Development work as a way into the profession
Research aim
The overall purpose of the presentation is to contribute knowledge of development work as a variant of student final thesis at the programme for leasure-time teachers at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Students perform their final thesis as a development work, inspired by an action research model chosen by themselves. In this presentation, we account three qualitative studies of these student development work. The studies analyse: 1) what the students see as meaningful to change in the leasure-time centre and 2) their motives for the choice of development. The subjects discussed in these three studies are social relations, digital tools, and participation and influence. These three subjects are priority areas in both the recreation home's governing document and in current research.
Theoretical framework
Theoretical perspectives and theories are related to the subjects that are analyzed. The studies on social relations is based both on a sociocultural perspective (Wenger, 1989, Vygotsky, 2005) and a value perspective (Noddings, 2002). The studies of digital tools takes its starting point in multimodal teaching and learning (Selander & Kerr, 2017), and the studies on participation and influence is based on Thomas (2009). The three studies relate to a theory model for students' development work, prepared by Karlsudd (2017). Karlsudds theory model shows how theory and method can be an academic foundation in students’ development work.
Methodological design
Initially, we made searches in the archive Diva looking for development work in various subject areas. Twelve works in three subject areas (see above) were selected for their clear arguments for their decisions and approaches in the choice of development area. Then, qualitative content analyzes were conducted, a method described as flexible and appropriate when you seek for in-depth understanding of oral, text-based and also visual communication according to Elo and Kyngäs (2007), and Finfgeld-Connett (2014).
Expected conclusions / findings
The results of our analysis show that the students, through their actions, have formulated, solved problems and changed their activities within a designated area, independently and in cooperation with pedagogical practice. The student has opened the opportunity to practice systematic quality work by acquiring tools and developing process thinking. Some conclusions: 1) A success factor is that pedagogical practice sees the student as an asset that can contribute to a quality increase in the leisure-time center. 2) A conscious multimodal perspective could further develop students' development work. 3) The students' awareness of working life in the leisure-time center increases. For example, the possibility of working with relationships in large student groups and the possibility of all pupils for participation, security and care of peers and teachers is questioned. New issues raised: Who owns the "problem" that is the basis for the project work. Is it the practice and its teacher, only the student or both parties?
Relevance to Nordic educational research
Research on education provides the opportunity for exchanges of knowledge and experience between Nordic researchers. This will also lead to the development of environments for education and learning where students provide opportunities for development and preparation for the mission to transform and develop an internship