Short abstract: Light focusing on design in society and working lifeThe objective of the project is to study and analyse Design approaches and methods in complex situations, such as public and urban settings and furthermore territorial development strategy, thus exploring the possibilities of creating light and colour solutions that take into account both function, ergonomics, psychological and emotional aspects in public surroundings. It also aims to highlight the design process as a possible methodology for product and service development.
The project stepped out from an initiative launched by the Swedish Ministry ofCulture, to encourage the development and spread of design within the country and was the premise to the ongoing research LCS-light, colour and space.The project made use of a design methodology named ITK - Identity Tool Kit -,in a completely new context, and also of models of the selected locations. It further involved various groups of people in the process, where the figure of the designer wasseen as the central figure within teams made up by students, artists, professionals, political representatives and businessmen cooperating inside an extended network.
A “Light Year” was set up on the basis of a series of considerations spreading overseveral domains implied in Design discipline, where a knowledge platform was builtand design methods were studied. Throughout the course of the Light Year several communication, technical, artistic and educational events including workshops, conferences and other temporary or permanent initiatives were implemented. Then full scale models in the territory followed.
Examining the final results of this broad project several positive facts indicate thatthe main goal of the project, of moving beyond light and colour design and showing the usefulness of design and design method so that design is perceived to be essential for everyone in work and at leisure, and, as well, knowingly work with design and business development and strategic approach, was achieved.
The purpose of the Light year, of clarifying the value of design in everyday life, wasrewarded by the National design prize, and by practical issues of both permanent and temporary events such as light festivals, installations, urban lighting and urban plans, and the creation of new work places.