There is a growing interest in timber buildings in Sweden and increased availability of Glulam (GLT) andparticularly Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) products. Timber buildings, though, often have difficulties in fulfilling theperformance requirements of a building project. The use of concrete elements in addition to timber elements in the load-bearing structure is a widespread solution, introducing timber-concrete hybrid buildings. The study presents responsesfrom interviews regarding ten different timber-concrete hybrid building projects in Sweden with a load-bearing structureabove the foundation level in both timber and concrete. Four main types of timber-concrete hybrids were found: a CLTstructure on top of a concrete structure, a post-beam system in GLT with CLT slabs and concrete walls, a post-beamsystem in GLT with concrete hollow core slabs, and a timber structure with some slabs in concrete. The results show thattimber-concrete hybrid buildings are flexible and suitable for various construction types. The reasons for using concretein timber construction were primarily to increase self-weight, obtain longer span lengths, and overcome shear wallcapacity issues. There is still a lack of competence in the design of structural timber projects, and at most, five differentstructural designers were involved in the load-bearing design of a single building. This highlights issues regarding projectmanagement of the design process within timber-concrete hybrid buildings