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  • Arvén, Evelina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Stilla vin, basvin, grundvin & ungvin sont tous des vins clairs ?: Une étude sur quelques ambiguïtés de la terminologie du champagne en traduction suédoise.2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study has two aims: directing the spotlight at Swedish wine terminology concerning sparkling wine, as well as discussing the intersection between the fields of terminology and translation. At the core of this double objective is a French non-fiction text about champagne and its Swedish translation, allowing us to take a closer look at three chosen French terms – vin clair, assemblage and prise de mousse – and their Swedish equivalents, as well as exploring the terminology work of a translator. In approaching the underlying concepts of the chosen French terms, we have relied on fact-based texts about champagne, both French and Swedish, as well as Swedish literature on champagne. We have also carried out two interviews with Swedish winemakers in order to include a practical perspective on the terminology applied by the very professionals. The theoretical backbone of this study is centered around a combined translation and terminology perspective, where tools of theoretical terminology as well as translation procedures are applied. The ultimate application of this terminology meets translation approach can be found in the analysis section, where the three terms are systematically explored according to a threefold model where we identify the term, define its underlying concept and suggest its Swedish equivalent(s).   The main final result show that translation demands an adapted form of terminology work where theoretical terminology can be an important part of the translation process, but does not necessarily provide an equivalent that can be copy-pasted into the translation.

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  • Yousef, Salma
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    “När du läser är du inte medveten om att din hjärna tar in alla dessa ord”: En intervjustudie om SVA-elevers uppfattningar av skönlitteraturläsning och påverkan av SES2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens syfte var att undersöka skönlitteraturläsningens betydelse som språkutvecklande verktyg hos svenska som andraspråkselever samt betydelsen av socioekonomisk status för deras läsvanor, läsmotivation och engagemang. Metoden som användes för att genomföra denna studie var semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett antal läsengagerade elever som läser ämnet svenska som andraspråk och går sitt andra år på en gymnasieskola i södra Sverige. De intervjuade eleverna menade att skönlitteraturläsning spelar en betydelsefull roll för elevernas språkutveckling, särskilt när det gäller ordförråd, uttrycksförmåga, uttal, grammatik och analytiskt tänkande. Till skillnad från vissa tidigare studier inom området visade resultatet att SES-inverkan på målgruppens läsmotivation inte behöver vara stark. Det vill säga varken föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå, yrkesstatus eller antalet böcker hemma visade sig ha någon avgörande roll för elevernas läsmotivation. Istället angav deltagarna att motivationen kommer från lärarna, böckernas teman samt sociala medier snarare än från hemmet. Dock indikerade resultatet att vuxnas, till synes bristande, läsvanor kunde ha påverkat elevernas läsmotivation positivt. Trots studiens begränsade urval har resultatet gett en värdefull inblick i målgruppens perspektiv och samtidigt öppnat dörren till bredare diskussioner kring de undersökta ämnena. 

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  • Kousholt, Moa
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    A Time, A Place, and A Person: A comparative literary analysis of Red, White & Royal Blue and One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston and how queer representation can be problematized in a classroom context2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis provides a literary analysis of two queer young adult romance novels by the same author, Casey McQuiston. These novels are Red, White & Royal Blue, published in 2019 and One Last Stop published in 2021. The aim of the thesis was to investigate differences and similarities in representations of various queer relationships in queer YA romance literature, as well as comparing these queer YA romance novels to the norm. The final aim of the thesis has been to investigate what types of representation of queer people is present in Red, White & Royal Blue and One Last Stop to provide in service teachers with tools to evaluate and be informed about representations. The theoretical frameworks for the thesis are queer theory and queer pedagogy. The analysis was conducted with these theoretical frameworks as a basis, along with the metaphors of mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors for representation. The analysis found that there were no major differences between the queer YA romance novels and the heterosexual norm. One difference that was found was the struggles that the romantic partners faced being homophobia and stereotyping. The analysis also found that there were examples of both negative and positive representation in both novels. This thesis also contributed to the current field of queer theory by expanding on previous research on means of representation. This expansion lead to the proposal of a third means of representation when it comes to queer YA romance literature. Finally, the thesis found that these metaphors can provide in service teachers with tools and methods to problematize and evaluate representations of queer people in and outside the classroom.

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  • Möller, Alva
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Hårda bud för kulturen i Mellerud?: En diskursteoretisk konfliktanalys av diskurserna kring Melleruds Kulturstrategi 2023-20272024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This bachelor’s thesis aims to analyze articles from two different newspapers to identify the actors and discourses involved in Mellerud’s Cultural Strategy 2023-2027. As well as the actors’ different perceptions of reality and hegemony from a post-political perspective. Based on how the discourses and conflicts can be analyzed in terms of agonism, post-democracy and hegemony, the study will clarify the different actors and their perceptions of reality in the determination of the cultural strategy. The findings include how culture is used as a political symbol to polarize and differentiate between “us and them” in a post-political society.  Furthermore, the results of the study clarify the different actors and their perceptions of reality, based on how the daily press presented the discourses on democracy, culture and tone.

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  • Busch, Dennis
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Heterogene Gruppen im DaF-Unterricht. Erfahrungsberichte von Lehrkräften an schwedischen Grundschulen2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines the challenges and strategies associated with managing heterogeneous groups in German as a Foreign Language (DaF) instruction in Swedish schools. Utilizing qualitative research interviews with experienced educators, the paper explores how heterogeneity and diversity within classroom settings influences teaching methods and student interactions. Teachers report a range of experiences and strategies that address the varying needs of students, from the most to the least proficient. The findings highlight a common teacher strategy of fostering flexible learning environments to accommodate diverse student needs, which often results in high demands on teacher time from weaker students at the expense of those who grasp material more quickly. Moreover, the study delves into teachers' perceptions of institutional support and the practical implementations of pedagogical theories in day-to-day teaching. Overall, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics within heterogeneous classrooms and offers insights into effective practices that could enhance educational outcomes in multilevel language learning settings.

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  • Dagnell, Martin
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Making Old Literature Relevant for the Modern-Day Audience: Using emotion in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to create understanding amongst EFL students2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis aims to use The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as a primary source for analyzing emotions with the help of four perspectives from affective narratology. By having a focus on emotion, it wishes to make an old piece of literature relevant in the modern-day EFL classroom. The thesis also leans on critical literacy to develop students’ critical thinking skills. The results from the literary analysis have shown that: the primary source is suitable to use for finding emotions to analyze, that a focus on understanding emotion can make the primary source relevant to modern-day EFL students, and that a combination of critical literacy and affective narratology can be used as tools to teach critical thinking to EFL students.

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    Making Old Literature Relevant for the Modern-Day Audience
  • Örnblom, Carl-Johan
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Bedömningsvariation i skrivuppgifter: En empirisk studie om variation i mellanstadielärares bedömning av skrivuppgifter2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens syfte är att belysa hur lärarbedömning av elevtexter varierar och hur sociala faktorer som skribenternas kön och bedömarnas socioekonomiska ver­kansområden påverkar betygssättningen. Majoriteten av den tidigare forsk­ningen inom ämnet är riktad mot högstadie- och gymnasienivå och visar att variationen existerar och kan vara stor. Denna studie undersöker om mönstret även finns i grundskolan. Studiens forskningsfrågor besvaras genom analys av insamlad data där nio svensklärare i tre olika verkansområden har fått bedöma tre elevtexter samt besvara kvantitativa och kvalitativa enkätfrågor. För att visa variationen i lärares bedömning användes variansuträkningar och resultatet presenteras i tabeller. Studien utgår från ett intersektionellt perspektiv i ana­lysen av genus och socioekonomins påverkan. Resultatet visar att variationen i lärarnas bedömningar är påtaglig och större än det som presenterats i tidigare forskning. Slutsatsen är att bedömare lämnas med för stort utrymme för egen tolkning av texters kvalitet. Skrivbedömningen i skolan är inte, enligt studiens resultat, likvärdig.

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  • Huhtala, Mira
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Är du queer, Hercule Poirot?: Skev maskulinitet i Agatha Christies detektivroman Mrs McGinty är död2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • Lindau, Mattias
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Billing, Jesper
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Nilsson, Anton
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Från rinken till boken: En uppföljning av projektet Läsa med Lakers2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie syftar till att utforska erfarenheterna av det läsfrämjande projektet Läsa medLakers hos flickor och pojkar på mellanstadiet, med särskilt fokus på att utröna hurprojektet påverkar elevernas läsvanor, läsmotivation och självupplevda läsförmåga.Genom användning av Self Determination Theory (SDT) som teoretisk grund, undersöktestudien hur läsfrämjande insatser som Läsa med Lakers påverkar dessa faktorer.Tidigare forskning betonar fördelarna med läsfrämjande projekt men framhållervikten av att de utformas korrekt och det konstateras också att sådana sällan utvärderas.Denna uppsats bidrar till att fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att följa upp projektet ochdessutom belysa eventuella skillnader mellan flickors och pojkars upplevelser.Studiens frågeställningar besvaras genom kvantitativ analys av enkätsvar.Resultaten visade en positiv påverkan på deltagarnas läsmotivation, läsvanor ochsjälvupplevda läsförmåga samt en viss skillnad mellan flickor och pojkar. Att förstå dessaskillnader är av stor betydelse för att effektivt utforma och genomföra framtidaläsfrämjande projekt och studien understryker vikten av att anpassa utformningen efterelevgruppen i framtida läsfrämjande insatser.

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  • Bjurenius, Karin
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Toth, Emma
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    ”Då blir jag mer pepp”: En intervjustudie om femteklassares uppfattningar om återkoppling och deras motivation i skrivandet2024Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie har till syfte att undersöka sex femteklassares erfarenheter av återkoppling i skrivundervisning tillsammans med vilken återkoppling de upplever som mest motiverande i deras skrivande. Trots återkopplingens välstuderade område saknasforskning utifrån ett elevperspektiv, framför allt i yngre åldrar. För att samla in denna data genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer i enlighet med Brinkmann och Kvales guide för intervjustudier. Det insamlade materialet analyserades genom en kvalitativ dataanalys med utgångspunkt i Teorin om självbestämmelse. Resultatet visade att elever har erfarenhet om olika former av återkoppling men det finns en variation om hur dessa former upplevs. För att behålla motivationen i skrivandet efterfrågade alla elever tydlighet i sin återkoppling i form av tydliga instruktioner. Eleverna efterfrågade även specifikt beröm som bekräftade deras ansträngningar.

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  • Eriksson, Axel
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics, Department of Management (MAN).
    Nilsson, Filip
    Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics, Department of Management (MAN).
    På vilket sätt har CSRD påverkat några företags arbete med hållbarhetsfrågor?: En kvalitativ studie om CSRD:s påtvingande effekter.2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The study examines how the CSRD has forced some companies to adapt their work with sustainability issues. The CSRD aims to harmonize sustainability reporting with financial reporting and drive companies towards a more sustainable future. The CSRD introduces new challenges, such as requirements for auditing and the management of a large amount of sustainability data. 

    Purpose: The study aims to show how some companies are adapting their work regarding sustainability issues in response to a mandatory directive and what they have done to cope with the directive's mandatory effects. The study also intends to identify and investigate the challenges and problems that arise in the implementation process of the CSRD. By studying the implementation of the CSRD and the changes it brings to an existing management system, the study seeks to contribute theoretically to sustainability and management literature, as well as to the practical challenges of implementing the CSRD.

    Method: The empirical data collection was based on an interview study. In total, twelve respondents were interviewed, ten of whom were responsible for adapting to the CSRD in a public company, and two were part of a pilot study. Additionally, the 2022/2023 annual reports from the relevant companies were reviewed to complement the interview data and support the analysis. 

    Conclusion: The study concludes that some companies have made adjustments to their management systems to comply with the requirements of the CSRD. These adjustments include the integration of sustainability goals into strategic planning and performance measurement, as well as the development of new performance metrics that cover both financial and non-financial aspects. Companies have also had to enhance their IT systems to efficiently manage and report sustainability data. The study contributes theoretically by demonstrating how companies adapt their internal management systems to integrate sustainability goals, and practically by providing insights into how these adjustments can be effectively implemented.

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  • Lindqvist, Oliver
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences. Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Education and Teacher's Practice.
    Konsten att straffa elever: En undersökning av folkskolans maktstrukturer och disciplinering i Kalmar stads folkskolor 1911–19632024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study intends to study power structures and discipline within the public school during the period 1911-1963. The questions include studying how family structures expressed themselves within the public school, how disciplinary deviations and disciplinary measures have looked during three different impacts during the period and how discipline has looked between girls and boys and how this result can be used in school education. The source material is taken from the Kalmar City Child Welfare Board's protocol and annual reports. The essay uses two theories, Foucault's theory of power and the gender perspective to carry out the study. The essay uses both a qualitative and quantitative method to work with the source material. The results show different power structures within the public school, how discipline has been exercised and changed during the investigated periods. The essay also shows that disciplinary similarities and differences between boys and girls and which measures have been used to reprimand the students. The results from the essay have also proven useful in history didactics and can be applied in school education.

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  • Svensson, Carl
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology.
    Bader, Martin K.-F.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology.
    Fransson, Ann-Mari
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology.
    Alriksson, Claes-Göran
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Biology and Environmental Science.
    Goude, Martin
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Bergh, Johan
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology.
    Norway spruce productivity in southern Sweden is equally limited by nitrogen and phosphorous2024In: Forest Ecology and Management, ISSN 0378-1127, E-ISSN 1872-7042, Vol. 572, article id 122192Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Nutrient limitation of forest growth, especially nitrogen (N) deficiency, is widespread in the boreal region. N fertilisation has thus become a common silvicultural practice in Fennoscandian Norway spruce stands, but to what extent phosphorus (P) is co-limiting productivity and how initial basal area affects the growth response to N addition remains unresolved. To address these questions, two experiments were established in mid-rotation Norway spruce stands in southern Sweden where decades of high atmospheric N deposition have reduced the severity of N-limitation. In a P experiment initiated in 2011, we tested P addition alone (two applications of 200 kg P ha−1) and in a second study also starting in 2011 (NP experiment), a single dose of N was administered alone (200 kg ha−1 in thinned and unthinned stands, hereafter called N and N-unthinned treatments) and in combination with P (N+P = one-time 200 kg N ha−1, two applications of 200 kg P ha−1 in thinned stands). P addition alone increased PAI (periodic annual increment) significantly by 21 % during the first, moister assessment period up to 2014 and by 18 % in the drier 2015–2019 period, resulting in a 10 % increase in final stem volume yield. In the NP experiment, significant PAI increases under favourable meteorological conditions up to 2014 occurred in all fertilisation treatments. The strongest effects were seen in the N-unthinned treatment while no significant additive effect resulted from the joint addition of N and P (N: +20 %, N-unthinned: +38 %, N+P: +23 %). In the drier 2015–2019 period, only the N+P treatment caused significantly greater PAI (+29 %). Final stem volume yield in the NP experiment significantly increased by 10 %, 39 % and 16 % in the N, N-unthinned and N+P plots, respectively. In both experiments, foliar P and thus P/N rose drastically in response to P addition alone or in combination with N. Minor increases in leaf area index (LAI) only occurred in P-containing treatments. Our findings indicate that Norway spruce productivity in southern Sweden is constrained to a similar extent by both N and P. Sustainable nutrient management in Norway spruce growing regions with high N loading (like southern Sweden) should prioritise P over N supply.

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  • Bergstrand, Daniel
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics, Department of Marketing and Tourism Studies (MTS).
    Åradsson, Felix
    Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics, Department of Marketing and Tourism Studies (MTS).
    The Impact of Transparency, Environmental Sustainability, and Ethical Practices in Marketing: -Shaping Swedish Gen Z's Attitudes Towards Fast Fashion Brands.2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In recent years, there has been a growing focus on how transparency, environmental sustainability, and ethical marketing practices shape consumer attitudes, particularly among younger demographics. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how these factors influence Swedish Generation Z's attitudes toward fast fashion brands. Specifically, this study aims to understand the impact of transparent, environmentally sustainable and ethical marketing on the perceptions and preferences of this demographic, providing insights for businesses looking to align their strategies with the values of Generation Z.

    The research centers on the research question: How do transparency, environmental sustainability, and ethical marketing practices influence Swedish Generation Z’s attitudes towards fast fashion brands? To address this question, relevant theories have been examined and integrated to contextualise the analysis of empirical data. A quantitative research method and a deductive approach were employed to gather primary data through surveys, aiming to better understand Generation Z's attitudes towards fast fashion brands.

    The literature review encompasses theories related to (1) Environmental sustainability, (2) Transparency, and (3) Ethics in marketing. Based on this review, a conceptual framework (Figure 4) was developed to illustrate the correlations between these theories. 

    The empirical results were then examined in relation to the concepts introduced in the literature review. The findings indicate that transparency, environmental sustainability, and ethical marketing are highly valued by Swedish Generation Z. Furthermore, unethical practices significantly damage consumer attitudes. These insights demonstrate the substantial influence of these factors on the attitudes of Swedish Generation Z, suggesting that adherence to ethical, transparent, and environmentally sustainable practices is crucial for fostering positive consumer attitudes within this demographic.

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  • Najafi, Carl
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Upprepning och uppräkning: Aspektskiften i efterkrigstidens experimentella poesi2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Drawing upon Wolfgang Iser’s concept of Appellstruktur, this study examines changes in aspect and a particular type of indeterminacy. The notion of Appellstruktur is herein calibrated for its application in the analysis of neo-avant-garde poetry. The study of poetic indeterminacy can be said to encompass two major forms of uncertainties: those pertaining to the semantic interpretation of a text, and those concerning the interpretation of form and the appropriate method of reading (which usually precedes the semantic interpretation). While previous scholarship has predominantly addressed the former, this study focuses on elucidating the reading process and the interpretative conditions surrounding particular texts.

    The material consists of texts written by Claude Closky, Reinhard Döhl, Åke Hodell, Ernst Jandl, Aram Saroyan, and Sonja Åkesson. The particular type of poem studied here can be understood both as repetitions and enumerations. The study demonstrates that this duality takes the form of an aspectual shift and elaborates in detail on how this shift manifests in the act of reading. Moreover, the study demonstrates the general usefulness of the Iserian concept of Appellstruktur in facilitating the analysis of individual elements (and relations among these elements) within very short texts, such as the poems under consideration.

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  • Ohlsson, Gunilla
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Den kommunala kommunikationspolicyns innehåll, språk och funktioner: En text- och intervjubaserad diskursanalys2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Kommunikation har fått en allt större betydelse inom den svenska myndig­hets­världen, där myndigheter för­vän­tas kommunicera internt och externt om sitt arbete. Kommuner har därför tagit fram egna styrdokument för kom­muni­kation i form av kom­munika­tions­policyer. Studiens syfte är att undersöka den kommunala kommunikationspolicyns inne­håll, språk och funktioner samt att analysera vilka diskurser som framträder. I studien undersöks tolv kommunika­tions­policyers funktioner dels utifrån policydokumentens inne­­hållskompo­nenter, dels genom en inter­vju­studie med informanter från sex kom­muner. I studien ingår även en översiktlig kvalitativ analys av de språkliga dragen värde­ord samt pronomenet vi i satser med eller utan olika modus.


    Studiens resultat visar att kommunikationspolicyerna fyller en framförallt styrande funk­tion, men även en viss marknadsförande och legitimerande funktion, vilket fram­kommer både i policydokumentens innehållskomponenter och i intervjustudien. Kom­munika­tions­policyerna fungerar som en vägledning för kommunikation samt beskriver kom­mun­ernas förhållningssätt till kom­mu­nikation. Policydokumenten fungerar också som verktyg för ökad måluppfyllelse. Närvaron av värdeord i policyerna stödjer bilden av policy­doku­mentets funktioner, samtidigt som de abstrakta värdeorden kan bidra till tolkningssvå­rig­heter av policydokumentens innehåll. De diskurser som framträder är ryktbarhetens, produktionens, det civilas samt marknadens principer. Jämfört med tidigare forskning visar studien att det skett en viss förskjutning i fråga om vilka dis­kurser som dominerar.

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  • Billeng, Sofia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    När livet ser på2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts), 20 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    När livet ser på handlar om Nora som arbetar som sjuksköterska på en psykiatrisk avdelning. När hennes killes bror Lukas försökt ta livet av sig blir han inlagd på hennes avdelning och hon gör allt i sin makt för att hjälpa honom må bättre. Men när han efter att ha blivit utskriven tar livet av sig kommer hennes gamla depression upp till ytan igen och hon måste kämpa för både sig själv, sina patienter och mot den tystnadskultur som råder och som fick Lukas att må så dåligt.

    Det här arbetet tar vid efter hans självmord.

  • Almgren Bäck, Gunilla
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Psychology.
    Förebygga, överbrygga, utveckla: Tal-till-text och dess potential att främja elevers textproduktion i grundskolan2024Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Textual expression is essential for academic achievement and future societal participation. Writing and reading are integrated processes, with reading improving textual coherence and clarity. A substantial proportion of students face challenges in compulsory school due to reading and writing difficulties or dyslexia. However, assistive technology (AT) is available in wordprocessing programs and may support many students' text production. Speech-to-text involves dictation, while text-to-speech enables listening to text. This dissertation in psychology examined AT's effect on students' text production.It also focused on strategies for introducing speech-to-text, students' experiences of AT, and the potential complementary role of this technology in schools' instruction of text production.

    The dissertation comprises four studies involving 202 students, mainly aged 9–12 years. Studies I-III included students with reading and writing difficulties, or dyslexia, while Study IV included students with varied skills.Study I, a randomized controlled trial, investigated an AT intervention's effect mainly on reading skills and listening comprehension. A follow-up, Study II, was conducted five years later. This study comprised a qualitative thematic analysis of interviews with a subset of participants from Study I. The aim was to describe their experiences with AT in the school setting. Study III used a multiple-baseline single-case design to explore a practice-based AT intervention's effects on text production. Study IV compared speech-to-text with keyboarding using a repeated-measures group design.

    Results demonstrate that speech-to-text can support text production among students with reading and writing difficulties or dyslexia. Individual variations in outcomes necessitate tailored support. For students of these ages, results indicate improvements in text length, accuracy, and vocabulary diversity.Text-to-speech can aid in effective re-reading and editing of text. Students' experiences with AT highlight both opportunities and challenges in school.These experiences encompass the school's support, students' perspectives on AT and dyslexia, and their utilization of AT during their school years.

    Addressing speech recognition errors and optimizing AT use in the school environment is essential to prevent difficulties in its application. This approach facilitates employing speech-to-text for compensatory and remediating purposes in students' text production development.

    Results are discussed in the context of cognitive theory of text production and AT theory, incorporating practical implications for schools and future research.

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  • Gottfridsson, Emilia
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Johansson, Annie
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Lärares attityder till användningen av transspråkande: En intervjustudie med mellanstadielärare2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på mellanstadielärares syn på transspråkande, hur synsätten avspeglar sig i deras undervisning och på elevernas möjligheter till lärande. Studien har en teoretisk utgångspunkt i sociokulturell teori och Ruíz ramverk för språkliga hierarkier. Materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare och analyserades därefter genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Av resultatet framgår det att lärarna hade en positiv attityd till transspråkande vid tolkning av fenomenet som en metod för att utveckla det svenska språket, men en negativ inställning till transspråkandets användbarhet för elever med tillräckligt utvecklad svenska. Lärarna använde transspråkande inslag för att säkerhetsställa att eleverna utvecklades, men ingen av lärarna använde transspråkande undervisning fullt ut trots att de var medvetna om ett antal strategier och verktyg. Tolkningen av resultatet visar att lärares icke-användning av transspråkande undervisning riskerar att bilda språkliga hierarkier som kan resultera i exkludering och försämrade möjligheter tilllärande. De lärare som integrerar transspråkande i undervisningen motverkar i stället att språkliga hierarkier skapas, vilket gynnar elevernas identitets- och kunskapsutveckling.

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  • Svensson, Sara
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Kareem, Hawraa
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Att läsa högt i klassrummet: En studie på högläsningens effekt på läsförståelse och läsutveckling hos elever i årskurs F-32024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie undersöker högläsningens effekt på läsförståelse och språklig utveckling hos elever i grundskolan. Trots högläsningens långvariga närvaro i pedagogiken och dess bevisade effektivitet, kvarstår behovet av att djupare utforska och förstå dess roll i ett föränderligt utbildningssammanhang, särskilt med tanke på de digitala alternativ som dagens elever står inför. Studien syftar till att identifiera och analysera högläsningsmetoder och dess inverkan på elevernas läsfärdigheter genom att integrera kvantitativa och kvalitativa forskningsmetoder, inklusive observationer och intervjuer med lärare från olika pedagogiska bakgrunder.

    Fokus ligger på att utforska hur högläsning kan anpassas för att maximera dess fördelar i olika lärmiljöer och för elever med olika inlärningsbehov. Resultaten förväntas ge insikter om vilka specifika högläsningsstrategier som är mest effektiva för att främja läsförståelse och språkutveckling, samt hur dessa metoder kan integreras med digital teknologi för att bibehålla elevers engagemang och koncentration.

    Genom att adressera dessa frågor, syftar studien till att bidra till den pedagogiska forskningen genom att presentera evidensbaserade strategier för hur högläsning bäst kan användas som ett verktyg för att stärka elevers läsfärdigheter. Vidare diskuteras de pedagogiska implikationerna av resultaten, med avseende på lärarutbildning och läroplansutveckling, för att stödja elevers allsidiga utveckling i enlighet med aktuella läroplaner.

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  • Sundgren, Viktor
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sport Science.
    Fotbollens talangutvecklingsmiljö: En utredning mellan olika akademiverksamheter2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Bakgrunden till studien grundar sig i ett tidigare arbete om svensk talangutveckling. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och jämföra talangutvecklingsmiljöer inom svenska och utländska akademier. Den teoretiska ramen för arbetet består av tre olika teorier som visar vilka faktorer inom en talangutvecklingsmiljö som anses som viktiga och påverkbara. De teorier som applicerats i arbetet är, Fahlström, Glemne och Linnérs (2016) UPF-modell, ATDE-modellen som är baserad på Bronfenbrenners bio-ekologiska modell för mänskligt utvecklande (Larsen, Alfermann, Henriksen & Christensen, 2013) och ESF-modellen som är baserad på Scheins organisationspsykologi (Henriksen. 2010a). Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi i form av intervjuer och litteraturstudier. I studien genomfördes sju intervjuer varav två var utländska akademier som sedan analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att flera av akademierna arbetar med talangutveckling på flera av nivåerna som olika teorierna anser som viktigt och ligger närmast spelaren. De tydligaste faktorerna är tränare, experter och spelare både enligt teorierna och de intervjusvar som angetts. Resultaten visar även att ekonomiska förutsättningar är något som ligger centralt inom alla akademier och är en stor avgörande faktor i hur akademins förutsättningar är. 

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  • Sundgren, Kristofer
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sport Science.
    Skillnader i utfallsmått mellan män och kvinnor efter främre korsbandsrekonstruktion: en systematisk litteraturöversikt2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Women appear to have poorer outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) and rehabilitation of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, particularly concerning subjective reports of pain and function. An outcome measure that has not been extensively studied is quadriceps strength.

    Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to examine the literature on outcome measures such as pain, perceived function, and quadriceps strength following ACLR in women compared to men. The review sought to answer questions about the factors influencing outcome measures in the rehabilitation of ACL injuries in women and what is documented about the strength ratio between the injured knee and the contralateral side in women and men after rehabilitation.

    Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted according to PRISMA and SBU guidelines. Literature searches were performed between 231116–240325, in four databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Medline, and SPORTDiscuss. Studies meeting the inclusion criteria were assessed for methodological quality using SBU's assessment templates.

    Results: Eight studies reported functional outcomes following ACLR, with several indicating that women had worse results on instruments such as KOOS, IKDC, PASS, and Tegner Score compared to men (Ageberg et al. 2010; Costa et al. 2022; Cristiani et al. 2020; Grassi et al. 2021; Pichler et al. 2023). However, two studies (Barnett et al. 2020; Lowenstein et al. 2021) showed that women had better results on certain outcome measures. Regarding pain, women generally reported higher pain levels according to VAS, KOOS, and IKDC (Ageberg et al. 2010; Cristiani et al. 2020; Grassi et al. 2021), whereas Lowenstein et al. (2021) did not find significant gender differences. Five studies investigating quadriceps strength showed mixed results: women often had lower improvement and strength compared to men (Arundale et al. 2018; Kuenze et al. 2019; Schwery et al. 2022), while Barnett et al. (2020) found that men had worse strength at 6 months postoperatively, and Sherman et al. (2020) reported no differences between genders regarding quadriceps torque and power.

    Conclusion: The findings from this review reinforce previous results indicating that women often report worse subjective outcome measures regarding function and pain after ACL reconstruction. The results are less clear for objective outcome measures such as quadriceps strength and strength ratios between the injured knee and the contralateral side. Further studies examining gender differences in outcome measures between men and women after ACL injury and reconstruction are needed to optimize treatment strategies and rehabilitation.

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  • Blomberg, Ludvig
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Jakob, Erlandsson
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Swedish Language.
    Högläsning i klassrummet: En empirisk studie om lärares praxis och perspektiv2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här studien undersöker lärares uppfattningar och metoder angående högläsning som verktyg för undervisning och språkutveckling i tidiga skolår. Med en fenomenografisk analysmetod analyserades intervjuer med tre lärare för att urskilja olika kategorier av uppfattningar och arbetsmetoder. Resultaten visar att lärarna betonade vikten av regelbundenhet och planering av högläsningstillfällen och de belyste även utmaningar i att hitta lämplig litteratur som passar elevernas olika behov och nivåer. Lärarna uttryckte även ett personligt engagemang för läsning och såg sig själva som ambassadörer för läsning med målet att inspirera eleverna att utveckla deras intresse för läsning. Dock identifierades externa faktorer såsom tidsbegränsningar och krav från läroplanen som betydande hinder för att kunna genomföra effektiva högläsningsmetoder.

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  • Lorentzon, Amanda
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Design.
    Through the Looking Glass: - An Exploration of Transition Through Different Lenses2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report is a part of a Master’s project focusing on the ongoing transition within the Kingdom of Glass, a community centered around the art of glass-making in Småland, Sweden.

    Glass-making was first introduced in Sweden during the 1500s. Since then, it has taken on many different shapes and purposes, endured struggles, and continuously reinvented itself to adapt and survive. It has embedded itself not only in the region’s own history but also grown to become a part of the Swedish cultural heritage.

    For over a century, the Kingdom of Glass has both thrived and struggled. However, in recent years, the frequency of setbacks has increased. Dealing with pandemics, war, and nationwide economic crises has resulted in more and more glassworks and studios having to shut down. As the Kingdom of Glass grows smaller, questions start to arise such as - could this be the beginning of the end for the Kingdom of Glass?

    Throughout this project I have conducted interviews, and field studies, designed a collection of mirrors, and actively participated in its production to try and decipher the significance glass holds within the region of Småland. I have collected as well as pre- sented the results of my findings, along with a reflective analysis of the current transi- tion, and proposed strategies for the implementation of sustainable design principles moving forward.

    With the hope of this paper acting as a platform and mediator in order to gain the attention of those who can assist in ensuring a future for the Kingdom of Glass.

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  • Hussein, Aldrgham
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Building Technology.
    Alabed, Evan
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Building Technology.
    Hållbar stadsutveckling: Förbättring avrörligheten och attraktivitet mellan Strömsnäsbruk och Luhrpasset2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This report investigates the possibilities of improving the infrastructure in the Luhrpassetand the entrance to the nearby community of Strömsnäsbruk, aiming to create a moreattractive and functional environment. The area, strategically located near the E4highway, faces challenges and insufficient infrastructure. The aim is to developpedestrian and bicycle paths to enhance accessibility and safety for both residents andpassersby. The objective is to optimize the existing conditions to create a safer,aesthetically pleasing, and functional environment around Luhrpasset by integratingproposals and illustrations into a cohesive plan for the area.

    Through literature reviews, a current state analysis, and interviews with localstakeholders, challenges, and opportunities for the area's development are identified. Thecombination of these three methods provides a comprehensive and clear picture of thechallenges and needs of the area.

    After gathering and analyzing the results, the report presents a proposal based on thecollected data. The proposal includes detailed action plans and illustrative images thatvisualize future changes. The recommendations encompass improvements to the road andtraffic environment, enhancements to the pedestrian and bicycle path network, andaesthetic improvements to create a more inviting and functional environment. 

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  • Alhomsi, Dani
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Faced with a challenge, the student aiming for success does not give up: Translating English free adjuncts and non-finite postmodifiers into Swedish2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates the translation of present participial, past participial and adjectival free adjuncts and the translation of non-finite postmodifiers in a Swedish translation of an English-language non-fiction text.

    Similarly to previous studies, coordination proves to be the most frequent translation strategy for the translation of present participial free adjuncts. The translation strategy proves useful for maintaining the ambiguity of the source text in the target text, but also for the early placement of main verbs in clauses. In contrast to present participial free adjuncts, the most frequent strategy for past participial and adjectival free adjuncts is translating the free adjuncts into main clauses. The use of the strategy is motivated by the fact that it allows the early placement of main verbs in clauses. The strategy is also used for following the Swedish principle of “one thought–one sentence” and the principle of iconicity.

    There are significant differences in the translation of different non-finite postmodifiers. Translating postmodifying ing-clauses into relative postmodifying clauses is the most frequent strategy. The reason relates to the fact that postmodifying ing-clauses can often be paraphrased into relative clauses in English. The relative postmodifying clause strategy is also the most frequent strategy for the translation of postmodifying ed-clauses. However, postmodifying ed-clauses are also often turned into prepositional attributes, which is not the case for postmodifying ing-clauses. Many different strategies have been used for the translation of postmodifying infinitive clauses, although the most frequent strategy is to translate the postmodifying infinitive clause into an infinitive attribute. 

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  • Nilssson, Natalia
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Verhaltensauffällige Stubentiger: Eine Analyse von Übersetzungsstrategien bei deutschen Substantiv- und Adjektivkomposita ins Schwedische2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The focus of this paper is to investigate the translation strategies used for translating German noun and adjective compounds into Swedish. Though the possibility of constructing compounds exists in both languages, this type of word formation seems to be more productive in German, also constructing longer compounds than Swedish and to a higher extent. This discrepancy results in a challenge for translators, who need to resort to other constructions to render the same meaning.  The study is based on the self-prepared translation of Dexel’s (2013) practical guidebook for cat owners Von Samtpfoten und Kratzbürsten and investigates the frequencies of the different strategies used when translating compounds from German into Swedish. The results show that noun compounds are translated as compounds more often than adjective compounds, which in more cases have to be translated as phrases. The same discrepancy can be noticed in regard to the length of the compounds. Longer compounds are more often translated as phrases than shorter ones.  The main reason for the discrepancies stated above are differences in the stylistic norms of both languages – German is often considered to be more nominal, whereas Swedish seems to prefer a more verbal mode of expression.  

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  • Blume Normington, Maria
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Translating interpersonal language from English to Swedish: Engagement markers and Appreciation in a Lonely Planet travel guidebook2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study considers how ‘interpersonal language’ in an English guidebook is translated into Swedish. Interpersonal language, how a writer communicates with the reader of a text, involves linguistic features that serve to bring the writer and reader closer together, or further apart. When translating interpersonal language, the new target readers need to be regarded, as they may have different expectations on the text. The study explores interpersonal language through the linguistic features of ‘engagement markers’ (Hyland 2005) and ‘Appreciation’(Martin & White 2005) and investigates what the differences and similarities are in the use of these in the (ST) and the target text (TT). The material consists of exerpts from an English guidebook and the Swedish translated version. The analytical method used is the framework of ‘metadiscourse’ to realise the engagement markers of second-person pronouns and imperatives and the theory of ‘Appraisal’ to investigate evaluative language through Appreciation. The results show that the ST contains more interpersonal language in total than the TT, specifically in terms of the engagement marker second-person pronoun you. Notably, the use of imperatives is more comparable between the ST and TT, although strategies for translating, omitting and adding imperatives to the TT were varied. As for evaluative language realised through Appreciation, the ST and TT are very similar, both with high numbers of these features. Within the subcategory of Valuation, the TT has more added features, bringing the level of interpersonal language through Appreciation higher than in the ST. The study concludes that although culturally close, the Swedish and English writing conventions and guidebook registers do have differences in their interpersonal language that translators need to be aware of.

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    Translating interpersonal language
  • Petersson, Niklas
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Translating hedged history: A study of hedges and their translations in academic writing within the field of history2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 40 credits / 60 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates how hedges in English academic writing are translated into Swedish. The study is based on a chapter from the book A cultural history of the medieval sword: power, piety and play by Robert W. Jones, and the translation of said chapter, made for this study. The hedges present in the source material, consisting of lexical verbs, modal verbs, adverbs and adverbials, adjectives and nouns, are analysed in terms of frequency, as well as the translation strategies of retention, modification and omission. The quantitative analysis found that in both the source text and the translated text, adverbs and adverbials were the most common type of hedges, followed by lexical verbs and modal verbs. Most of the hedges were retained in the translation, meaning that they were translated with a hedge of similar meaning, use, and modal strength, which indicates that the two languages share similarities in the ways they express epistemic modality. The qualitative analysis found that modifications occurred through word class shifts or changes to modal strength, and that they often occur for stylistic reasons, or to make the text appear more natural in the target language. Omissions occurred mostly when bigger changes were done to the sentence in order to make it idiomatic in the target language. 

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  • Engelmark, Anna
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Blinda fönster och stumma rum: Kroppsmetaforer i Herbjørg Wassmos Tora-trilogi2024Student thesis
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  • Dahlberg, Peter
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of computer science and media technology (CM).
    Stålgren, Mattias
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of computer science and media technology (CM).
    Data Collection Framework for Predicting Migraines Using Machine Learning2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Migraines are intense, throbbing headaches often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea and sensitivity to light, sound, and odors. In order to help treat migraines, machine learning can be used to forecast attacks before they happen. Migraines affect around 1 billion people globally and can seriously affect one's life, therefore any improvements to migraine treatment has great importance. In this project, a framework is developed for gathering and storing migraine related data in a secure and efficient manner. This is done using a design science method to implement a time series database combined with an API solution using an architectural style known as REST. In order to test the system's capability of being used for machine learning purposes, two simple machine learning tests using ARIMA and Prophet were conducted, and the results show that the developed system is capable of being used for machine learning purposes. The system's performance was also tested by performing load testing with a varying number of users, and the results showed that the system was functional and the performance can be improved with horizontal scaling.

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  • Public defence: 2024-09-27 13:15 N1017, Växjö
    Martinsson, Joel
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
    When Political Ethics Meets Political Practice: Dilemmas, Virtues & Vices in the Swedish Parliament2024Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In this dissertation, I offer a novel perspective on what happens when political ethics meets political practice by exploring how Swedish parliamentarians reason about ethical dilemmas related to transparency, honesty, and compromise. Additionally, I study what parliamentarians consider to be the most challenging ethical dilemmas, the most important virtues, and the most problematic vices. Drawing on 74 in-depth scenario based interviews and using a multi-stage analytical framework, I empirically show how several under-theorized aspects of political dilemmas are critical to how parliamentarians’ reason about everyday political dilemmas.

    Transparency, often seen as a cornerstone of democratic accountability in the literature, is considered by parliamentarians in relation to how it affects their political independence, appearance, and judgment. Honesty, a virtue often mentioned by parliamentarians, is, I argue, more about avoiding lying than always speaking about everything that is true. Compromising, generally viewed favorably in the literature, was in practice challenged by the difficulties in upholding and properly communicating the theoretically crucial difference between making a compromise and finding consensus. In the chapters on virtues and vices, I show how a multi-theme and multilevel perspective illuminates the role of virtues and vices in politics overall and their influence on how parliamentarians reason about dilemmas.

    Theoretically, a key contribution lies in the introduction of powerlessness as a central aspect for understanding what political dilemmas are, who faces them, and how they are handled. Moreover, by synthesizing the results from the empirical chapters with previous literature, I show how three additional analytical categories are critical for understanding how politicians reason when they face political dilemmas: the ethical sphere in which the dilemma occurs, the optics of the action taken, and how they have demarcated their responsibility.

    These results inform the literature on political dilemmas, particularly those in the ‘dirty hands’ genre, by underlining previously under-theorized aspects of political dilemmas. The dissertation also makes a methodological contribution by introducing an empirical method that future studies can use to operationalize, explore, and analyze political dilemmas.

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    Martinsson, Joel. When Political Ethics Meets Political Practice.
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  • Omodunni, Martha
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
    CLIMATE CHANGE AND GENDER EQUALITY IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: A CASE STUDY OF RURAL AND URBAN COMMUNITIES IN LAGOS, NIGERIA.2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This research examines the intersection of climate change and gender equality and the differences in rural and urban communities of Lagos state, Nigeria. By using a case study methodology, the research comprises a case analysis of Lagos and a comparative analysis between its rural and urban areas to investigate the differential impacts of climate change on gender equality. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders, including community leaders, NGO representatives, and residents, supplemented by an online questionnaire to give a wider range of perspectives. The theoretical frameworks of Intersectionality and Vulnerability helped guide the analysis and highlighted the factors that intersect to influence gendered experiences of climate change. Secondary data was obtained from findings within the broader literature. This study reveals that climate change heightens existing gender issues, particularly in education and economic opportunities, with rural areas experiencing more severe impacts due to limited resources and infrastructure, whilst urban areas are better equipped but still face unique challenges related to urbanization and environmental changes. Recommendations are provided for policy interventions and future research to address these problems, emphasizing the need for gender-responsive climate policies and inclusive community engagement. Overall, this research contributes to the body of work on climate change and gender equality.

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  • Nystedt, Magnus
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Music and Art.
    Att spåra Hans-Georg Gadamers spel i en konstpedagogisk aktivitet2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis is based on Hans-Georg Gadamer's thoughts on the encounter with art as play. Gadamer believed that when a person comes into contact with a work of art, the work of art reveals itself and invites to play. If the invitation is accepted, the play follows as a to-and-fro motion that can end in transformation into structure, which is the moment when truth emerges.

    The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the development of art education practice by planning and implementing an art education activity. The question that the thesis tries to answer is which traces of Gadamer's play can be identified in an art educational activity.

    To achieve the purpose of the thesis and answer the question, an art educational activity was planned and carried out with 16 participants at the Aguéli Museum in Sala, Sweden. Seven of the participants also volunteered for personal interviews about their experience.

    The results indicate that several characteristics of Gadamer's play can be found in the art education activity. It is possible to distinguish the prejudices of the participants, a to-and-fro motion in the form of shifting between parts and the whole, as well as the end of the game (transformation into structure).

    In addition to the identified traces of Gadamer's play, the thesis points out that it is clear that there were numerous plays going on during the activity, even if it was initially conceived as one. That has implications for and can be used to shape future art education practice.

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  • Tadsen, Nina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Music and Art.
    När offentlig konst inte talar för sig själv: Konstpedagogikens roll för upplevelsen avkonstsamlingar på statliga arbetsplatser2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis examines the effects of public art and the role of art education in public art through a case study at the Swedish Employment Office’s accounting department in Kristinehamn, where the Swedish Public Art Agency recently placed a new art collection. A staff survey showed that the art has positive effects such as improving the work environment and increased wellbeing. However, effects are stronger and more positive for respondents with interest and prior knowledge about art (high aesthetic fluency), while respondents with low aesthetic fluency prove to be more indifferent to the art and express difficulties understanding abstract and non-figurative artworks. The art collection does not create a local connection - the art agency’s efforts to include local artists and the theme of work remain unrecognised by most of the staff. The art is also not experienced as particularly meaningful or as encouraging critical thinking or dialogue. Instead, it is mainly seen as decorative and pleasing.The case study continues with a participant-oriented art educational activity in the form of an art conversation. Paul J. Silvias appraisal theory gives valuable insight into how interest in art arises and what is needed to actively foster more interest. The art conversation creates curiosity and teaches tools to handle the complexity of artworks in a group. The activity results in a deeper experience and understanding of the artworks, an active discussion among the participants, sharing of knowledge within the group, and increased interest in the art collection as well as art in general. This shows that art education is important for the experience of public art, reaching a broader audience and fulfilling national goals for public art. Despite this, art education is widely unprioritized and underfunded at various public art agencies in Sweden, and many existing educational activities are aimed at an audience interested in art, often in major city areas. The thesis concludes with an overview over the work of various art agencies in Sweden to suggest possible solutions for these issues.

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    När offentlig konst inte talar för sig själv - Konstpedagogikens roll för upplevelsen av konstsamlingar på statliga arbetsplatser - Nina Tadsen
  • Cevizovic, Peppe
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Music and Art.
    Per Gessle - persona, performance och autenticitet: En formel-ett artistliv2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Huvudsyftet i denna studie var att undersöka hur artisten Per Gessle i sina tre karriärer – Gyllene Tider, Roxette och som soloartist – utvecklar och iscensätter sin persona. Persona studeras utifrån performance och autenticitet, dessa tre begrepp är också huvudbegrepp i detta arbete. De teoretiska perspektiven för dessa tre huvudbegrepp är hämtade från flera författare, utifrån dessa författare skapades en teoretisk modell som används som verktyg i studien av persona. I modellen finns också fyra andra parametrar som inbördes är kopplade till de tre huvudbegrepp. Som bakgrund i undersökningen används flera biografiböcker vilka utgör en del av empirin tillsammans med ljud- och videoinspelningar från intervjuer hämtade online. Utöver detta är en intervju gjord med Micke ”Syd” Anderson som används i diskussionsdelen. Resultatdelen är kronologiskt indelad i fem etapper mellan åren 1977 – 2024 och i diskussionsdelen följer därefter samma kronologiska mönster, där teoretiska perspektiv kopplas med empiriskt material. Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att Gessle positionerar sig via de olika parametrarna som finns i den teoretiska modellen, ut till performance men också till autenticitet, med låttexter, musikvideor och röstens utveckling, som tillsammans med publikens förnimmelse skapar en persona som en multipel konstruktion. Studien utgör också en vidare grund till liknande framtida undersökningar.

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  • Sjögren, Ida
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Music and Art.
    Elevinflytande i musiken: En fenomenografisk studie om musiklärares uppfattningar av elevinflytande på högstadiet2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to explore how music teachers’ perceive student influence and how they talk about implementing student influence in their teaching, which is based around the Swedish compulsory school curriculums’ (Lgr22) guidelines for student influence. The study uses a qualitative method and semi-structured interviews with four certified secondary school music teachers. Phenomenography is used as a theoretical framework, and method for analysing different perceptions among the teachers. The result shows a variation in the teachers’ perception about student influence, and how it should be implemented. All teachers in this study implement student influence to a varying degree. The curriculums’ guidelines are questioned by some of the teachers, whether they are feasible in all aspects. Other teachers see the guidelines and student influence as a natural part of their music teaching, and involve the students in planning and evaluating their lessons. Student influence is implemented by all teachers when it comes to choosing what instrument they want to play. In other areas, like choice of songs to play, there is a clear difference whether they let students choose, or if they as teachers decide all songs. The study also shows that the teachers see a positive connection between student influence and increased motivation and interest among the students. Building positive student - teacher relationships is also seen as an important factor for the way student influence is implemented, although for different reasons among the teachers. Despite their different perceptions and ways of implementing student influence, a common goal for the teachers is to develop the students’ musical learning and abilities to reach their full potential. 

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  • Weli, Hiba
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Religionskunskapens möjligheter och utmaningar: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om gymnasielärares erfarenheter av att undervisa i ämnet religionskunskap2024Student paper other, 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper deals how some teachers think regarding teaching religion in a Swedish upper secondary school in Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the possible issues that teachers face concerning the syllabus by means of an interview study. The main question if there is any specific challenges that teachers go trough in their teaching experience in the first coarse in religion for upper secondary school. If there is challenges, then what is it and can they be managed? My theory is interactionism and is about how the individuals interact with eachother and not about the individual person in the society.

    The purpose of my essay is to describe and analyze religious teachers experiences of their teaching, their didactic considerations and as teaching practice, in religious education in upper secondary school. What is the conclusion? The main obsticles all the teachers face is how the content in the course syllabus is too vast and intricate so fifty points for the whole course is simply to little. Religious science teachers want to raise the coarse points from fifty to 100 points.

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  • Velasquez Salazar, Juan Pablo
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Design. Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Informatics.
    Ståhl, Åsa
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Design.
    Tham, Mathilda
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Design.
    Lee, Yan Ki
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Design.
    Svanberg, Tobias
    IKEA, Sweden.
    The Systemic Value of Water at Home: Social norms, behaviours, and design2023In: PROCEEDINGS OF RELATING SYSTEMS THINKING AND DESIGN, RSD12, Georgetown University Press, 2023Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Access to clean and healthy water in households is a global concern. Although the value of water is recognised, human actions demonstrate the opposite. Uncontrolled consumption, increasing drylands, deterioration, and pollution of water sources are some manifestations of the human water footprint. These actions evidence a paradox of value, a discrepancy between the intention and the action of water care. To this extent, and to decipher this paradox, this research project was conducted through design where the systemic value of water was studied in the context of Swedish households. The central question was to identify what are those values, mindsets, norms, behaviours, and lifestyles associated with the use of freshwater in households. In addressing this question, theories such as social norms, behaviour, and systems, as well as local, regional, and global projects, were reviewed, and the behaviour was mapped with the help of open surveys, as well as with stakeholders involving a technical expert from government, design teachers and industry-connected designers with the intention of revealing the systemic value of water. As a result, two areas of the system emerged that are useful for guiding design efforts to reduce the intention-action gap. The first area focuses on mapping norms and behaviours with respect to value preferences and expectations. These norms and behaviours were organised into levels of product and service design and systemic, organisational, and social design. The second area identified twenty behavioural components that were grouped into four factors related to the functioning of motivation, education, information, and social relations that increase the water value gap.

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  • Erazo Coral, Harley Jaime
    et al.
    Univ of Caldas, Colombia.
    Velásquez, Juan Pablo
    Univ of Caldas, Colombia.
    Mapping through the design of restorative practices for adolescents linked to the system of criminal responsibility in Colombia2024In: Revista 180, ISSN 0718-2309, no 53, p. 82-102, article id 1162Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The starting point for the development of this article was the experience of a graphic designer dedicated to the care of adolescents in conflict with the law in Colombia, and a doctor in design and creation dedicated to academia, who coincide in their research interests in systemic design, an approach that allowed to address from a creative discipline a complex social problem, which had not been contemplated before. For this reason, the aim of this study was to address a complex social problem such as the restorative practices implement-ed in a System of Criminal Responsibility for adolescents. From an exploratory study, results were obtained regarding the characteristics that restorative practices have or should have and the problems of the adolescents that they address, which emerged after the application of a systemic design tool called giga-mapping, which consisted of a collaborative work between adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age and professionals who accompany the restor-ative processes of minors in conflict with the law in Colombia. This research exercise through the design allowed to know on the one hand, the variables of the restorative practices from the point of view of the study population and on the other hand, the categories of the systemic design tool used throughout the research process.

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  • Public defence: 2024-10-04 10:00 Sal Lapis, Hus Vita och via Zoom, Kalmar
    Ingvarsson, Emelie
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Older adults' involvement and participation in coordinated care transitions from in-patient care to home2024Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The growing number of older adults with chronic diseases challenges already strained healthcare systems. Transitions between healthcare settings, such as moving from in-patient care to home, carry risks in fragmented healthcare systems. Despite the recognized importance of increased patient involvement in addressing healthcare challenges, significant challenges persist in care transitions from in-patient care to home, particularly for vulnerable older adults with chronic diseases.

    Aim: To describe and generate knowledge regarding older adults' involvement and participation in coordinated care transitions between healthcare and social care services, from in-patient care to home.

    Method: This thesis is based on two studies. Study I had a qualitative descriptive design. Data were collected using individual interviews (n=17) and analyzed using inductive qualitative content analysis. Study II had a QUAL + qual mixed-method design. Data comprised two simultaneously collected datasets, including healthcare and social care records, coordinated individual plans, and discharge plans (QUAL), and individual interviews (qual) with older adults (n=15) concerning specific care occasions. These were analyzed using thematic analysis.

    Results: Older adults recounted experiences of being the main character of their care transition, but not always being involved. This was apparent through varied experiences of having insight into, being involved in, and/or having an impact on their care transition process. The outcome was an experience of mismatch between the expectations of planned support after discharge and the actual needs (Study I). Study II highlighted significant inadequacies in how healthcare professionals documented individual plans, including discharge plans and coordinated individual plans. The records often failed to accurately reflect the extent of older adults' participation in the planning and decision-making process. Similarly, the documentation within both healthcare and social care records inadequately captured the level of involvement of older adults. Despite these shortcomings, care coordination among healthcare professionals was generally effective, although important information was not always communicated to the older adults themselves.

    Conclusions: The results indicate that although care transitions for older adults discharged from in-patient care to home are generally well coordinated among healthcare professionals, there are shortcomings in ensuring older adults' involvement and participation in planning and decision-making regarding their care and support.

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  • Olofsson, Tommy
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Harding blåser av dammet2024In: Axess, ISSN 1651-0941, no 6, p. 62-63Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En gång i tiden ansågs Lord Byron vara den störste av engelska romantiker. Nu har hans dikter åter översatts till svenska, skriver Tommy Olofsson.

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  • Bereketab, Adam
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Building Technology.
    Berg-Bruksås, Jack
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Building Technology.
    Effekt av stålstabiliseringssystem på prestanda av flervåningsbyggnader i stål2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In recent centuries, there has been a growth in the population of larger cities, where buildings have started to be constructed vertically to preserve green spaces. This has led to higher exposure to wind loads, which buildings need to be stabilized against. Steel stabilization systems are used to stabilize structures against horizontal loads such as earthquakes and wind. Common designs used for multi-story buildings and examined in this study include X-, V-, inverted V-, and diagonal designs. The diagonal design is also examined in an additional variant, referred to as the Z-design.

    The choice of which design to use for an optimized structure can depend on several different factors, some of which include the amount of material, cost, and performance of the structure. Without the dimensioning and analysis of the stabilization systems based on aspects of performance, material consumption and cost, the choice of stabilization system can lead to weak stabilization capability or over-dimensioning, which in turn leads to increased material consumption and cost. The purpose of this work is to develop a technical basis for an optimized construction based on the aforementioned factors. The purpose will be achieved through sub-goals which involve calculating loads, dimensioning and modeling of stabilization systems and also comparing material consumption, cost, and performance of the different stabilization systems.

    The modeling of construction systems with different designs was conducted in the SAP2000 program, while calculations of loads, dimensioning of elements and calculations of material quantities and costs were carried out in MathCad. The obtained data is then used to conduct a comparison and analysis to identify the design that isoptimal in terms of performance, material consumption and cost.

    The inverted V-design was found to be the optimal based on an overall assessment considering performance, material quantity and cost. Although the V-design is the cheapest and the X-design results in high performance, the inverted V-design was the optimal solution due to its low cost and material consumption as well as high performance. The diagonal design has weak stabilization capability and relatively high cost and could directly be excluded as the optimal design. Similarly, the Z-design could also be excluded as the optimal design due to its high cost and relatively weak stabilization capability. 

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  • Hjelm, Katarina
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Hadziabdic, Emina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Who seeks care and for what reasons at a nurse-led walk-in center in an immigrant-dense area: A quantitative survey2024In: Public Health Nursing, ISSN 0737-1209, E-ISSN 1525-1446, Vol. 41, no 4, p. 664-674Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    To describe who seeks care and for what reasons at a nurse-led primary healthcare walk-in center in an immigrant-dense area. Studies evaluating the use of nurse-led walk-in centers in primary healthcare, emphasizing migrants, are limited. Due to language difficulties and a healthcare system based on telephone consultations, access to care is limited/problematic for the care seeker and the healthcare provider. The center aims to provide migrants and Swedish-born persons equal access to primary healthcare. Care was integrated into a healthcare center with a multi-professional environment, offering Arabic and Somali interpreters.


    Cross-sectional descriptive registry study.


    All consecutive patients visiting during 1-month.


    Most individuals (70%) seeking care at the nurse-led walk-in center were non-European migrants from Syria, Iraq and Somalia, but Swedish-born persons (30%) also consulted the clinic. Women, middle-aged, and lower-educated patients dominated. Reasons for seeking care included different kinds of pain, ear/nose/throat issues, and skin problems. Migrants prioritized non-specific pain and dizziness/headaches, while Swedes sought help primarily for upper respiratory tract infections. About 25% of the migrants needed interpreters, mostly females.


    The nurse-led walk-in center provides accessible care in a multi-professional team, if needed, serving migrants and Swedish-born persons, promoting equal healthcare for all.

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  • Bekteshi, Kastriot
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Rättviseföreställningar i hushållsarbetsfördelningen bland svenska familjer: En kvantitativ studie utifrån familjesociologi om rättviseföreställningar baserat på ISSP 2012-data i Sverige2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines perceptions of fairness regarding household work among women and men in Sweden. Data were collected through an international survey with a Swedish sample group. The results show significant differences in perceptions of a fair distribution of household work between genders, with women still bearing a larger share of the household workload. Women who perceive themselves as doing a fair share of household work spend on average three weeks more on household chores per year than men who share the same perception. These internalized gender roles persist despite women's increased presence in the labor market and attainment of greater social and economic independence. Drawing on Nancy Fraser's theory of justice, the importance of both distributive and recognition aspects of justice is emphasized to understand gender dynamics within households. A more equitable distribution of work and support for household chores from one's partner correlates with higher overall well-being, highlighting the importance of recognizing individual contributions to family life. The study illustrates how these differences in the division of household labor affect women's opportunities, leisure time, and work-life balance. The implications of the findings extend beyond the household and shed light on broader societal issues related to justice. To extend the understanding of these issues and potential interventions, the study recommends further research exploring the interplay of gender in household labor in contemporary times. This research contributes to our understanding of the complex gender dynamics and underscores the importance of addressing issues of justice and equality based on the distribution of household work among Swedish families.

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  • Bekteshi, Kastriot
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.
    Translokala relationer: En studie av kosovoalbanska migranters erfarenheter i Tyskland: En kvalitativ undersökning av migranters identitetsskapande, tillhörighet, framtidsplaner och kontaktnät i diasporan2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    In an era of increased global migration, this study investigates how Kosovo-Albanian migrants who arrived in Germany after 2015 maintain and negotiate their translocal relations, identities, and future plans. Based on semi-structured interviews with 10 migrants aged between 23-38 and grounded in theories of social memory and socially expected duration, the study reveals how migrants maintain active ties to Kosovo through family contacts and cultural practices. These translocal relationships shape migrants' identities and future plans, with traditions and modernity intertwined. Over time, migrants' plans shift towards long-term projects in Germany as their social positions evolve. The study highlights migration as a dynamic process where translocal relations, identities, and plans are constantly renegotiated, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of contemporary global migration. Results suggest the need for policies responsive to migrants' complex realities and point to avenues for future research on sustainable solutions in an increasingly mobile world.

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  • Lantz, Emelie
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences. The Swedish Fire Research Foundation, Sweden;West Blekinge Fire and Rescue Service, Sweden.
    Nilsson, Bengt
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology. Agunnaryd Voluntary Fire Brigade, Sweden.
    Elmqvist, Carina
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences. Region Kronoberg, Sweden.
    Fridlund, Bengt
    Svensson, Anders
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.
    Experiences and actions of part-time firefighters’ family members: a critical incident study2024In: BMJ Open, E-ISSN 2044-6055, Vol. 14, article id e086170Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Objectives The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences and actions of part-time firefighters’ family members in rural areas in Sweden.Design The study had an inductive descriptive design and used the critical incident technique.Setting Rural areas, primarily served by a part-time fire station, across Sweden.Participants The study included 25 participants (21 females and 4 males) with experiences of being a family member of a part-time firefighter. Family members who themselves served as firefighters were excluded.Results Being a part-time firefighter’s family member was described into three main areas of experiences: ‘affecting everyday life’, ‘dealing with uncertainty’ and ‘being in this together’. Actions taken were divided into two main areas: ‘pursuing adaptations’ and ‘alleviating difficulties’.Conclusions Family members of part-time firefighters faced increased responsibility at home, managing personal inconvenience and frustration. They offered emotional support for the firefighter, however, expressing a need for guidance on handling firefighters’ emotions and mental health after call-outs. Despite their crucial role, they often felt unrecognised by the fire and rescue service. Nonetheless, they took pride in their firefighter’s contribution to the community and noted positive impacts on the family.

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  • Fagertun, Denise
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Cultural Sciences.
    Bilden av en värdig ledare: En analys av 1600-talets kvinnliga ryttarporträtt med fokus på makt och genus2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Equestrian portraits have long been studied regarding questions of power and masculinity. In these studies equestrian portraits depicting women have, perhaps due to their small numbers, been regarded as a few exceptions whose existence do not disturb the general conclusion of what an equestrian portrait means or what its purpose is. The genre is so characterized by its portrayal of masculinity that it is almost synonymous with the early modern ideal male attributes, such as valor, physical strength, leadership and military ability. When a woman is portrayed riding a horse we can safely assume that it is not with the same meaning as when a man is, still it is to me inevitable not to ask oneself what purpose the portrayal of a woman in a genre so closely linked to masculinity serves. For obviously there are many alternative, less masculine, ways of portraying a woman. What made this alternative attractive enough and socially acceptable? The aim of this comparative study is therefore to describe in what way women in equestrian portraiture were depicted and to compare this to their male counterparts in order to further discuss what might lie behind their similarities and differences and how this affects our interpretation of these artworks.

    Through iconographic analysis and interpretation this study concludes that equestrian portraiture of women in many ways follow the same artistic conventions and uses the same expressions of power and superiority as their male counterparts. The metaphor of the rider as the worthy leader can be applied to the women as well but not without a compromise of what characteristics distinguish a good, or even great leader and the characteristics associated with femininity and female virtue. Women could generally not be portrayed in a military leadership nor be attributed the male characteristics of valor and physical strength. Due to these two traits being thought of as necessary (although not enough on their own) for a completed leadership, women could not fully accomplish all aspects of a leadership. Despite this being a flaw in the metaphorof the rider as a leader the equestrian portrait was a genre that was used to raise, honor and tribute a monarch and their powerful position. This way the equestrian portraiture of women fulfill their purpose nonetheless and give the women thus portrayed an opportunity to be depicted as worthy leaders risen above to a station, a position which was normally reserved for men. They arrive thereby closer to their male counterpart, and to God, but not all the way.

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  • Anjou, Olle
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages.
    Vokabellernen im Fach Deutsch am schwedischen Gymnasium: Eine Untersuchung von verwendeten Lernmethoden des Vokabellernens außerhalb der Schule2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates the methods and results of German vocabulary learning among students in two different grade levels at the Swedish upper secondary school. Through vocabulary tests and surveys administered to students in one beginner’s group and one advanced group, data regarding vocabulary learning methods, time spent on learning outside of school, and perceptions of language acquisition were collected. The findings reveal diverse approaches to vocabulary acquisition, with students utilizing resources such as Glosor.eu or dictionaries and employing methods like repeated writing and reading. Additionally, the study explores students’ understanding of new words. Furthermore, the study examines the variability in learning habits and time allocation among students in both groups. The results of the vocabulary tests show that both learning methods and time are important factors when working with vocabulary. The method of repeated writing is giving the best results in vocabulary tests, and after that comes the group that spends between 10 and 30 minutes a week on vocabulary learning. 

  • Gustafsson, Martin
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    Magnusson, Emil
    Linnaeus University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Film and Literature.
    ”För det var mycket roligare och det var mer samarbete och sånt.”: en kvalitativ intervjustudie om korrelationen mellan boksamtal och läslust2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie är att undersöka vilkenundervisningsform, den traditionella läsförståelseundervisningen ellerboksamtal, elever finner vara stimulerande, samt ta reda på huruvida denundervisningsformen kan bidra till ökad läslust för elever. Resultatet bygger påsemistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta elever i årskurs 5-6.Resultatet visar att eleverna anser att boksamtal är en mer stimulerandeundervisningsform än den traditionella läsförståelseundervisningen.Anledningarna till detta visar studien är att eleverna tycker det är roligt att delamed sig av sina tankar kring det lästa, men även få reda på vad sinaklasskamrater tyckte. Detta samarbete kom studien fram till var en primäranledningen till att eleverna fann att boksamtal var en stimulerandeundervisningsform. Resultatet visar även på att elever ser mer fram emot attläsa efter att ha haft boksamtal som undervisningsform. Detta anser studienvisa på en korrelation mellan boksamtal och ökad läslust.

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