Ribbon worms (nemerteans) are marine predators, which capture their prey using a proboscis containing a mixture of toxins which brings on rapid paralysis [1]. In addition, their epidermis contains thick mucus of similar toxic constitution. One very potent toxin reported in ribbon worm mucus is tetrodotoxin (TTX). However, despite significant efforts, Strand et al. [2] were unable to detect any TTX, neither in the mucus of the ribbon worm Lineus longissimus, nor from Vibrio alginolyticus cultures isolated from and cultivated in the mucus. These observations challenged the notion of general presence of TTX in ribbon worm mucus, and prompted us to look for other toxins [3]. Using LC-MS analysis of mucus extracts, we identified three peptides present in significant amounts. The peptides were sequenced using a combination of MS/MS analysis and transcriptomics, and whereas one of them strongly resembles the only peptide toxin previously characterized from ribbon worms, Neurotoxin B-IV [4], the other two were found to represent a previously unknown class of peptide toxins. The most abundant of these was synthesized, and its 3D structure determined. Preliminary toxicity tests on shore crab (C. maenas) indicated toxicity (through paralysis) on par with that of TTX. Further analyses have indicated that its toxic effects are due to binding to voltage sensitive sodium channels.
With L. longissimus as our primary target, we are now mapping the presence of peptide toxins in ribbon worms, with the objectives to establish routes for synthesis, and to characterize the biological activities and structures of these peptides. The number of peptides of this novel class is increasing, and synthesis and characterization is well underway. The striking potencies of these peptides make them potentially amenable as novel insecticidal or anthelmintic leads, pharmacological tools or in biotechnology applications.
1. Strand M, Sundberg P. Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna [DO-DP]. Stjärnmaskar-Slemmaskar: Sipuncula-Nemertea: Artdatabanken, SLU; 2010.
2. Strand M, Hedstrom M, Seth H, McEvoy EG, Jacobsson E, Goransson U, Andersson HS, Sundberg P. The Bacterial (Vibrio alginolyticus) Production of Tetrodotoxin in the Ribbon Worm Lineus longissimus-Just a False Positive? Marine Drugs. 2016;14(4).
3. Strand M, Andersson HS. Slemmaskens hemlighet. Forskning & Framsteg. 2016;(2):26-33.
4. Blumenthal KM, Kem WR. Structure and action of heteronemertine polypeptide toxins. Primary structure of Cerebratulus lacteus toxin B-IV. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1976;251(19):6025-9.