This report provides the results of two half-day online workshops hosted by Active Withernsea. The workshops were led by Professor Gerald Midgley (University of Hull), together with members of Active Withernsea and people who work with or for organisations in Withernsea, and they explored the question of “What inequalities affect physical activities in Withernsea, and what should be done about them?”
This report covers the findings emerging from these workshops, and recommendations for future policies and actions. The latter could be taken up by local residents and organisations in Withernsea, as well as by Sport England. The exploration of needs in Withernsea was undertaken to ground the recommendations to Sport England in locally-lived experiences, and the ideas for Sport England national policies fall into two categories:
1. Those that are needed to mitigate the effects of existing inequalities on physical activity.
2. Those that are needed to prevent inequalities, so there is less of a problem in the first place.
The implication of this second category is that Sport England needs to work with other government departments to proactively address inequalities and support the ‘levelling up’ agenda, in addition to mitigating inequalities that already impact on people’s physical activities.