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  • 1.
    Abakumova, Olga
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Humanities.
    The use of the prepositions to and with after the verb to talk in British and American English: A corpus-based study2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper is a study of the use of the prepositions to/with after the verb to talk in British and American English. The research is based on the material from the COBUILDDirect corpus, Longman American Spoken Corpus and New York Times CD-ROM. The common and different features of the use of talk to/with in different genres of American and British English as well as in written and spoken English were studied; special attention was paid to the factors which influence the choice of the prepositions. The research has shown that generally talk with is used much less than talk to and probably is undergoing the process of narrowing of meaning. With after talk seems to be used most often to refer to two-way communication while talk to is used to refer to both one- and two-way communication and is, therefore, more universal than talk with.

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  • 2.
    Abalo, Ernesto
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Danielsson, Martin
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Digitalisering och social exklusion: Om medborgares användning av och attityder till Arbetsförmedlingens digitala tjänster2008Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This research report focuses on the users of e-government in a social science perspective. Our aim is to study how different social groups, registered at the Swedish Public Employment Service, relate to the internet, the agency and the services offered on its website (www.ams.se).

    The field of e-government research is dominated by studies that centre attention on the supply side (videlicet research investigating the entrance of IT in organizations and the implications that new technology have to these), while usercentred research (demand side) is still scarce. Our study, focusing on how citizens relate to the internet in general and e-government in particular, therefore helps to bridge a knowledge gap within the field.

    Our survey is based on a questionnaire sent to 2 000 randomly selected persons, all registered at the Swedish Public Employment Service. Of these, 762 job seekers responded, which gives us a frequency rate of 40 percent. The questions asked were related to the job seekers’ usage of and attitudes towards the internet in general and the agency’s webpage in particular, but also to their attitudes to the Swedish Public Employment Service.

    The main results show that social factors, particularly education, play a major role for the job seekers’ ability to use the web based services offered by the agency. People with a lower educational level are less inclined to use the agency’s website, and at the same time they experience the site as more complicated to use. We also found a strong link between the relations to the internet (access, usage, experience and attitudes) and the relations to the agency’s website. Those with advantaged internet relations – mostly well educated people, white collars and people living in bigger cities – also use the agency’s website more diligently and tend to have more positive attitudes towards it (and vice versa). Thus, its necessary to talk in terms of digitally well equipped and less well equipped groups.

    The unequal relations to the internet in general and the agency’s website in particular not only indicate that e-government is more suitable for the digitally well equipped, but that it in fact exclude those with less digital resources. This new kind of exclusion has great implications for the job seekers’ possibilities to enter the labour market, and to act their role as citizens. If e government also means a reformation of the citizen role – in the sense of increased individual responsibility towards the government - not bridging the digital divide will carry even more exclusion to those that’s already excluded.

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  • 3.
    Abalo, Ernesto
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Danielsson, Martin
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Olika publiker, olika livsstilar: Om idrott, kultur och regional utveckling2008Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I föreliggande rapport studeras vilka sociala värden som elitidrotten och kulturen genererar för invånarna i landsortspräglade län som Blekinge, Halland, Kalmar och Kronoberg. Studien syftar till att lämna ett bidrag till den samhällsvetenskapliga idrottsforskningen, och ge ökad kunskap om idrottens och kulturens betydelse för den regionala utvecklingen.

    Studiens material vilar på en postenkät skickad till 1500 slumpmässigt utvalda personer i respektive län. Det sammanlagda antalet besvarade enkäter uppgick till 3181 stycken, vilket ger en nettosvarsfrekvens på 54 procent.

    Rapporten visar bland annat att både idrott och kultur värderas relativt högt och konsumeras i relativt stor utsträckning. Beträffande idrott konsumeras främst breddidrottsliga evenemang, och vad gäller kultur besöks bibliotek och biografer oftare än exempelvis teatrar.

    Studien visar också att de kultur- respektive idrottsintresserade skiljer sig åt vad gäller demografi, men även vad gäller livsstil. De idrottsintresserade har en mer folklig och lantlig prägel, medan de kulturintresserade är att betrakta som en välutbildad kosmopolitisk grupp. Med tanke på de sistnämndas ökade rörlighet är satsningar på kultur ej att förringa. Denna typ av satsningar kan få denna resursstarka grupp att dels stanna kvar i landsorten, dels flytta in till densamma.

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  • 4.
    Abazi, Valbon
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics. Växjö University.
    Emilsson, Jonas
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics. Växjö University.
    Bengtsson, Daniel
    Växjö University. Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Fallstudie på Andritz - Styrkortets utformning och användning: -2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 5.
    Abdulla, Sara
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Den europeiska arresteringsordern: Hjälpande eller stjälpande för mellanstatligt samarbete?2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 6.
    Abdullahi, Abdille
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Component-based Software development2008Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Component-based Software development is a promising way to improve quality, time to market and handle the increasing complexity of software management. However, The component-based development is still a process with many problems, it is not well de_ned either from theoretical or practical point of view. This thesis gives a brief overview of Component-Based Software development and starts with brief historical evolution followed by a general explanation of the method. A detailed discussion of the underlying principles like components, component framework and compent system architecture are then presented. Some real world component stadards such as .net framework, CORBA CCM and EJB are given in detail. Finally, simple fille-sharing-program based on Apache's Avalon framework and another one based on .net framework are developed as a case study.

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  • 7.
    Abrahamsson, Agneta
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Technology and Design.
    Gesällbrevet hänger på håret: Sex gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om gesällbrevet på frisörprogrammet2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose with this lucubration is to investigate hairstylist student’s apprehension about the apprentice diploma. The apprentice diploma is an occupation verification indicating on the hairstylist’s knowledge and competence, and it is the only verification in the business that you can use in order to measure the students knowledge. Three students out of thirty, in year 2009, chose to graduate with an apprentice diploma. Based on these figures I am to investigate six graduating students opinion using qualitative interviews. Another quest is to inform and gain interest about the apprentice diploma.  The result demonstrate what earlier research already shows, amongst other things, that the students no longer have the practical knowledge needed in order to come to a worksite and therefore find it difficult to work as an apprentice. The business expects the students to be self-driven and dissatisfaction from the school and the business increases. Is the occupation as a hairstylist about to loose its profession or are you allowed to call yourself a professional without a proper diploma?


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  • 8. Abrahamsson, Agneta
    et al.
    Agevall, Lena
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Välfärdssektorns projektifiering: kortsiktiga lösningar av långsiktiga problem?2009In: Kommunal ekonomi och politik, ISSN 1402-8700, Vol. 13, no 4, p. 35-60Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 9.
    Abrahamsson, Anders
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Sustainopreneurship - Business with a Cause: Conceptualizing Entrepreneurship for Sustainability2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis presents a tentative definition of the concept of sustainopreneurship - in the most simplified form described as entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainability - “Business with a Cause”. The concept takes its departure from generic entrepreneurship theory development, its extensions and further contextualization into the domains of sustainability, primarily through recent research. A literature review provides core references related to the conceptualization of sustainability entrepreneurship. A claim is made that there is a need for further conceptual development, especially viewed in contrast to the empirical material and experience, when digesting the literature that deals with concepts preceding sustainopreneurship. These concepts are eco-preneurship and social entrepreneurship, as well as current descriptions of sustainability entrepreneurship, including some sources where the word sustainopreneurship in itself is introduced for the first time. The methodological approach used when conducting the literature review is an analytical stance. Additional analysis, integrating and extending the reviewed sources, leads us to a performative definition of sustainopreneurship. This tentative definition is presented as an imagined prospective wordbook entry in a “future history” format. One of the key distinctions in between entrepreneurship in general and sustainopreneurship, is that sustainopreneurship is mission- and cause oriented - business activity is used as a means to solve sustainability-related problems. In short, to turn business activity from being a part of the problem to be a part of the solution.

    This world of ideas is set in contrast to the practical enaction of On a Mission Sweden – Inc. Ass, and the seven brands developed from this business platform – Club PuLS™, DJ Anders, SEEDS Sustainability Investment Fund, SEEDS Magazine, Ignition®, SLICE Services and Publishing™ and S*E*N*S*A. Three of these only reached conceptual stage for future potential launch. Four got established, and of these; one idle, two spun off in their own ventures, and one intended to spin off during 2007. Entrepreneurship as a concept to describe the nature of these ventures was experienced as insufficient, until 2003, when the concept of “sustainopreneurship” was found by serendipity. The conceptual dissatisfaction with “entrepreneurship-as-usual”, together with finding this new concept, made me instantly embrace this concept in the moment when stumbled upon. Another major driver for this work is a strong aspiration to take the abstract, general words and statements from world summits and conferences to the practical, hands on, down to earth, grass-root, local level with real world interaction to make possibilities of the problems related to the sustainability agenda. The ventures created from a time span of over seven years, forms a vast, deep, dense, intense and extremely rich “gross” empirical base from where the study collects its selective “net” material relevant for this study. The methodological approach to make sense and use of these serial and parallel self-initiated and self-experienced venturing processes is enactive research. The enactive research provides an opportunity to test the suggested formulation of sustainopreneurship – from the abstract idea to the concrete interaction. A special form of ethnography is used named self-ethnography. The ventures who have proven to perpetually evolve, develop and sustain are focused; On a Mission Sweden – Inc. Ass. and Ignition®. These ventures have provided the most significant change in both idea development, practice, and effect - both regards my inner world of insight breakthroughs and personal development, and the findings on a more abstract, conceptual, theoretical level. In order to highlight the three key dimensions of the concept, some key courses of events have been selected where they are considered to hold illustrative power: Firstly, the central events before the formalized venturing. Secondly, the milestones singled out during the venturing. Thirdly, some post-venture reflections around the process as such. The ethnographic style of the tales of the field is predominantly realist, with some degree impressionist.

    The final chapter summarizes and presents an intermediary conclusion whether the concept has met the test and also discusses the meaning of the exercise as a whole. My own function is examined and evaluated briefly. The promise of the conceptual introduction is contrasted towards the approaches-as-usual regards the sustainability agenda that introduced the thesis, and some key points are delivered. Venturing in the name of sustainability allows agents to “act outside the box” related to the institutional framework that governs the structures that is set to solve the problems today, equipped with an upgraded mindset, operating with an agility made possible by the flexibility offered by creative business organizing. The quest to make (business) opportunities from the agenda set by sustainability, and organizing upon them in itself creates a sustaining meaning internally within the team to be able to ride through the storms – the same force traditionally driving NGO’s “not-for profit”, now coupled with a good business sense operating “for-profit”, with profit as a means, not as an end in itself - in a new in-between-land named “for prosperity”. When properly understood from knowledge increasing among other stakeholders than the sustainopreneurial teams and their closest supporters and early adopters, the welcoming of sustainopreneurial ventures are destined to increase. Proliferation and diffusion of sustainopreneurship in idea, applied interaction and reflective practice beyond this point can turn sustainability to be the main driver for business activity, internalizing the external sustainability demands as the primary purpose of the business creation and idea, forming its strategic intent, and integrated in its “organizational DNA”. Sustainopreneurship holds the power to give even more leverage to forces emerging from the business world that contributes to sustainability. Throughout the process, a question has been emerging to serve as a new opening for further interaction, where the claim is that sustainopreneurship delivers a good part of the answer;

    How can we innovate and interact in order to reach a critical mass of people and energies to create a sustainable world?

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  • 10.
    Abrahamsson, Claes
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Videokompression och användarnytta2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Digital video är ett område som expanderat kraftigt senaste åren. På grund av avancerade videokompressionsmetoder kan numera en hel långfilm rymmas på mobiltelefonen eller den handhållna videospelaren. Men hur fungerar videokompression och hur hårt kan man komprimera en viss filmsekvens med bibehållen användarnytta? I denna uppsats görs en genomgång för grunderna inom videokompression. Dess förhållande till användarnyttan undersöks genom ett experiment. I detta experiment testas tre videosekvenser komprimerade med tre olika kodekar i tre olika datahastigheter för tre olika experimentgrupper. Slutsatsen av

    denna studie är att det är svårt att hitta en exakt brytpunkt där användaren finner videokvaliteten oacceptabel. Dock kan det konstateras att den högsta datahastigheten(256 kbit/s) genererar hög användarnytta medan den lägsta datahastigheten genererar låg användarnytta. Mellanhastigheten 128 kbit/s får knappt godkänt av testpersonerna.

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  • 11.
    Abrahamsson, Jenny
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Toll, Martina
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Dansa med mig!: En studie om elever och lärares syn på dans i skolan och på fritiden.2009Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Momentet dans i skolan har förändrats genom åren. Syftet med uppsatsen är att, utifrån elever och lärares perspektiv, undersöka i vilken utsträckning dans förekommer i skolan. Dessutom är syftet att se elever och lärares syn på dans i skolan och på fritiden. Undersökningsgruppen som låg till grund för resultatet var 150 elever i år 9 och sex lärare i idrott och hälsa. Metoderna i studien var enkätundersökning och intervjuundersökning. Resultatet visar att eleverna och lärarna i idrott och hälsa är eniga om vilka danser som förekommer, men har olika åsikter om hur ofta dans finns med i undervisningen. Eleverna och lärarna har tillräckliga kunskaper i dans i skolan, men eleverna anser inte att de kunskaper de får i undervisningen är till någon nytta på fritiden. Lärarna hävdar att deras kunskaper är tillräckliga för att utöva dans på fritiden. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av lärarna bedömer sina elevers kunskaper likvärdigt. Både eleverna och lärarna är positivt inställda till dans i skolan och på fritiden. Studien visar att eleverna upplever att dansundervisningen är rolig och lätt och lärarna anser att det finns stora möjligheter med dans, men det är svårt att få med sig alla eleverna.

    Sökord: dans, dansundervisning, idrott och hälsa, inställning.

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  • 12.
    Abrahamsson, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Tsehaye, Isau
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Åkesson, Anna
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Vilket val gör företag gällande periodiseringsfonder?: En undersökning om vilka faktorer som påvekar beslutet2006Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Det finns olika valmöjligheter inom redovisning. Vilket val man gör styrs av vilket resultat man önskar visa. Det har just införts en ny lag som innebär att juridiska personer skall ta upp en schablonintäkt för sina periodiseringsfonder och vi bestämde oss för att undersöka vilka val företagen gjort och vilken betydelse olika faktorer har när de ska välja att sätta av till periodiseringsfonder eller ej.

    Vi valde ett deduktivt angreppssätt och de vetenskapliga teorier vi främst utgick ifrån var agentteorin och Positive Accounting Theory (PAT). Vi valde att undersöka om följande faktorer kan ha samband med vilka beslut man tar när det gäller periodiseringsfonderna: bonus till ledningen, företagens skuldsättningsgrad, storlek, bransch och ägarstruktur.

    Vi ställde samman en hypotes för varje faktor och i de fall vår ursprungliga rådata var kontinuerligt kvantitativ testade vi dessa hypoteser med hjälp av så kallade t-tester. I andra fall gjorde vi korstabeller med χ2-test.

    Från PAT är det endast skuldsättningsgraden som påvisar ett svagt samband. Signifikansnivån på de andra två faktorerna, bonus och storlek, var för höga för att visa ett samband och vi falsifierade därmed dessa. Att det inte föreligger något samband kan bero på att vårt urval är för litet eller att teorin inte är direkt applicerbar på svensk företagskultur. Av de två sista faktorerna vi testade var det bara ägarstrukturen som visade ett samband.

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  • 13.
    Abrezol, Caroline
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    New regionalism: the cases of NAFTA and MERCOSUR: How can regional co-operation be explained?2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The end of the Cold War crucially changed the way in which the world is organised and brought an end to what is referred to as the “old” regionalism. A trend towards some form of “new” regionalism has thus been observed during the 1990s. The objective of this thesis is therefore, firstly, to outline the characteristics of the new regionalism in order to examine to what extent the phenomenon is reflected in the reality of regional organisations, and, secondly, to establish which model of co-operation the same organisations can be said to follow. Following this idea, a comparative case study is performed with the selected cases of NAFTA and MERCOSUR, on which a theoretical model for analysis is applied in order to establish whether theories of International Relations, in this case Liberalism and Realism, can explain the emergence and existence of both organisations.

    Results show that NAFTA is less inclined to show signs of the trend towards the new regionalism than MERCOSUR does, and that NAFTA to a larger extent follows a realist model of co-operation, while MERCOSUR follows a more liberal model of co-operation.

  • 14. Accardi, L.
    et al.
    Khrennikov, Andrei
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Ohya, M.
    The problem of quantum-like representation in economy, cognitive science, and genetics2009In: Quantum Bio-Informatics II: from Quantum Information toBio-Informatics, Singapore: WSP , 2009, p. 1-8Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 15. Accardi, Luigi
    et al.
    Khrennikov, Andrei
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Ohya, Masanori
    Quantum Markov Model for Data from Shafir-Tversky Experiments in Cognitive Psychology2009In: Open systems & information dynamics, ISSN 1230-1612, E-ISSN 1573-1324, Vol. 16, no 4, p. 371-385Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We analyze, from the point of view of quantum probability, statistical data from two interesting experiments, done by Shafir and Tversky [1, 2] in the domain of cognitive psychology. These are gambling experiments of Prisoner Dilemma type. They have important consequences for economics, especially for the justification of the Savage "Sure Thing Principle" [3] (implying that agents of the market behave rationally). Data from these experiments were astonishing, both from the viewpoint of cognitive psychology and economics and probability theory. Players behaved irrationally. Moreover, all attempts to generate these data by using classical Markov model were unsuccessful. In this note we show (by inventing a simple statistical test — generalized detailed balance condition) that these data are non-Kolmogorovian. We also show that it is neither quantum (i.e., it cannot be described by Dirac-von Neumann model). We proceed towards a quantum Markov model for these data.

  • 16.
    Ackermann, Daniel
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Kruisman, Tim
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Public attitudes towards the use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Title: Public attitudes towards the use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations

    Background: The importance of the non-profit sector and the commercialization in it is increasing. The organizations have to deal with more competition in the fundraising market on the one hand, and they are on the other hand confronted with people who are blocking the recognition of conventional marketing expressions. Guerrilla marketing is seen as a possibility to penetrate the jungle of marketing and create word of mouth about the organization and its activities.

    Purpose: This thesis evaluates the public attitudes towards the increasing use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations and investigates for which objectives the use of guerrilla tactics in the marketing and communication mix would be accepted.

    Limitations: Though the data for this thesis was collected through questionnaires in Sweden, Germany and The Netherlands, there are no country dependent differences investigated.

    Theory: Classification of NPOs; aims of NPOs; basic model of communication; dynamic model of expectations; relationship between expectation, satisfaction and donations; marketing mix; guerrilla marketing; viral marketing; live buzz marketing; promotional mix; word of mouth.

    Method: Survey with more than 100 participants; interview with the fundraising responsible of Greenpeace Germany

    Findings and Conclusions: The public accepts the use of marketing and communication and the therefore necessary expenditures for the purpose to spread the message and gain donators. Openness and honesty in the NPOs’ behaviour are considered more important than the use of less money for marketing and communication. Guerrilla marketing is not suitable for all aims of a NPO, but is accepted in order to spread the message and increase the media coverage.

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  • 17.
    Ackerot, Magnus
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Technology and Design.
    Rask, Joakim
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Technology and Design.
    Varför bli yrkeslärare?: Vilka uppfattningar har yrkeslärare om den motivation, som behövs för att studera till yrkeslärare?2009Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna undersökning är att med bakgrund av att yrkeslärare inom gymnasieskolan beskrivs som en bristvara, och med tanke på det framtida behovet då bristen på yrkeslärare kommer att öka. Det vi vill belysa är vad som är motivationen och drivkraften för den enskilde individen i att bli yrkeslärare och även vilka drivkrafter som kan få obehöriga lärare att vilja bli behörig. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats. Ett klusterurval gjordes var efter intervjuer genomfördes. Empiriska undersökningen gick ut på att med en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide intervjua ett antal olika personer. I dataanalysen användes Burnards (1991) 5 steg i den så kallade innehållsanalysen, vilket skapade olika teman. Resultatet efter vår undersökning, att den motivation och de drivkrafter som behövs för bli yrkeslärare eller att börja studera för att bli behörig yrkeslärare, är att man skall försöka lyfta fram de positiva sidorna med yrket och det givande mötet med ungdomarna i samhällsdebatten och media. Det är ett fantastiskt trevligt jobb. Att lönen och statusen kan bli bättre samt att det bör vara lättare för den som har goda yrkeskunskaper att komma in på en yrkeslärarutbildning. Oavsett längd på utbildningen så behövs det ett batteri av hjälp och stöd för att man skall klara av utbildningen samtidigt som man kanske både har familj och arbete.


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  • 18.
    Adamska, Joanna
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Karcz, Kamila
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Liu, Rongzhi
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    How to survive as an expatriate in China2006Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The increase of foreign direct investment in China has resulted in the presence of a number of Western expatriates working in Sino–foreign joint ventures. These expatriate managers have to make things work in absolutely new settings. Therefore, without cross-cultural trainings, they may have very stressful experience in China. Understanding of the Chinese culture and Chinese society may ultimately save much frustration and money. With our thesis therefore we would like to explore how companies manage training processes before sending expatriates to China, and prepare them for further knowledge transfer to the employees in China. This has lead us to the following research question: “How do the Western companies manage process of sending expatriates to China?”

    The research is based on the experiences of three companies: IKEA, Texol Technical Solutions and NCR and demonstrates possible means that can be engaged by the companies to facilitate adjustment processes of their expatriates in China. The empirical data were gathered from interviews with managers from the mentioned companies. In order to analyze our empirical findings we present literature that was structured as follows: Training in the international context, training in the Chinese context and communication between expatriate and local employees. Both the literature review as well as our empirical data with analysis aspire to provide the reader with an in depth study of the importance of the selection of the right candidates and the provision of trainings, as it can help both to understand the unique Chinese cultural and business characteristics environment as well as effectively and efficiently to operate in China.

    In our conclusions we present our findings regarding the following issues: support for the expatriates; training of the Chinese employees and importance of communication. Based on our analysis we introduce our recommendations for the three companies, including: Selection of the right candidates, presence of action plans, motivation and incentives, trainings, contact with the company and other expatriates during the assignment and importance of repatriation.

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  • 19.
    Adenier, Guillaume
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Local Realist Approach and Numerical Simulations of Nonclassical Experiments in Quantum Mechanics2008Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Local Realist Approach and Numerical Simulations of Nonclassical Experiments in Quantum Mechanics was constructed.

  • 20.
    ADENIER, Guillaume
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Probabilistic Analysis of the EPR-Bohm Experiment2007Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Bell's Theorem was developed on the basis of considerations

    involving a linear combination of spin correlation functions, each

    of which has a distinct pair of arguments. The simultaneous

    presence of these different pairs of arguments in the same

    equation is investigated, and the implicit counterfactual

    assumption in Bell's theorem is discussed.

    We show how an explicit contextuality can arise from a model

    displaying unfair sampling, and we discuss it in the

    framework of David Mermin's cleverly simple version of Bell's

    theore, which pinpoints in a very straightforward way how

    interpreting entanglement from a realistic point of view can be

    problematic. We present an extended version of Mermin's device

    that can actually be given a straightforward realistic


    We stress that the low efficiency of detectors in all experiments

    with photons makes the use of the fair sampling assumption

    unavoidable. Since this very assumption is false in all existing

    local realistic models based on inefficient detection, we thus

    question its validity. We show that it is no more reasonable to

    assume fair sampling than it is impossible to test, and we

    actually propose an experimental test which would provides clear

    cut results in case of unfair sampling

    We then analyze optical EPR experimental data performed by Weihs et al in Innsbruck 1997-1998. We show that for some linear

    combinations of the raw coincidence rates, the experimental

    results display some anomalous behavior that a more general source state (like non-maximally entangled state) cannot

    straightforwardly account for. We use the fair sampling

    assumption, and assume explicitly that the detection efficiencies

    for the pairs of entangled photons can be written as a product of

    the two corresponding detection efficiencies for the single

    photons. We show that this explicit use of fair sampling cannot be

    maintained to be a reasonable assumption as it leads to an

    apparent violation of the no-signalling principle.

  • 21.
    Adenier, Guillaume
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Khrennikov, Andrei
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Fair sampling and rotational invariance in EPR experiments2007In: The Nature of Light: What Are Photons?, 2007Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    We have previously shown that the use of the fair sampling assumption in EPR experiments could be questioned on the basis of experimental data. We continue our analysis of the data from the optical EPR experimental performed by Weihs et al. in Innsbruck 1997-1998, and we discuss whether a non-rotationally invariant source can account for the experimental results.

  • 22.
    Adenier, Guillaume
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Khrennikov, Andrei
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Fair Sampling vs No-Signalling Principle in EPR experiments2007In: Beyond the Quantum, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore , 2007, p. 181-187Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    We present some recent results of a new statistical analysis of the optical EPR experiment performed by Weihs et al in Innsbruck 1997-1998. Under the commonly used assumption of fair sampling, we show that the coincidence counts exhibit a small and anomalous non-signalling component, which seems impossible to explain by using the conventional quantum mechanics, and we discuss some possible interpretations of this phenomenon.

  • 23.
    Adenier, Guillaume
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Khrennikov, AndreiVäxjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering.
    Foundations of probability and Physics - 42007Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
  • 24.
    Adenier, Guillaume
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering. Mathematics.
    Khrennikov, Andrei
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering. Mathematics.
    Is the fair sampling assumption supported by EPR experiments?2007In: Journal of Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., ISSN 0953-4075, Vol. 40, no 1, p. 131-141Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We analyse optical EPR experimental data performed by Weihs et al in Innsbruck 1997–1998. We show that for some linear combinations of the raw coincidence rates, the experimental results display some anomalous behaviour that a more general source state (like non-maximally entangled state) cannot straightforwardly account for. We attempt to explain these anomalies by taking account of the relative efficiencies of the four channels. For this purpose, we use the fair sampling assumption, and assume explicitly that the detection efficiencies for the pairs of entangled photons can be written as a product of the two corresponding detection efficiencies for the single photons. We show that this explicit use of fair sampling cannot be maintained to be a reasonable assumption as it leads to an apparent violation of the no-signalling principle.

  • 25.
    Adinda, Safahati
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Water Privatization: An optimal and efficient means for developing countries?2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]



    Privatization of goods and services can be a way to limit a firm's or a market's total costs. Water privatization in developing countries has many different reasons. The outstanding reasons are; the need to promote private investment in water sectors so that, national/private water rights and the millennium goals for water can be reached. Privatization is a process of changing a business ownership from a public to a private sector. By this process, the government loses power to the new private owner and the firm and/or market transfers to more business oriented. The private owner has one main goal in the business and that is to maximize the profit.

    Water is a good that we all need in order to survive, regardless our economic conditions, son or later we all have to find a way to satisfy this need. Because of this, water is very important for all human being and a part of the human rights.

    The crucial need of water for our existence and the private firm's goal are conflicting. This has created many commotions around the world and raised questions about how water privatization violates the human rights of UN conventions.  But some people are pro water privatization and some of their arguments are that, privatization limits the government's external borrowing and improve the water distribution system.          


    Key words: Water privatization, Developing countries, Public sector, Private sector

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  • 26.
    Adnerhill, Therese
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    One committee - two institutions?: The Committee of European Affairs in Sweden and Denmark2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In order to have some say and to scrutinise the government all member states of the EU today has established an institution within their national parliaments, the Committee of European Affairs. This institution, however, has very different rights and regulations depending on the country it is established in. This study uses two rather similar countries, Sweden and Denmark, and investigates what differences and similarities the two committees show.

    By constructing a comparative case study of four units of analysis, the governments and committees of European Affairs in Sweden and Denmark, the formal and informal power relationship between government and committee in each country were studied in order to determine similarities and differences and whether the committee had an impact on the governments’ EU policies. Further they were compared, assessing whether the Danish Committee of European Affairs was more powerful than its Swedish counterpart because of its legal basis in an EU document.

    The theoretical framework was built on empirical institutionalism and Lukes’ first and second dimension of power. The similarities and differences were accounted for and compared. In conclusion, the Danish Committee of European Affairs has more formal power than its Swedish counterpart but regarding informal power the Swedish Committee of European Affairs has a slight advantage. Both committees have an impact on the way their government handle negotiations with the EU.

    Keywords: formal power, informal power, the Committee of European Affairs, Sweden, Denmark

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  • 27.
    Afshari, Mazdak
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Technology and Design.
    Östberg, Lina
    Växjö University, Faculty of Mathematics/Science/Technology, School of Technology and Design.
    Helautomatisk växling av svetspistoler med en industrirobot2008Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The paper describes a final thesis carried out on assignment of Motoman Robotics Europe AB in Torsås, Sweden. The assignment was to find a solution for a fully automated switching of welding-guns with a Motoman HP-20 industrial robot. The project has formerly been a development-work with focus on a functioning practical solution. The work has proceeded in close cooperation and guidance from constructors at the company as well as support from our teacher. The result has given us a compact and ecstatically pleasing construction that fulfils the demands that the commissioner has ordered.

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  • 28.
    Agapova, Klavdia
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Läroplanens konkreta spår i det pedagogiska arbetet2006Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det pågår ständigt diskussioner om den senaste läroplanen. Frågor som berör mig mest är:

    vilken ställning jag ska inta i dessa debatter, hur jag kan argumentera mitt val och finns det

    något samspel mellan de praktiska (lärarnas) och teoretiska (läroplanen) överväganden. Då

    har jag bestämt mig att ägna faktabaserade delen av uppsatsen åt studierna av studentlitteratur

    som på olika sätt berör ämnet, styrdokument, tidigare forskning, samt tidningsartiklar. Jag

    ville veta hur skolväsenden utvecklades i Sverige, vilka teorier och riktningar ligger i grunden

    på olika pedagogiska synen på undervisning och kunskapens natur.

    Jag har inriktat mig på läxor för att undersöka det rådande pedagogiska synsättet. Det var ett

    sätt (genom att visa hur hemläxan behandlas) att identifiera och synliggöra de problem som

    skolan brottas med. Den delen bygger jag i stort sätt på att ta del i andras forskning, samt

    genomföra en egen undersökning i form av enkäter och intervjuer. Slutsatser, som jag kom

    fram till, var: att befintliga styrdokument inte följs och att mål- och resultatstyrningen av

    skolan ännu inte fungerar, att lärarna saknar ett eget vetenskapligt kunskapssystem för att

    utveckla sin kompetens och behöver självklart stöd som måste komma i form av utbildning,

    handledning och samtal. Lärare måste intellektuellt övertygas om fördelarna med det nya i en

    skolreform. Till detta krävs dels tid, dels dialog med personer som de känner förtroende för.

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  • 29.
    Agerbjer, Emma
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Social Work.
    Karlsson, Marie
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Social Work.
    SJUKSKÖTERSKORS INSTÄLLNING OCH ANVÄNDANDE AV FYSISK AKTIVITET PÅ RECEPT (FaR®): en enkätstudie2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Bakgrund: Fysisk aktivitet är all kroppsrörelse som resulterar i ökad energiförbrukning. Genom att vara fysisk aktiv så minskar risken att drabbas av flera sjukdomar. Balans och muskelstyrka förbättras och risk för benskörhet minskar. Fysisk aktivitet kan användas både i förebyggande syfte och som behandling av sjukdom. Sedan 2001 har fysisk aktivitet kunnat förskrivas på recept (FaR®). FaR® innebär att en läkare, sjuksköterska, sjukgymnast eller annan legitimerad vårdpersonal kan ordinera fysisk aktivitet på ett liknande sätt som läkemedel.

    Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga inställning till och användande av fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR®) hos sjuksköterskor i primärsjukvården inom Växjö kommun.

    Metod: Metoden som användes var en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som genomfördes på sjuksköterskor på elva vårdcentraler inom Växjö kommun. Svarsfrekvensen var 73 %.

    Resultat: De flesta sjuksköterskorna i studien diskuterade ofta fysisk aktivitet med sina patienter. Inställningen till FaR® var övervägande positiv, en knapp fjärdedel hade förskrivit FaR®.

    Slutsatser: Sjuksköterskor är mycket eller ganska positiva till att ordinera FaR® i förebyggande syfte och merparten av dem är positiva till att ordinera FaR® i behandlande syfte. En trolig slutsats är att FaR® kommer att användas i större utsträckning i framtiden under förutsättning att tillräcklig utbildning och uppföljning görs.

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  • 30.
    Agevall, Lena
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    En professionell lärare och ämbetsman eller utförare, manager, terapeut?2008In: Demokrati och makt.: Vänbok till Lennart Lundquiat, Lund, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift , 2008Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Agevall, Lena
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    När återställningsmekanismerna inte aktiveras:: En problematisering av villkor för sorti och protest2009In: Mellan hantverk och profession: Samhällsvetenskap på klassisk grund. En vänbok till Gunnar Olofsson / [ed] Eva Fasth, Sven Hort & Svante Lundberg, Lund: Arkiv , 2009, p. 67-93Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 32.
    Agevall, Lena
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Välfärdens organisering och demokratin: - en analys av New Public Management2005Book (Other academic)
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  • 33.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Fritzén, Lena
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Johnsson, Eva
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Social Work.
    Jonnergård, Karin
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics.
    Tidens tand - att analysera förändringsprocesser i professionella grupper2009Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Idlinge, Björn
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Ungdomars delaktighet och inflytande i EU-frågor: En utvärdering av Djurens Rätts projekt2006Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 35.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Jenner, HåkanVäxjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Bilder av polisarbete: Samhällsuppdrag, dilemman och kunskapskrav2006Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här antologin ges några bilder av polisarbete. Författarna representerar olika ämnen och har skilda infallsvinklar på frågan. Men sammanhållande teman är samhällsuppdraget – att skydda demokratiska värden – samt de professionella och etiska dilemman och kunskapskrav som är förknippade med uppdraget. Boken har sitt upphov i en seminarieserie om polisforskning som under två års tid anordnades vid Växjö universitet.

    Här diskuteras polisarbete som en uppgift att hantera dilemman, yrkeskulturen, bemötandet av personer med psykiatriska problem, samarbetet med socialtjänsten vid tvångsomhändertaganden, rättstatliga krav, arbetet med inre utlänningskontroll, hur poliser skildras i kriminallitteraturen vilket kan påverka allmänhetens syn och hur genusaspekten tar sig uttryck i utbildningen.

    Boken vänder sig till dem som är intresserade av polisarbete och även till dem som har ett mer övergripande intresse för professionsfrågor och de krav som kan ställas på tjänstemän i en offentlig verksamhet.

    Redaktörerna Lena Agevall, docent i statsvetenskap, och Håkan Jenner, professor i pedagogik, är verksamma vid Växjö universitet.

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  • 36.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Jenner, Håkan
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Dealing with dilemmas: A fundamental task in police work2007In: In Tension between Organization and Profession: Professionals in Nordic Public Services, Nordic Academic Press, Lund , 2007, p. 169-191Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter is based on a survey of Swedish and international police research. A fundamental task in police work is discussed: dealing with dilemmas. These have to be handled in a judiciously way by the police officers, as there are no absolute answers to the question of how to act in various situations. The reasoning is linked to questions about multi-functional organizations and competence.

  • 37.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Jenner, Håkan
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Lärares professionalitet - förmågan att hantera dilemman2008In: När den professionella autonomin blir ett problem, Växjö universitet , 2008Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna antologi bygger på tio kapitel som belyser frågeställningar kring när den professionella autonomin blir problem. Teoretiskt och empiriskt material hämtas från flera olika professioners områden och ger tillsammans en översikt över den forskning som bedrivs vid Forum för Professionsforskning (FPF) vid Växjö Universitet

    Boken vänder sig i första hand till studerande på avancerad nivå inom ämnesområdena arbetsvetenskap, företagsekonomi, pedagogik, polisvetenskap, socialt arbete, sociologi, statsvetenskap och vårdvetenskap. Boken är relevant för utbildningar och vidareutbildningar, liksom för forskare och yrkesversamma som är nyfikna på forskningen inom området.

  • 38.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Jenner, Håkan
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Education.
    Polisarbetet som en uppgift att hantera dilemman2006In: Bilder av polisarbete: Samhällsuppdrag, dilemman och kunskapskrav, Växjö universitet , 2006, p. 13-33 (20 sid)Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Utifrån svensk och internationell polisforskning pekas ett antal dilemman ut, och en diskussion förs om hur de kan hanteras på ett omdömesgillt sätt.

  • 39.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences. Statsvetenskap.
    Jonnergård, Karin
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Management and Economics. Ekonomistyrning.
    Management by documents - a risk of de-professionalizing?2007In: In tension between Organization and Profession: Professionals in Nordic Public Service, Nordic Academic Presss, Lund , 2007, p. 33-56Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    If we have to document our professional action, will we then only perform the actions that we are supposed to document? This question reflects the content of this chapter. The chapter includes a frame of reference for studying control of professionals in organizations and illustration on different types of professional controls.

  • 40.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Olofsson, Gunnar
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Albert O. Hisrchmans liv och verk2008In: Sorti eller protest: En fråga om lojaliteter, Arkiv Förlag, Lund , 2008, p. 7-12Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Agevall, Lena
    et al.
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Olofsson, Gunnar
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Förord till den nya svenska utgåvan av Sorti eller protest2008In: Sorti eller protest: En fråga om lojaliteter, Lund: Arkiv förlag & tidskrift, 2008, p. 13-33Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Förod till Albert O.Hirschmans bok "Sorti eller protest"

  • 42.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    A Science of Unique Events2009In: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, W.W. Norton & Company, New York , 2009, p. 155-179Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 43.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    A Science of Unique Events: Max Weber's Methodology of the Cultural Sciences1999Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
  • 44.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Den akademiska frihetens gränser2006In: Lychnos: Annual of the Swedish History of Science SocietyArticle, book review (Other academic)
  • 45.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Historieämnets legitimitet: Några preliminära frågor2001In: Humanetten, ISSN 1403-2279, no 9Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 46.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Livet i den flytande moderniteten2003In: Axess, ISSN 1651-0941, Vol. 2, no 7, p. 42-43Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 47.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Max Webers Freiburger Antrittsrede: Om migrationsprocesser, social urbäddning och social förändring2001In: Sociologisk Forskning, ISSN 0038-0342, Vol. 38, no 3-4, p. 148-177Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 48.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Mobbning, interaktion och meningsproduktion: Lokala kulturer, individuella trakasserier och kategoriell uteslutning2007In: Social interaktion: Förutsättningar och former, LIber; Malmö , 2007, p. 164-188Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Mobbning som företeelse har en obestämd men med all sannolikhet mycket lång historia. Som begrepp har det däremot en betydligt kortare livstid, och under sitt livslopp har det genomgått viktiga betydelseskridningar. Det vi idag menar med mobbning är inte detsamma som avsågs med begreppet när det först blev en offentlig angelägenhet i slutet av 1960-talet. Den första delen av denna uppsats skildrar den meningsproduktion som, via interaktioner mellan vardagsspråk och vetenskap, har format och omformat mobbningsbegreppet. Historiken är ett preludium till ett teoretiskt bidrag, vars syfte är att ge en ny ingång till studiet av mobbning som företeelse. Mobbningsdiskursens historia har, direkt och indirekt, präglat forskningen på området – forskningens huvudfåra är kvantitativ och individualpsykologisk, med fokus på stabila personlighetskarakteristika hos offer och förövare. Men vid sidan av allfartsvägen har det också vuxit fram alternativ. Ett sådant är Björn Erikssons analyser av mobbning. Det teoretiska resonemang som utmejslas i denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i de mekanismer som Eriksson identifierar. Interaktion och meningsproduktion återkommer här som huvudrollsinnehavare, men nu i en helt annan mening än den som avsågs i beskrivningen av mobbningsdiskursens historia. Nu gäller analysen social interaktion och meningsproduktion inom ramen för begynnande och fullt utvecklade mobbningsrelationer – två faktorer som fått underordnad betydelse i den dominerande forskningstraditionen på området. Arbetet med att vidareutveckla Erikssons teori tar som sin stödjepunkt en sekundäranalys av två hittills orelaterade forskningslitteraturer, barnetnografier och kvantitativa studier av öknamn. Resultatet är ett teoretiskt ramverk som bland annat förmår göra reda för relationen mellan individualiserande mobbning och kategoriellt bundna trakasseriformer som rasism och homofobi.

  • 49.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Om begreppskarriärer: en fallstudie av stereotypiernas väg genom de psykiatriska diagnoserna2009In: Mellan hantverk och profession: Samhällsvetenskap på klassisk grund / [ed] Eva Fasth, Sven Hort & Svante Lundberg, Växjö: Växjö University Press , 2009, p. 173-202Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 50.
    Agevall, Ola
    Växjö University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences.
    Osund kärlek till fel klassiker2004In: Axess: årgång 3, nr.5: 49-51, ISSN 1651-0941, Vol. 3, no 5, p. 49-51Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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