraderingen har varit en frekvensomvandlare samt pneumatiska ventiler. Resultaten som presenteras i arbetet visar på en snabb återbetalning utav de investerade medlen och många ton växthusgaser reducerade årligen. För fartyg i liknande sits och med tid samt resurser att genomföra liknande uppgradering finns det i detta arbete både exempel och kalkyler för att motivera liknande uppgradering.

  • 11.
    Bengtsson, Fredrik
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Andreasson, David
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Uppföljningsstudie efter konvertering till Alpha Adaptive Cylinder-oil Control2010Student paper other, 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This is a follow up study of Wallenius Marine ABs choice to convert from Mechanic Lubricator to Alpha Adaptive Cylinder-oil Control onboard their ships 2006 to 2007. The purpose with the follow up study was to compare the two systems in a number of aspects. The comparison was the basis to find out how the system has reached the expectations and if the installation has paid itself in three to four years on four of the ships.


    The method used to reach the expected results has in first hand been the evaluation model which was created already in the state of planning. The evaluation model is presenting which aspects that have been chosen to compare for each system and have then been realized with an individual approach for each aspect. In the stage where the method part was used, the procedure started from the information received from the ships together with interviews performed on chosen engine officers and information regarding price.


    The conclusions which could be drawn from the follow up study was that the system Alpha Adaptive Cylinder-oil Control  have performed satisfactory in the aspects, usability and cylinder wear, but have not saved enough in cylinder oil consumption to compensate for its own cost of purchase and installation within the estimated time limit.

  • 12.
    Bergenlid, Magnus
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Lindqvist, Oscar
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Dävert-livbåten, dåtidens övergivningssystem?: -En studie om däcksbefäls inställning till dagens övergivningssystem2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Abandoning ships today is associated with dangers and risks. There are presently three different systems used in order to abandon ships: free-fall lifeboat, davit-launched lifeboat and the life raft. The sole groundbreaking innovation in modern time is the free-fall lifeboat which has now been in service for approximately 30 years and provides means for the crew to quickly abandon the ship and it has its own propulsion system. Due to the last years increasing numbers of incidents and accidents involving both free-fall lifeboats and davit-launched lifeboats resulting in both injuries and even deaths, it is today recommended by the UN body IMO (International Maritime Organization) to have a minimum of crewmembers in the lifeboat during drills. The question we asked ourselves is: How is it possible for the crew to put their trust into systems which are deemed to be dangerous even during drills by the same organization that stipulates the framework for rules concerning safety at sea? Our objective with this work was to chart out what evacuation system deck officers put their trust in.

  • 13.
    Bohm, Martin
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Hjalmarsson, Magnus
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    IMSAFE- en databas om sjösäkerhet2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This project called ”IMSAFE – a data base on safety at sea” is a part project in a larger research project named ”Safety organisation, Safety management, Safety governing and ships safety”. The aim of this part project has been that of collecting and feeding information into the data base in order to get it started and going. The point of the data base is not to compete with or to become a surrogate for already exciting sources of search but to be a complement to them.

  • 14.
    Branelius, Oscar
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Albertsson, Richard
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Nautikerns möjlighet att reducera bunkerförbrukningen2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The work aims to clarify what nautical officers onboard in today's merchant can do to help reduce bunker consumption during the voyage? The question we have asked ourselves during the autumn term in 2008 much was said about the premium bunker prices, and how the future could affect our daily lives as nautical officer. We felt here that the school had relatively little knowledge of the subject and therefore felt that it would be interesting to identify how it really looks like onboard the ships today. To collect information we contacted 7 Swedish companies that operate with different types of vessels, in order to get a broad picture of the whole industry. For shipping companies we asked questions about how actively they were working on the issue and what methods they used. We found that the owners worked with the issue but that it so far was a little on the go. All but one company in the survey provided the vessels are instructed to run bunker efficiently.

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  • 15.
    Burman, Jonas
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Friberg, Magnus
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Projekt Lister: Överhalning av en hjälpmaskin2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    This is a summary of the formal part of our project. During the autumn of 2007 and spring 2008 we have done an overhaul on one of the auxiliary engines onboard Calmare Nyckel. The assignment was given from Egon Nilson. The engine was in bad shape, lubrication oil and coolingwater was leaking from several cylinders and thereby in big need of a service. There have been some waiting time during the order of new parts because of the rare engine type which are British and therefore all the parts had to be ordered from England. At the end of the project we discovered some difficulties with coolingwater leaking in to the oil sump, this causing further delays finishing the project. The problem were solved and at the test run the engine run satisfactory.

    During the project we have as far as possible followed the manual and other instructions available.

    During a project like this it is important that all documentation of the project is shown.

    The materials that are shown are presented with an introduction followed by the process and the result. To this documentation we have attached a working diary and quotations.

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  • 16.
    Bååth, Richard
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Överstyrmäns arbetssituation2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta examensarbete gjordes för att få en inblick i en överstyrmans arbete. Målet med examensarbetet var att få en inblick i en överstyrmans arbetsuppgifter och i hans arbetssituation i förhållande till lagen om vilotid för sjömän. Examensarbetet genomfördes med överstyrmän från de tre tankrederierna Broström, Donsötank och Tärntank. Där kontakt först togs med respektive landkontor för godkännande. Därefter kontaktades överstyrmän och telefonintervjuer genomfördes under mars månad. Resultatet visade att det fanns en viss

    skillnad mellan en överstyrman från Tärntank och en överstyrman från Broström eller Donsötank. För en överstyrman från Broström och Donsötank hittades däremot inte någon utmärkande skillnad i arbetet. Den största skillnaden var att en överstyrman från Tärntank har

    mycket bättre förutsättningar för att kunna hålla sig inom lagen för vilotid, än vad en överstyrman från Broström eller Donsötank har.

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  • 17.
    Carlsson, Wilhelm
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Johansson, Magnus
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Kommunikationen mellan student och handledaren ur ett studentperspektiv: Under den fartygsförlagda utbildningen2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna undersökning byggds på intervjuer av studenter ifrån det fyraåriga sjöingenjörsprogrammet på Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar under ht 07 och vt 08.

    Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka hur eleven såg på kommunikationen med handledaren under den fartygsförlagda praktiktiden.

    Metoden som användes var kvalitativt styrda intervjuer. Dessa genomfördes med hjälp av Kvales intervju tekniker. För analysering av intervjuerna användes Jacobsens teorier om kvalitativa innehållsanalyser.

    Efter genomförd undersökning kom man att se att studenterna tyckte att det fanns tendenser till kommunikationsbrister mellan student och handledare under den fartygsförlagda praktiktiden. Dessa kommunikationsbrister berodde enligt studenterna på tidsbrist samt brist på engagemang hos handledaren.

    Trots brister i kommunikationer ser ändå de flesta intervjupersonerna positivt på sitt framtida yrkesutövande. Med underlag av denna undersökning ser vi dock tendenser till att en översyn av praktikfartyg samt engagerade handledare kanske är i sin ordning.

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  • 18.
    Dallner, Björn
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Holmen, Martin
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Spanier, Lars
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Svenskt Skeppshistoriskt Register: Datorapplikation2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Our objective with this diploma thesis was to build a computer application to a maritime society on the island Donsö. They want to use the application to compile a Swedish Shiphistorical Register with the help of the information they have collected bye the maritime society during modern time. The idea emerged when one member from the projekt group where out as a cadet and the captain told him about his card index with ship history. During the spring contact with said captain was re-established and a request to get premission to create an application and adjecent database working in project form using project as the type of work within the limits of degree project was sent, and approved. We concentrated our efforts to create an easy to manage database ther several user simultanously could both register and search for data. The time needed in the end turned out to be greater than within the time-frame and the limits of the size of the course, for this reason the application is not finished during the writing of this diploma thesis. We took a decision to prolong the time-frame outside the limits of a degree project and complete the application for delivery before the end of the semester.

  • 19.
    Eklöf, Oskar
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Sandell, Tobias
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Arbetsrelaterade olyckor till sjöss: En studie om det förebyggande arbetet ombord på svenska handelsfartyg2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Employees on Swedish shipping companies have for several years topped the accident statistics when compared with land based jobs.

    The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish shipping companies are working to prevent work related accidents.

    The study was made through interviews with four Swedish shipping companies.

    And a questionnaire answered by 10 onboard employees from Swedish shipping companies.

    The result of our study shows that the companies are working with preventing accidents onboard mainly through different measures to increase the reporting frequency from the ships to the office. In the answers we received from the questionnaires we could see that the reporting frequency on board is poor.

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  • 20.
    Ellmark, Cyrille
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Käck, Mathias
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Frifallslivbåtars begränsningar2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Accidents occur when exercising with free-fall lifeboats. This should be possible to avoid with better equipment and better education. Since accidents occur more often when exercise is performed aboard ships than ashore, the later part should be more decisive: During exercise the focus should be put on how to buckle up in a correct way. The above text is a part of what this investigative study is about, we have used a qualitative method for sorting out questions about the risks with free-fall lifeboats. SOLAS does not put any demands on the existence of aiding equipment to facilitate bringing injured persons in a free-fall lifeboat. The tests that have been performed with people onboard free-fall lifeboats have only taken place during favourable conditions. Considering that ships are exposed to the motion of the sea and that the boat could land on a wave the SOLAS demands should be increased. The lifeboat systems we have, is neither tested nor practised with in waves. That free-fall lifeboats is a good concept as a lifesaving equipment, there is no doubt about, but it should be developed further.

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  • 21.
    Elmberg, Leif
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Hellström, Karin
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Olsson, Andreas
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Calmare Nyckel - En studie över hennes användande och åsikterna kring det2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med vårt arbete var att ta reda på vad studenterna i avgångsklasserna vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar har för åsikt gällande användandet av skolfartyget Calmare Nyckel. Vidare hade vi för avsikt att undersöka vilken åsikt Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar har rörande användandet samt att ta reda på ifall det finns en skillnad mellan respektive åsikter.

    Genom en analys och sammanställning av vår enkätundersökning kom vi fram till att 98 % av studenterna ansåg att de antal gånger de fått använda Calmare Nyckel, för navigation och manövrering, varit för lite. Ur våra intervjuer med anställda på skolan framkom det att de däremot är nöjda med hur de låter Calmare Nyckel komma till användning i utbildningen av sjökaptener.

    Vi kunde se en tydlig skillnad i åsikter mellan skola och studenter. Skillnaden bottnade bland annat i skolans bristfälliga information om deras syfte och målsättning med Calmare Nyckel. En annan anledning till skillnaden beror på hur skolan marknadsför deras skolfartyg samt hur studenterna tolkar denna. Majoriteten av de tillfrågade studenterna i vår enkätundersökning hade en förväntan om att de skulle få använda Calmare Nyckel mer än vad de gjort under utbildningen.

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  • 22.
    Engdahl, Jens
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Traning Manual M/T Bolero2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna Training manual har ställts samman under hösten/ Vintern 2007 på uppdrag av Befälhavarna Lars Arlock och Jonas Adolfsson som är anställda ombord M/T Bolero av Laurin Maritime och kommer att vara ett komplement under farmillization.

    Training manualen är en sammanställning av M/T Boleros tidigare manual, under min praktikperiod ombord som befälselev, fast nu uppdaterad med bilder tagna ombord som gör det lättare att hitta samt att förstå viktiga funktioner av Boleros livräddningsutrustning.

    Då jag läste igenom den gamla manualen, tyckte jag att det var väldigt svårt att förstå, vart man kunde finna allt och där föddes iden att uppdatera manualen, med hjälp av nya bilder tagna ombord under övningar och rundvandring ombord.

    Mina handledare ombord tycker att arbetet blev bra och att jag skulle använda detta till mitt examensarbete som skall avsluta min fyra år långa utbildning på Sjökaptensprogrammet vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar.

    Arbetet är till för att nypåmönstrade lätt skall kunna förstå hur man skall bete sig vid en nödsituation ombord och att snabbt kunna agera och hitta rätt utrustning samt att ha en god kännedom av vilka hjälpmedel som finns för att säkerheten ombord skall vara så effektiv som möjligt och hur man använder utrustningen.

    Jag hoppas att mitt arbete kommer att vara till glädje och nyttjas av besättningen ombord, då säkerheten är mycket viktig för allas säkerhet ombord ett fartyg.

  • 23.
    Erlandsson, Stefan
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Palmqvist, Niklas
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Katalytiska Föroreningar2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Detta examensarbete handlar om hur katalytiska föroreningar kan påverka den

    marina dieselmotorn, samt vad kan man göra för att skydda sig. Vi ville också se om

    det lågsvavliga bränslet har något att göra med de katalytiska föroreningarna. Vi

    använde oss av en litteraturstudie att få flera åsikter i ämnet. Vi märkte hur svårt det

    faktiskt är att härleda ett eventuellt bränslepumps slitage beror på bränslets kvalitet.

    De slutsatser som vi kan dra efter att ha fördjupat oss i ämnet är att det går att

    skydda sig emot de katalytiska föroreningarna samt att de nya lågsvavliga bränslena

    innehåller mer katalytiska föroreningar än de högsvavliga. De katalytiska

    föroreningarna har de senaste åren uppmärksammats mer och mer runt hela världen.

    Med de uppgifter som vi fått fram, så tror vi att problemen med de katalytiska

    föroreningarna kommer att öka i framtiden då de nya MARPOL reglerna börjar gälla.

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  • 24.
    Ernhill, Daniel
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Bondesson, Daniel
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    MMI (Man Machine Interface) till sjöss och på land Ur ett användarperspektiv2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Författarna genomförde en enkätundersökning för att få sig en bild om hur dagens MMI

    (Man Machine Interface) till sjöss och på land uppfattas av sina operatörer. Med detta

    som grund presenterar författarna de vanligaste problemen, gällande MMI ur ett

    operatörs perspektiv. Som avslutning gör författarna en kort framåtblick över en möjlig

    vidare utveckling för vissa delområden inom MMI. Med MMI avses i detta arbete larm

    och övervakningssystem i kontrollrum.

  • 25.
    Ervelin, Henrik
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Dahlin, Robert
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Dunge, Magnus
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Operation Manual for TransAtlanticIndependent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this project is to develop a manual for TransAtlantic which will serve as a framework on how to produce an Operation Manual for their vessel. The idea of an Operation Manual is to, with the help of pictures, texts and descriptions explain the procedures of the vessel.


    The methods we have been using in gathering information is a visit to TransAtlantic’s vessel Viola Gorthon, discussions with TransAtlantic and own enquiries, mainly on the Internet. We have been researching into laws and regulations to support us in the layout of the manual, with little result. Most of the applicable information was gathered from the visit on Viola Gorthon.


    The general idea of an Operation Manual is that the manual on every ship will be the same and that will make it easier for new crewmembers to learn the routines and to find information about how to operate different items of equipment.


  • 26.
    Folkesson, Maria
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Paulin, Erika
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    ISPS - sociala aspekter: Sjömäns upplevelser av sjöfartsskyddet2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]





    Vi ville undersöka om sjömännens situation hade förändrats efter införandet av ISPS. Om debatten kring sjöfartsskyddet stämde att sjömännen var de som behandlades som terrorister och att det var de som fick ge avkall på sin fria rörlighet i hamnarna.


    De metoder vi använde oss av var intervjuer med personer ur besättningen, på de fartyg där vi var på praktik, om de hade upplevt en förändring av rörligheten sedan införandet av ISPS-koden samt observationer av personalen i gaterna, hur de behandlade oss och om vi kom iland eller inte i hamnanläggningarna. Vi valde att göra en kvalitativ undersökning och en deltagande observation då vi ville se hur fartygspersonal upplevde deras situation.


    Resultatet gav att det var skilda uppfattningar kring sjöfartsskyddet. Vissa upplevde det som positivt att säkerheten hade ökat, mindre stölder och obehörig personal. Andra upplevde det som negativt då de ansåg att deras frihet hade minskat.


  • 27.
    Forsberg, Tobiaz
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Sigfridsson, Henrik
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Sjöfolk och tatueringar2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det huvudsakliga syftet med det här arbetet var att utröna om de fanns eventuella för eller nackdelar med att vara tatuerad ur en sjömans perspektiv. Vi ville se om och i så fall hur synen angående sjöfolk och tatueringar förändrats över tid.

    Vi använde oss av kvalitativa intervjuer och induktiv ansats som metod. Alla de fem intervjuade har anknytning till sjölivet och samtliga är tatuerade. Tre av de fem är från den äldre generationen och en av de fem jobbar som tatuerare.

    Vi noterade en väldigt stark koppling mellan sjömansyrket och tatueringar, dock starkare förr än nu. Det är också väldigt tydligt att det skett en enorm förändring på hur tatueringar tas emot i samhället idag. Idag är det inte ”bara” prostituerade, kåkfarare och sjömän som är tatuerade utan det finns nu i alla samhällsklasser. Något förvånade drog vi slutsatsen att ingen av de intervjuade hade några verkligt negativa upplevelser på grund av sina tatueringar, till exempel om man blivit nekad jobb eller liknande.

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  • 28.
    Forss, Andreas
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Rosencrantz, Martin
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Länsvattenseparatorer till sjöss - Hur resonerar rederierna?: Denna rapport behandlar en undersökning som gjordes för att kartlägga och avgöra hur utvalda svenska rederiers urvalsprocess angående länsvattenutrustning till deras respektive fartyg går till2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This exam paper is about how shipping companies analyse various types of bilge water separators systems and on which grounds they choose a certain type of equipment. To answer our questions we chose to perform a survey regarding how Swedish shipping companies reason before they purchase bilge water separating equipment to their ships. Some of the questions we wanted to find answers to were questions about the equipments usability, reliability and economy of the equipment, in addition to that we also wanted to investigate how the companies regarded each particular when they were selecting bilge water equipment. Furthermore there were obviously also a lot of other interesting issues, which we have tried to shed some light on while conducting our survey. For reasons that mainly concerned the simple fact of being able to contact the various shipping companies, we chose only to include Swedish shipping companies in the survey. We chose to perform the interviews over the phone and to record them. We have used a variant of the qualitative method when conducting the interviews. Thereby letting the interviewees speak more freely about their own experiences and thoughts. We were interested to find out how the shipping companies reasoned, because according to rules and regulation they are obliged to have working and certified bilge water separators on board the ship. We found our approach effective and therefore it further enhanced and enlarged the scope of our exam paper. The main conclusions in this report could be summarized by stating that there were substantial differences between the principles how different shipping companies argued before acquiring bilge water separators. An additional conclusion would be that some shipping companies could actually improve some of their purchase strategies, and utilize a more carefully analyzed and cost related plan prior the purchase of equipment.

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  • 29.
    Green, Peter
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Haglund, Emil
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Landbaserad lotsning: Möjligheter och begränsningar2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    After a proposal of a reformation of the Swedish pilot system was expressed, where it proposed that shore-based pilotage will be implemented in the future, we decided to investigate and compare opinions from involved persons. There is a risk of losing important parts of a very large knowledge-base, if the pilots’ opinions are not taken into consideration, in the event of development of the pilot system.

    The purpose was to examine and categorize the possibilities and limitation with the pilot system of today in relation to shore-based pilotage.

    We have performed a qualitative, phenomenografic research, where we have used interviews with open questions.

    It was easy to find limitations if shore-based pilotage should be implemented, mostly because the pilots did not expect to be able to perform their work in a satisfactory way. The opinions regarding the economical profit differ, but the majority thought that the savings would be nonexistent.

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  • 30.
    Gustafsson, Niklas
    et al.
    University of Kalmar. University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Henningsson, Gustav
    University of Kalmar. University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Maskinrums design och layout: Varför ett maskinrum ser ut som det gör och hur det går till vid planerandet?2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report is founded in lack of knowledge concerning the design and layout procedureduring a new engine room construction.The prime question is how the engine room takes its form from idea to construction and whathappens in between. We want to give the reader a better understanding in how the work isdone and why it is designed the way it is concerning layout, ergonomics and safety. Duringthis report we will enhance the knowledge concerning regulations and rules that are of greatsubstance such as SOLAS, Swedish Sjöfartsverket and IMO.By contacting the parties involved in the process in newly designing a vessel and its engineroom, we will assume their approaches and experiences. We will study the work progressfrom planning to construction of a vessels machinery spaces. We will with the help ofinterviews with interested parties get an idea of the approach and also compare the finishedproduct a bit depending on company size and resources.The investigation resulted in a good basis for how a ship engine room design takes shape andwhich aspects are taken into account, however, we found that the existing rules concerningengine room layout was very vague and was seen as the most recommendations. For thecontrol room, there were however some points to consider. We believe that it would facilitatea more comprehensive legal framework relating to engine room design.

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  • 31.
    Gustavsson, Peter
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Liljås, Mats
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Bullerkarta M/S Calmare Nyckel2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    We were assign this project by Kalmar maritime academy. The project was to produce a noise map for the school boat M/S Calmare Nyckel. The school boat does not exceed 500 dead weight ton and is not required a noise map according to national maritime administration, but there was an request and desire from the school to produce it for education purpose and for a practical connection. For the measurements that were required on board we used the regulations from ISO 2923:1996 (E), and national maritime administration's statute book 2005:23 with production of the noise map. The school provided us with validated measuring equipment and measuring protocol. We had a good opportunity to do all measurements when the school boat did its sea travel from Simrishamn's shipyard to Kalmar, with good weather conditions and all machines in normal operation conditions. The results became a easy understood and friendly used noise map in A4 formats that can be assigned anywhere on the boat or to be used in education purpose.

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  • 32.
    Hallerström, Niklas
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Ljunqvist, Markus
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Tylegård, Carl-Johan
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Vilka faktorer värdesätter Kalmars sjöbefälsstudenter högst hos en arbetsgivare?: En enkätstudie på Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Arbetet handlade om vad sjöbefälsstudenterna på Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar prioriterade mest när de skulle söka sitt första jobb till sjöss. Samt även vilka drivkrafter som låg bakom för att studenterna skulle söka sig ut på den internationella marknaden. Syftet med arbetet var att genom en enkätundersökning ta reda på vilka prioriteringar som hade störst betydelse för studenterna. För att få ett överskådligt material att jobba med använde vi oss av en kvantitativ metod. Resultaten skilde inte mycket mellan klasserna. Samtliga respondenter ansåg att lönen var den viktigaste punkten när de skulle söka sitt första jobb. De övriga faktorerna som var viktiga för respondenterna visar på att de satte stort värde på det sociala livet ombord och möjlighet till kompetensutveckling och den fortsatta karriären.

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  • 33.
    Hamnedalen, Mattias
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Maskinrumssimulator2018Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 34.
    Hermansen, Johan
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Herons ångkula: Bestämning av verkningsgrad2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This work describes how the Herons steam ball was built and how it works. It was constructed by Heron 2000 years ago. The purpose was to determine the efficiency of the steam ball because it was unknown. The efficiency was never determined. It was only theoretically determined by calculations. The steam pressure never gave the steam ball rotation when heat was added underneath the construction. A possible reason was that friction in the sealing for supplying feed water into the steam ball was too high.

    The heat transfer was also a reason that the construction did not rotate.

    The steam ball and necessary equipment was fabricated in dec-07/jan-08. It was built without any drawings. The goal was to make it look like the original as much as possible. A smaller steam ball was built some years before. This one did rotate and therefore was the same design given to the bigger one.

    Because of the lack of rotation there was no doubt if the steam ball was a sucsess or not.

    It was not used for any real purpose 2000 years ago and this has not changed.

    A calculated figure of the efficiency was documented in this rapport, and it was very low.

    It was amusing to design and build the steam ball but the construction was clearly no success.

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  • 35.
    Hjorth, Fredrik
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Arbetstider och arbetsvillkor ombord på två-navigatörsfartyg: en studie av fartyg i Östersjöfart med enbart befälhavare och endestyrman som nautisk kompetens ombord2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to explore how maritime safety is affected by the work situation and work conditions on board ships with small-sized/reduced crews. The study examines especially the master’s and the watch keeping officer’s situation focusing on their work time, shift work and fatigue. The study examines small-sized ships engaged in coastal trade along the Baltic Sea coast. A combination of interviews and data regarding the work- time of the crew and the trade pattern of the ship were collected in a series of on board observations. The on board studies consist totally of eleven ships of different nationality. These on board observations aimed at understanding and explaining how the people/crew on board experienced their work situation and work climate regarding work time and shift work. A few previous studies, (MAIB 2004, Lindquist 2003) have focused on investigating accidents on similar ships; other studies (Smith 2007, Lindquist 2005) have dealt with a general description of the situations on board. However, no study has considered all the effects of work-time length in light of the new safety regulations that have been in force since a few years. Neither are there studies on how a crew-size reduction influences the work-time length of the crew on board. This study shows that the master’s and the watch keeping officer’s work-time length has escalated so that an excess work-time of 91 hours per week was not uncommon. This results in a breach of regulations regarding work-time and rest period. The study also reveals that the crew often feel that they have to re arrange their working time logs to show that they comply with the regulations. Moreover, the crew feel that this is common knowledge amongst flag state- and port state controls but that it is a problem too hot to handle for the national maritime administrations. Due to the diversity in the trade patterns of different ships, as well as the diversity in the size of shipping companies, there are several possible very different solutions to these problems. One solution could be to increase the crew size to meet the demands, of the new regulations. Another one is to move work tasks from the ship to the shore. However, what cannot be accomplished by moving work tasks are the problems related to continuous shift work and long night shifts, which could lead to serious health problems for the people involved.

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  • 36.
    Hoflund, Oskar
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Dahlén, Rikard
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Iversen, Robin
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Vart leder Sjöingenjörsprogrammet2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This diploma thesis is based on a telephone survey conducted during the spring term of 2009. Participating in the survey were persons who had graduated as marine engineers during the academic years 1996, 1998 and 2000. These graduates represented two different course programmes, namely the three-year and four-year Marine Engineering Programmes. The questions included in the survey were related to the present occupational situation of the graduates and their attitudes in relation to trade unions and further higher education. The survey comprised a total number of 127 persons.The primary result of the survey was that 54 per cent of the graduates still work at sea. Within this group of graduates, 52 per cent were employed on board ships carrying a flag of convenience.The secondary result was that 26 per cent of the graduates would be interested in enhancing their academic status by achieving a master’s degree. Among the directional choices available for this master’s degree programme, most of those participating in the survey found the directional option entitled “technical inspector” as the most interesting one.The question regarding trade unions divided those participating in the survey into three different groups. One group was strongly in favour of trade union membership. Another group was indifferent to such a membership. Finally, yet another group of participants stated strongly that trade union membership was of no consequence for their future careers.The overall result of our survey underlined the fact that a BSc in Marine Engineering provides a significant potential for finding good career opportunities both nationally and internationally, as well as ashore and at sea!

  • 37.
    Håkansson, Christoffer
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Persson, Mikael
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Motivation och livsstil till sjöss2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi som har författat detta arbete har riktat in oss på motivation till sjöss. Vad det är som

    lockar folk att gå till sjöss och hur upplever de aktiva sjömännen sin tillvaro ombord.

    Vi har gjort litteraturstudier för att samla in nödvändig fakta om motivation och livsstilar.

    Vi har även skickat enkäter till rederier för att se vad dom anser om utveklingen till sjöss.

    Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ metod med enkät frågor riktade till aktiva sjömän,

    elever som utbildar sig på gymnasienivå till motorman/matros och rederier.

    I våran studie kom vi fram till att lönen anses vara ett problem när man skall rekrytera

    personal till svenska rederier. Den största faktorn som lockar människor till sjömansyrket

    är det fördelaktiga avlösningssystemet samt den långa sammanhängande ledigheten.

    För att få svenska sjömän att stanna kvar inom svensk sjöfart så måste näringen anstränga

    sig mer för att finna lösningar på problemet med att sjömän söker jobb på utländska


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  • 38.
    Isaksson, Johan
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Hemmander, Thomas
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Bryggintegrering: Hur kan integrerade bryggor förbättras med Cockpitdesign?2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis is about Aviation influence on merchant shipping, and in this case what shipping has to learn from the aviation industry in bridge integration issues. The purpose with this thesis is to gain greater knowledge on what can be improved on a modern bridge, with the help of cockpit design. We have limited the problem to a “users point of view”. This meaning that we always have the users issues in focus, and not technology itself. The method used is a qualitative approach, which is performed using a study of available literature, with an empirical background. Our conclusion is that a bridge design can be improved by looking at cockpit design, and that this already is taking place on some ships. In some cases it is a simple matter of copying the cockpit design, and in other cases some well functioning equipment can be kept, and the “not so good” can be replaced.

  • 39.
    Johansson, Theo
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Seidow, Gustav
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    samband mellan olyckor i den svenska handelsflottan2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Collisions between vessels and allisions between vessel and obstacles as well as groundings constitute a great problem within the shipping business. Serious damage to vessels, environmental disasters and great costs are invoked for everyone involved. Is it possible that deficient bridge procedures are the reasons behind these types of accidents? The purpose of this thesis is to gather material from accident reports from the years 2000-2007, to investigate whether there are any connections between the accidents on Swedish merchant vessels which have been involved in collisions with each other, allided with an obstacle or that have grounded. The results showed, among other things, that motor tankers are involved in groundings more often than other types of vessels. On the basis of these results, interviews were carried out with motor tanker officers and pilots to investigate what the situation is like onboard during the circumstances where these vessels are most usually grounded. Several of the informants state that paperwork and checklists have become a burden to them during their bridge watches, and one of the implications of our investigation is that inadequate supervision could be the reason behind the accidents.

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  • 40.
    Johnsson, Mikael
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    johansson, claes
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Renovering av marindieselmotor2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    We were asked to perform a complete overhaul of an engine as part of a larger project, rebuilding a fishing vessel. We thought this was interesting and immediately stated our will to participate.

    It has been a interesting time for us during the time span of the project. The reason why we were asked to do this was due to our knowledge as we have got during our education. Therefore this might not has brought us so much new knowledge. But it has brought us a lot of experiences instead.

    Over the time our goal has been to get experience and train to fulfil the project. We wanted to create something useful for the future, therefore a project as exam work was a good idea for us. We feel that this project has brought us “know-how” about smaller reparations of mechanical equipments in general.

    We have completed the stated goal in the project-order as far as possible. The engine is completely overhauled but not started up yet do to lack of lubrication oil and some other essential accessories.

  • 41.
    Jönsson, Johan
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Sundberg, Björn
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    M/S Calmare Nyckel Underhåll: Underhåll med hjälp av AMOS2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    M/S Calmare Nyckel är skolfartyg för Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar och används för bådenautisk- och maskinteknisk undervisning. För att det både ska bli ekonomiskt försvarbartatt behålla fartyget och en säker miljö krävs det att fartyget underhålls korrekt och medbestämda intervaller. Vårat arbete är inriktat mot att bygga upp ett bra och effektivtunderhållningssystem på M/S Calmare Nyckel. Under arbetets gång upptäcktes att detbefintliga systemet ombord var föråldrat och vi blev tvungna att uppdatera det innan vikunde börja med själva inmatningen med underhållsprocedurer.

  • 42.
    Jönsson, Oskar
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Larsson, Peter
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Modernisering av magnetiseringsutrustning till ASEA generatoranläggning2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This following report describes a project in replacing the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) in an old ASEA diesel generator system. The generator is installed on M/S Calmare Nyckel which belongs to Kalmar Maritime Academy. The Generator system is solely used for educational purposes.

    The AVR that is being replaced is an ASEA UTWH310. It is a very old system and we assume its from some where around 1960. The problem with the old AVR is that when the system has been running for a while there is no longer possible to control the reactive power. We were asked to replace the old system, so not much effort has been put on trying to repair it.

    The AVR feeds current to a small DC generator, feeder, witch is connected by a strap drive to the larger AC generator. The feeder then excites the rotor in the AC generator. To find out how the system actually worked we made some test runs. We measured necessary variables to be able to replace the old system.

    Because we had no formerly experience in this type of project, we had some troubles in finding a supplier of AVR equipment. Luckily we came in contact with a small company called Subtron AB from Enköping. They were very helpful and had both the equipments and the knowledge that we needed for our project.

    We decided to order Leroy-Somers R 448 AVR. It is a simple but fully capable AVR to preform what we asked for. We also ordered some auxiliary equipment for the installation. After a test run with the new equipment, we found out that it worked very well. The installation process was then made in a few days.

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  • 43.
    Karlsson, Filip
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Utredning av kyleffektbehov vid lagring av livsmedel: En studie av en teoretisk kylanläggning2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien utfördes på Freezing Food Småland Öland AB:s teoretiska kylanläggning. Denna studies syfte är att bestämma kyleffektbehovet och transmissionsförlusterna för lagring av två olika produkter i olika temperaturer. Projektet genomfördes med hjälp av data från Freezing Food Småland Öland AB och approximerade data för att beräkna kyleffektbehovet och transmissionsförluster för att uppnå bestämd temperatur på de lagrade produkterna. Resultatet presenteras i form av diagram som visar kyleffektbehovet för två olika produkter under olika förhållanden och dess transmissionsförluster genom väggar och tak. Slutsatsen var att energibehovet beror på vilken typ av isolering, säsong och temperatur produkten lagras under. Användningen av bättre isolering, temperaturreglering och säsongslagring skulle avsevärt kunna minska energiförlusten.

  • 44.
    Kärnebro, Per
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Grundstötning?: En kvalitativ undersökning om sjökortets tillförlitlighet2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay is about hydrography, I will investigate how it is done, both today and from a historic perspective. I have also done some research in alternative methods that may complete conventional hydrography. The purpose with this essay was to investigate how many unknown dangerous shoals there is left in the Swedish archipelago.

    The method to receive good and trustworthy information has been to do some interviews to people that in one way or another are practising hydrography.

    To be able to describe the history of hydrography I have had some literature as an aid.

    The result of my investigation is that the nautical chart is mainly comparable to the reality; however, there are some exceptions. The nautical charts is often less reliable in archipelagos were professional shipping is unusual.

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  • 45.
    Larsson, Roger
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Borg, Martin
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Nordh, Ulf
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Digitalt maskinövervakningssystem för vedettbåt typ III Dalarö2008Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This exam work was initiated by a request from Sjövärnskåren division Syd. They wanted to implement a newer, computer based system with graphical display, an engine monitoring system which was ment to provide the engineer on watch with data from the engines. The object for this is to reduce the maintenance costs through improved monitoring while running and to improve documentation which later on the maintenance measures is based on.

    The project was an initial study which conclusions and recommendations on systems suited for the task is to give Sjövärnskåren an economical frame.

    We met up in Karlskrona on the ship and had a discussion about which parameters that should be presented. After that we started to go through the documentation and perform onsite surveys to conclude what signals the transmitters put out to the existing monitoring system.

    This was a delicate task, information about the transmitters was lacking in the documentation.

    The onsite measures gave no vital information. We talked to the shipyards and maintenance units that the ship had been in contact with during its time in the navy. We came in contact with a man that had been working with this ship, and he gave us information that told us that the transmitters were of standard type, 4-20 mA.

    With this information, the project pursued and we invited tenders to give us systems that could cope with the task.

    We had three tenders thar supplied us with systems. All of theese meant considerable programmingwork to get the monitoring system up and running.

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  • 46.
    Milton, Andreas
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Lindahl, Martin
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Malmsten, Nils
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    En introduktion till maskinrummet och dess system2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Arbetet är ett kompendium som ska ge den nyblivna sjöingenjörsstudenten en introduktion till hans/hennes framtida yrke. Arbetet ger en övergripande sammanfattning om hur motorer, separatorer, pannor och kompressorer är uppbyggda och fungerar. Det ger också en grundläggande beskrivning om hur bränn/smörjoljesystem och kylsystem är uppbyggda samt hur färskvattensystem, framdrivningssystem, grå/svartvattensystem och elproduktionen går till på ett fartyg.


    Kort sagt det man som student kommer att stöta på under sin första praktikperiod. Syftet med arbetet var att försöka hjälpa studenter till en djupare förståelse under början i sin utbildningsgång. Meningen var också att fylla i den lucka vi anser att skolan har missat, nämligen en introduktion av dom tekniska delar som finns i ett maskinrum.


    Vi använde oss av den kvalitativa metoden eftersom vi har valt att endast använda oss av källstudier i form av en litteraturbok och ett tidigare examensarbete. I vårt skrivande har vi mest använt oss av egna erfarenheter, men även hämtat information från böcker och internet för att underlätta struktur och uppbyggnad av arbetet.

  • 47.
    Möller, Erik
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Möller, Magnus
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Norén, Henrik
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Nordahl, Kristoffer
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Rappe, Axel
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Sandström, Christoffer
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Svalmark, Johan
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Bemannade Fartygsmodeller: som utbildningsplattform vid Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In the work process, which has been going on for more than a year, we have discussed things such as the conditions for a project of this type, the interest from students, the school and the industry as well as purely technical aspects around the construction of a ship model, its electronic and mechanical systems and how such a model could be implemented and used in the education of students at the academy. This thesis also brings up things such as thoughts around the students safety when building and using the model. We have used the method Grounded Theory and have reached the conclusion that the Kalmar Maritime Academy have exceptional and very unique conditions to start a project where manned models is used in the education of officers.

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  • 48.
    Nielsen, Tim
    et al.
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Rylin, Nicklas
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Motivationsfaktorernas betydelse för sjöbefälsstudenternas val av arbetsplats2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this paper is to figure out what motivator factors and hygiene factors which are of importance to graduating marine engineers when deciding on an employer as well as workplace. In order to get answers to our questions we chose to interview four students attending their final year of studies at the Maritime Academy in Kalmar. The interviews consisted of deep qualitative interviews during which we tried to capture the interviewees´ thoughts and ideas. The results have been compared with Fredrick Herzberg’s ”Two Factor Theory” and we have arrived at the conclusion that there are both similarities and differences. The most important motivator factors were responsibility and personal development. The most important hygiene factors were salary, level of comfort, length of the time spent onboard as well as possibilities for communication with friends and family. Aspects not mentioned were, e.g. the satisfaction of doing a good job and specific occurrences resulting in a promotion. Our conclusion consequently is that it is important for the shipping companies to commit to the well-being of the employees in order to gain the attention of prospective officers.

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  • 49.
    Nilsson, Jonas
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Bränslecellen till sjöss: Vad anser rederierna?2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 poäng / 7,5 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose with this thesis was to investigate the prospects of the fuel cell technology within the shipping industry and also to evaluate when the fuel cell could get a breakthrough in shipping.

    The data was collected via an internationally distributed questionnaire. The selection of shipping companies for the survey consisted of the five largest shipping companies in the twenty largest maritime countries. The five largest Swedish shipping companies were also included.

    The number of answers was unfortunately too low to be able to deduce any reliable conclusions. The results still indicate that shipping companies are not interested in paying more for a fuel cell than for a more conventional system. Because of this there will probably not be a breakthrough for the fuel cell, until there is an increase in environmental fees, a trade with emissions or drastically higher fuel prices.

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  • 50.
    Olausson Wihlborg, Fredrik
    University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy.
    Projektarbete ombord M/S Utopia: krängningsprov, fire & Safety plan samt åtgärdslista mot gällande regelverk2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Våren 2008 fick jag uppdraget av ägarna till M/S Utopia att göra en stabilitets bok till fartyget. M/S Utopia är i grunden en Tpbs, även kallad trupptransportbåt 200 som har blivigt kraftigt ombyggd. För att bli klassade av sjöfartsverket efter en större ombyggnation krävs en ny stabilitets bok. Ett krängningsprov utfördes på våren 2008 utan att hydrostatisk data hade funnits. Efter detta uppstod ett problem, det visade sig vara en omöjlighet att hitta hydrostatisk data till fartyget.


    Våren 2009 gavs sökandet upp efter hydrostatisk data. Efter godkännande av Fredrik Hjort och ägarna till M/S Utopia beslutades det att även inkludera en fire & safety plan till fartget. Det skulle även göras en åtgärdslista mot gällande föreskrifter i brandsäkerhet. Detta för att kompensera mot att ingen ny stabilitets bok kunde presenteras.  Krängningsprovet kommer dock att presenteras samt relevant data som uppkommit genom krängningsprovet.


    Arbetet har framskridigt som ett projektarbete med målet att presentera positiva resultat för ägarna till M/S Utopia. Resultat har blivigt vad samtliga partner önskade tack vare det goda samarbetet.


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